31112 - [SC - Critical] Bribesolwithdraw doesnt update the totalVotings...

Submitted on May 12th 2024 at 23:48:52 UTC by @crazy_squirrel for Boost | Alchemix

Report ID: #31112

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Critical

Target: https://github.com/alchemix-finance/alchemix-v2-dao/blob/main/src/Bribe.sol


  • The totalVoting tracker can be inflated



Bribe.sol The Bribe.sol contract distributes bribes for a given Gauge. Each Gauge had a Bribe contract attached to it, and each Bribe can accept multiple (up to 16) different tokens as bribes. During each epoch, veALCX stakers can collect bribes for a given gauge if they voted on that gauge in the previous epoch.

  • the total amount of bribe b on pool p claimable by a veALCX NFT with token-ID i during a given epoch n is equal to the proportion of total veALCX power that that NFT used to vote on pool p

Vulnerability Details

In the Bribe.sol contract, the deposit function increases the totalVoting tracker's amount. However during the withdrawal's execution, the totalVoting's value is NOT decreased.

This missing totalVoting decrease directly impacts the voting power checkpointing and calculations by writing the wrong amount:

function _writeVotingCheckpoint() internal {
        uint256 _nCheckPoints = votingNumCheckpoints;
        uint256 _timestamp = block.timestamp;

        if (_nCheckPoints > 0 && votingCheckpoints[_nCheckPoints - 1].timestamp == _timestamp) {
            votingCheckpoints[_nCheckPoints - 1].votes = totalVoting;
        } else {
            votingCheckpoints[_nCheckPoints] = VotingCheckpoint(_timestamp, totalVoting);
            votingNumCheckpoints = _nCheckPoints + 1;

Impact Details


By impacting the variable used in the voting result calculations, this


function deposit(uint256 amount, uint256 tokenId) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter);

        totalSupply += amount;
        balanceOf[tokenId] += amount;

        totalVoting += amount;

        _writeCheckpoint(tokenId, balanceOf[tokenId]);

        emit Deposit(msg.sender, tokenId, amount);
function withdraw(uint256 amount, uint256 tokenId) external {
        require(msg.sender == voter);

        totalSupply -= amount;
        balanceOf[tokenId] -= amount;

        _writeCheckpoint(tokenId, balanceOf[tokenId]);

        emit Withdraw(msg.sender, tokenId, amount);

Proof of Concept

See and compare the following PoC's console.logs.

These will be:

Running 1 test for src/test/PassthroughGauge.t.sol:PassthroughGaugeTest
[PASS] testPassthroughGaugeRewards() (gas: 1406037)
  totalVoting BEFORE the withdrawal 300000000000000000000
  totalVoting AFTER the withdrawal 300000000000000000000

Priot to running forge test --match-contract PassthroughGauge -vvvv --fork-url https://eth-mainnet.alchemyapi.io/v2/{YOUR_ALCHEMY_API_KEY}, paste the following code to the src/test/PassthroughGauge.t.sol file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;

import "./BaseTest.sol";

contract PassthroughGaugeTest is BaseTest {
    uint256 snapshotWeek = 17120807;

    uint256 platformFee = 400; // 4%
    uint256 DENOMINATOR = 10_000; // denominates weights 10_000 = 100%

    function setUp() public {

    // Rewards should be passed through to external gauges
    // Add tests for gauges as they are added
    function testPassthroughGaugeRewards() public {
        uint256 tokenId = createVeAlcx(admin, TOKEN_1, MAXTIME, false);


        uint256 period = minter.activePeriod();


        assertEq(sushiGauge.rewardToken(), address(alcx), "incorrect reward token");
        uint256 sushiBalanceBefore = alcx.balanceOf(sushiPoolAddress);

        address[] memory pools = new address[](1);
        pools[0] = sushiPoolAddress;
        uint256[] memory weights = new uint256[](1);
        weights[0] = 5000;

        // Move forward epoch
        hevm.warp(period + 1 weeks);

        IBribe bribeTest = IBribe(voter.bribes(voter.gauges(pools[0])));



        bribeTest.deposit(300 * 1e18, tokenId);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < pools.length; i++) {
            console.log("totalVoting BEFORE the withdrawal", bribeTest.totalVoting());

        // voter.vote(tokenId, pools, weights, 0);

        bribeTest.withdraw(300 * 1e18, tokenId);

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < pools.length; i++) {
            console.log("totalVoting AFTER the withdrawal", bribeTest.totalVoting());

Notice that the totalVoting amount HAS NOT decreased after the withdrawal.

Last updated

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