The Voter contract has an issue where users lose their boosted voting weight if they "poke" their vote within the same boosted vote period. This leads to a loss of boosted voting power and can potentially result in unclaimed bribe rewards being permanently frozen in the contract.
Vulnerability Details
The poke function is intended to update the user's voting weight. However, it resets the boost to zero when it re-calculates the vote, as seen in the following snippet:
src/Voter.sol:194:/// @inheritdoc IVoter195:functionpoke(uint256_tokenId) public {196:// Previous boost will be taken into account with weights being pulled from the votes mapping@>197:uint256 _boost =0; ....205:uint256[] memory _weights =newuint256[](_poolCnt);206:207:for (uint256 i =0; i < _poolCnt; i++) {208: _weights[i] = votes[_tokenId][_poolVote[i]];209: }210:@>211:_vote(_tokenId, _poolVote, _weights, _boost);212: }412:function_vote(uint256_tokenId,address[] memory_poolVote,uint256[] memory_weights,uint256_boost) internal {413:_reset(_tokenId); ....419:for (uint256 i =0; i < _poolCnt; i++) {420: _totalVoteWeight += _weights[i];421: }422:423:IFluxToken(FLUX).accrueFlux(_tokenId);@>424:uint256 totalPower = (IVotingEscrow(veALCX).balanceOfToken(_tokenId) + _boost);425:426:for (uint256 i =0; i < _poolCnt; i++) {427:address _pool = _poolVote[i];428:address _gauge = gauges[_pool];429:430:require(isAlive[_gauge],"cannot vote for dead gauge");431:@>432:uint256 _poolWeight = (_weights[i] * totalPower) / _totalVoteWeight; ....439: weights[_pool] += _poolWeight;440: votes[_tokenId][_pool] += _poolWeight;441:IBribe(bribes[_gauge]).deposit(uint256(_poolWeight), _tokenId);442: _totalWeight += _poolWeight;443:emitVoted(msg.sender, _pool, _tokenId, _poolWeight);444: } ....455: }
When the poke function is called (which users may interact with when they want to update the voting power after depositing more token into veALCX), it sets _boost to 0 before calling _vote, leading to a recalculation of voting power without considering the previously accumulated boost (see line 424).
Additionally, the pokeTokens function, which can be called by the admin, also resets the boost, causing the same issue.
Impact Details
Loss of Boosted Voting Weight: Users lose their boosted voting power if they poke their vote within the same boosted period, which can lead to a reduction in their voting influence.
Potential Unclaimed Yield: The loss of boosted weight can result in unclaimed bribe rewards remaining in the contract.
Mitigation Analysis
To mitigate this issue, the poke function should be updated to correctly account for the accumulated boost. The _boost variable should be calculated and passed appropriately to the _vote function. Since boost is only valid for the epoch it was used in, ensure that this information is properly retained and used when recalculating votes within the same epoch.
Proof of Concept
The test can be added to a new file under the current test suite src/test/VotingPoC.t.sol, then specify the file name in FILE flag under Makefile configuration. Run using make test_file
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSEDpragmasolidity ^0.8.15;import"./BaseTest.sol";contractVotingPoCTestisBaseTest {addresspublic alice;functionsetUp() public {setupContracts(block.timestamp);// Setup addresses alice =_makeAddr('Alice'); }functiontestLossOfBoostedWeightAfterPookingInTheSamePeriod() public {uint256 period = minter.activePeriod();// First epoch started hevm.warp(period +1);// Alice start a veALCX postion.uint256 tokenId =_initializeVeALCXPosition(alice, TOKEN_1);address bribeAddress = voter.bribes(address(sushiGauge));address[] memory pools =newaddress[](1); pools[0] = sushiPoolAddress;uint256[] memory weights =newuint256[](1); weights[0] =10000;address[] memory bribes =newaddress[](1); bribes[0] =address(bribeAddress);address[][] memory tokens =newaddress[][](1); tokens[0] =newaddress[](1); tokens[0][0] = bal;uint256 boost = veALCX.claimableFlux(tokenId) + flux.getUnclaimedFlux(tokenId);// Alice Vote hevm.prank(alice);, pools, weights, boost);// Reward amountuint256 rewardAmount = TOKEN_100K;// Notify bribe for reward amountcreateThirdPartyBribe(bribeAddress, bal, rewardAmount);// Current balance of voteuint256 voteBalanceBeforePoke =Bribe(bribeAddress).balanceOf(tokenId);assertEq( voteBalanceBeforePoke, veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId) + boost );uint256 voteTotalSup =IBribe(bribeAddress).totalSupply();// Wrap to half of current period. hevm.warp(period +1weeks+1); hevm.roll(block.number + (1weeks/12));// Alice want to deposit more to his lockdeal(address(bpt), alice,1); hevm.startPrank(alice);IERC20(bpt).approve(address(veALCX),1); veALCX.depositFor(tokenId,1);// Since his token balance grows, he want to poke his vote to grow his vote balance too voter.poke(tokenId); hevm.stopPrank();// Now his vote has become less than before pokeuint256 voteBalanceAfterPoke =Bribe(bribeAddress).balanceOf(tokenId);assertLe(voteBalanceAfterPoke, voteBalanceBeforePoke);// After poking, it only accounts for the balance of token without the boost amount for this periodassertEq( voteBalanceAfterPoke, veALCX.balanceOfToken(tokenId) );// Next epoch started hevm.warp(period +2weeks+1); hevm.roll(block.number + (1weeks/12)); voter.distribute();// After Alice claim his bribes hevm.prank(alice); voter.claimBribes(bribes, tokens, tokenId);// There is unclaimable balance left in the contract assertGt(IERC20(bal).balanceOf(bribeAddress),0); }// Helper functionsfunction_makeAddr(stringmemory name) internalreturns(address addr){ addr = hevm.addr(uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(name)))); vm.label(addr, name); }function_initializeVeALCXPosition(address owner,uint256 amount) internalreturns (uint256 tokenId) { veALCX.checkpoint(); tokenId =_lockVeALCX(owner, amount); }function_lockVeALCX(address owner,uint256 amount) internalreturns (uint256 tokenId) {deal(address(bpt), owner, amount); hevm.startPrank(owner);IERC20(bpt).approve(address(veALCX), amount); tokenId = veALCX.createLock(amount, MAXTIME,false); hevm.stopPrank(); }}