Attackathon _ Fuel Network 33267 - [Smart Contract - High] Bug in Multiply and Divide function

Submitted on Tue Jul 16 2024 16:36:28 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @shadowHunter for Attackathon | Fuel Network

Report ID: #33267

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: High



  • Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)



It seems that both multiply and divide function in ifp64.sw,ifp128.sw,ifp256.sw will not work correctly if any one of the number is negative as shown in below poc

Location Similarly for ifp128.sw,ifp256.sw

Vulnerability Details

  1. Lets see how resulting non_negative is calculated while multiplying and dividing

let non_negative = if (self.non_negative
            && !self.non_negative)
            || (!self.non_negative
            && self.non_negative)
        } else {
  1. As we can see it is only checking non_negative param for 1st argument and not on the other.non_negative

  2. So if we multiply -A * B then non_negative becomes true since (self.non_negative && !self.non_negative) || (!self.non_negative && self.non_negative) always remain false

  3. So result will be AB instead of -AB

Impact Details

User who is trusting this library for arithmetic operation can bear huge losses since this will return resulting negative value as positive while multiplying and dividing

Proof of concept

Proof of Concept


use sway_libs::fixed_point::ifp64::IFP64;
use std::assert::assert;

fn main() -> bool {
	// one is negative
    let one = IFP64::min();
    let two = IFP64::from_uint(2u32);
    let mut res = one * two;
	// Due to bug below check fails
	assert(res.non_negative() == false);

    // three is negative
    let three = IFP64::min();
    let four = IFP64::from_uint(2u32);
    let mut res = three / four;
	// Due to bug below check fails
	assert(res.non_negative() == false);


Last updated

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