28773 - [SC - Insight] The function claimWithdrawalFromEigenLayer can ...
Submitted on Feb 26th 2024 at 18:37:32 UTC by @crazy_squirrel for Boost | Puffer Finance
Report ID: #28773
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Insight
Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd9a442856c234a39a81a089c06451ebaa4306a72
Theft of unclaimed yield
Protocol insolvency
The claimWithdrawalFromEigenLayer
function in the PufferVault
is marked as restricted in the NatSpec comment.
However, it doesn't have the appropriate restricted
modifier, and can be called by anyone instead.
Vulnerability Details
Completes the process of withdrawing stETH from EigenLayer's stETH strategy contract
Claims the previously queued withdrawal from EigenLayer's stETH strategy contract
Transfers stETH from EigenLayer's stETH strategy contract to this vault contract
There must be a corresponding queued withdrawal created previously via function
Enough time must have elapsed since creation of the queued withdrawal such that it is claimable at the time of this function call
Impact Details
Provide a detailed breakdown of possible losses from an exploit, especially if there are funds at risk. This illustrates the severity of the vulnerability, but it also provides the best possible case for you to be paid the correct amount. Make sure the selected impact is within the program’s list of in-scope impacts and matches the impact you selected.
Proof of Concept
Last updated
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