Reports by Severity
#38634 [SC-Medium] Insufficient validation on offchainTokenData in TokenPool.releaseOrMint allows CCIP message to be executed with mismatched payload potentially leading to loss of funds in cross-ch...
#38066 [SC-Medium] `ProxyFactory` is vulnerable to DoS/Address Hijacking
#38154 [SC-Medium] The offchain data provided to the CLAdapter isn’t properly validated and can be from a different CCIP message, resulting in the freezing of funds
#38342 [SC-Medium] Interchanging `offchainTokenData` between two valid messages
#38363 [SC-Medium] LBTC cross-chain transfer can be DOSed
#38335 [SC-Medium] Attacker can exploit PartnerVault mint small amount to cause LBTC depeg or Protocol Insolvency
#38344 [SC-Low] Old validated messages can not pass proof check when new validators are set
#38137 [SC-Low] `RateLimits` library incorrectly reset the consumed amount when the limit is updated
#38231 [SC-Low] Due to incorrect design in `Consortium::setNextValidatorSet` the validator set could not be set in certain valid scenarios
#38286 [SC-Low] BitcoinUtils.getDustLimitForOutput calculate wrongly the dust limit for a given Bitcoin script public key
#38644 [SC-Insight] Q&A
#38102 [SC-Insight] Due to incorrect design in `BasculeV2::validateWithdrawal` valid transactions will be reverted, which will make protocol unable to mint tokens
#38012 [SC-Insight] Unused Function in CLAdapter Contract
#38116 [SC-Insight] Partner vaults don't account for FireBridge fees, forcing LBTC burn to never work
#38148 [SC-Insight] Unnecessary Storage Pointer Declaration batchMintWithFee
#38189 [SC-Insight] Attacker can grief calls to `lbtc.mintWithFee()`
#38225 [SC-Insight] user funds will get stuck if `removeDestination` executes before notarization and withdraw.
#38257 [SC-Insight] Freezing of msg.value passed in Bridge.deposit() if adapter is address zero
#38341 [SC-Insight] Suboptimal gas usage and ambiguous behavior during fee estimation
#38370 [SC-Insight] Issue Between Comment and Code in Consortium
Reports by Type
Smart Contract
#38644 [SC-Insight] Q&A
#38344 [SC-Low] Old validated messages can not pass proof check when new validators are set
#38137 [SC-Low] `RateLimits` library incorrectly reset the consumed amount when the limit is updated
#38102 [SC-Insight] Due to incorrect design in `BasculeV2::validateWithdrawal` valid transactions will be reverted, which will make protocol unable to mint tokens
#38634 [SC-Medium] Insufficient validation on offchainTokenData in TokenPool.releaseOrMint allows CCIP message to be executed with mismatched payload potentially leading to loss of funds in cross-ch...
#38012 [SC-Insight] Unused Function in CLAdapter Contract
#38066 [SC-Medium] `ProxyFactory` is vulnerable to DoS/Address Hijacking
#38116 [SC-Insight] Partner vaults don't account for FireBridge fees, forcing LBTC burn to never work
#38148 [SC-Insight] Unnecessary Storage Pointer Declaration batchMintWithFee
#38154 [SC-Medium] The offchain data provided to the CLAdapter isn’t properly validated and can be from a different CCIP message, resulting in the freezing of funds
#38189 [SC-Insight] Attacker can grief calls to `lbtc.mintWithFee()`
#38225 [SC-Insight] user funds will get stuck if `removeDestination` executes before notarization and withdraw.
#38257 [SC-Insight] Freezing of msg.value passed in Bridge.deposit() if adapter is address zero
#38231 [SC-Low] Due to incorrect design in `Consortium::setNextValidatorSet` the validator set could not be set in certain valid scenarios
#38286 [SC-Low] BitcoinUtils.getDustLimitForOutput calculate wrongly the dust limit for a given Bitcoin script public key
#38341 [SC-Insight] Suboptimal gas usage and ambiguous behavior during fee estimation
#38342 [SC-Medium] Interchanging `offchainTokenData` between two valid messages
#38363 [SC-Medium] LBTC cross-chain transfer can be DOSed
#38370 [SC-Insight] Issue Between Comment and Code in Consortium
#38335 [SC-Medium] Attacker can exploit PartnerVault mint small amount to cause LBTC depeg or Protocol Insolvency
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