Attackathon _ Fuel Network 32270 - [Smart Contract - Low] Inappropriate fuel dce on side affects

Submitted on Mon Jun 17 2024 08:24:54 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @anatomist for Attackathon | Fuel Network

Report ID: #32270

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • Incorrect sway optimization leading to unexpected bytecode



The sway compiler may remove expressions that potentially has side affects during dce pass, and eventually change behavior of program.

Vulnerability Details

The has_side_effect function is used to check whether an operation may have untrackable effects. Any operation with untrackable effect should never be removed by dce optimization. However, the function doesn't has_side_effect function doesn't correctly consider that all arithmetic opcodes may panic on illegal operands or overflows.

pub(crate) fn has_side_effect(&self) -> bool {
    use VirtualOp::*;
    (match self {
        DIV(_, _, _) => self.def_registers().iter().any(|vreg| matches!(vreg, VirtualRegister::Constant(_))),

Thus if dce considers the output of an arithmetic instruction to be "dead", it would remove the instruction regardless of whether a panic may happen due to calculation.

To show what this means, we look at the test case below. Since the result of let c = 1 / 0 is never used, dce removed the div $r70 $one $zero instruction, changing the behavior of the program.

Source Script

fn main() -> () {
    let c = 1 / 0;

Abstract instructions before dce

.2                                      ; --- start of function: strange_panic ---
move $$locbase $sp                      ; save locals base register for strange_panic
cfei i0                                 ; allocate 0 bytes for locals and 0 slots for call arguments.
div $r70 $one $zero
ret $zero                               ; returning unit as zero

Abstract instructions after dce

.2                                      ; --- start of function: strange_panic ---
move $$locbase $sp                      ; save locals base register for strange_panic
cfei i0                                 ; allocate 0 bytes for locals and 0 slots for call arguments.
ret $zero                               ; returning unit as zero

Impact Details

This would potentially change the behavior of programs. The example provided is relatively harmless, but there could be cases where developers rely on a let c = a + b panic to check whether a + b overflows, but otherwise leaves c unused. The incorrect elimination of such instructions would result in removal of such checks.




Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

fn incorrect_neglect_of_side_effects() -> () {
    let c = 1 / 0;

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