#35815 [SC-Medium] `Market.present_value_borrow` should be roundUp

Submitted on Oct 9th 2024 at 16:11:41 UTC by @jasonxiale for IOP | Swaylend

  • Report ID: #35815

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Medium

  • Target: https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/develop/contracts/market/src/main.sw

  • Impacts:

    • Protocol insolvency



In order to guarantee the contract does not become insolvent, incoming assets should be rounded up, while outgoing assets should be rounded down.

So while a borrower pays debt, his payment should be rounded up. `Market.present_value_borrow` is used to calculate the amount of base token to pay for debt in `Market.withdraw_base` and other functions, but the function has a rounding error.

Vulnerability Details

As Market.present_value_borrow shows ```Rust 1124 pub fn present_value_borrow(base_borrow_index: u256, principal: u256) -> u256 { 1125 principal * base_borrow_index / BASE_INDEX_SCALE_15 <<<--- here should be roundUp 1126 } ```

Impact Details

the contract might be insolvent


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Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

The following Rust code is used to demonstrate that `principal * base_borrow_index / BASE_INDEX_SCALE_15` is rounded down

```bash rustc calc.rs ; .calc 1 1.000000004419746 ```

```Rust pub const BASE_INDEX_SCALE_15: u64 = 1_000_000_000_000_000; // 1e15

fn main() { let principal: u64 = 12345678; let base_borrow_index: u64 = 81000007; println!("{}", principal * base_borrow_index / BASE_INDEX_SCALE_15); println!("{}", principal as f64 * base_borrow_index as f64 / BASE_INDEX_SCALE_15 as f64); } ```

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