#37202 [SC-Insight] some checks can be removed since its not required(best practice report, not an issue)

Submitted on Nov 28th 2024 at 18:19:54 UTC by @zeroK for IOP | Fluid Protocol

  • Report ID: #37202

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Insight

  • Target: https://github.com/Hydrogen-Labs/fluid-protocol/tree/main/contracts/trove-manager-contract/src/main.sw

  • Impacts:

    • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



in the function liquidate, there is a check that make sure the borrower trove is in active statue, however this check is not necessary since this check executes in require_all_troves_are_active when the internal_batch_liquidate_troves executed, this is not an issue and can be accepted as best practice or closed by the team( we let the judgment to the teams).

Vulnerability Details

the function liquidate implemented as below:

    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn liquidate(
        id: Identity,
        upper_partial_hint: Identity,
        lower_partial_hint: Identity,
    ) {
        let mut borrowers: Vec<Identity> = Vec::new();
        internal_batch_liquidate_troves(borrowers, upper_partial_hint, lower_partial_hint);

fn require_trove_is_active(id: Identity) {
    let trove = storage.troves.get(id).read();
        trove.status == Status::Active, 
        "TroveManager: Trove is not active",

as it shown above, it checks if the borrower trove is active and then call to internal_batch_liquidate_troves invoked which checks for the same thing for each borrower(or one borrower in case of one borrower liquidated):

#[storage(read, write)]
fn internal_batch_liquidate_troves(
    borrowers: Vec<Identity>,
    upper_partial_hint: Identity,
    lower_partial_hint: Identity,
) {
    // Prevent reentrancy
            .read() == false,
        "TroveManager: Internal batch liquidate troves is locked",

    // Ensure there are borrowers to liquidate
            .len() > 0,
        "TroveManager: No borrowers to liquidate",
    //sanity checks 
    require_all_troves_are_active(borrowers); //@audit same check 


fn require_all_troves_are_active(borrowers: Vec<Identity>) {
    let mut i = 0;
    while i < borrowers.len() {
                .status == Status::Active,
            "TroveManager: Trove is not active",
        i += 1;

the check in liquidate can be removed since the check will be executed in the internal function anyway.

Impact Details

double checking for active borrower is not necessary when liquidating users.


remove the check in the liquidate function(optional)

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

there is no POC to be created to show best practice reports in this case.

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