#39243 [SC-Insight] Misleading Comment in merge Function Regarding Token Transfers to wrapped1155Factory

Submitted on Jan 25th 2025 at 17:32:48 UTC by @huntercheto for Audit Comp | Butter

  • Report ID: #39243

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Insight

  • Target: https://github.com/immunefi-team/audit-comp-butter-cfm-v1

  • Impacts:

    • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



The merge function in the ConditionalScalarMarket contract contains a misleading comment that suggests only the Long and Short ERC20 tokens are being transferred to the wrapped1155Factory, while it also involves the Invalid, leading to confusion.

Vulnerability Details

In the merge function, the comment inaccurately states that the contract only transfers Long/Short ERC20 tokens to the wrapped1155Factory, while the Invalid ERC20 tokens are also being transferred. This could cause a misunderstanding of the token flow in the contract. The relevant code is as follows:

// Contract transfers Long/Short ERC20 to wrapped1155Factory and gets
// back Long/Short ERC1155.
    conditionalTokens, wrappedCTData.shortPositionId, amount, address(this), wrappedCTData.shortData
    conditionalTokens, wrappedCTData.longPositionId, amount, address(this), wrappedCTData.longData
    conditionalTokens, wrappedCTData.invalidPositionId, amount, address(this), wrappedCTData.invalidData

Impact Details

This is an INSIGHT, as the misleading comment could lead to confusion and misinterpretation of the code.

But this is a CRITICAL issue if the intent was to work only with the Long and Short tokens, as the Invalid tokens are also being transferred, which could lead to unintended behavior.

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

A proof of code is not needed as the issue is straightforward and can be easily identified in the code itself.

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