Boost _ Folks Finance 33611 - [Smart Contract - Medium] Adversary can perform a DoS on users createLoan and createLoanAndDeposit operation sent from Spoke chain

Submitted on Wed Jul 24 2024 14:23:04 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @nnez for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #33611

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Medium



  • Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)



A loan position is represented by a loan struct, each with a unique 32-byte identifier, loanId. Before using the protocol's lending/borrowing features, users must create a loan. Users can freely choose their loanId if it is not already taken by other users.

Two actions are used to create loan, createLoan and createLoanAndDeposit and users can perform these actions via SpokeCommon and SpokeToken endpoint. Here is the execution flow when users try to perform these actions on Spoke Chain.

Let's say Alice initiates a transaction by calling createLoan or createLoanAndDeposit from Spoke Chain

-- Spoke Chain --
--> SpokeCommon/SpokeToken#createLoan --> Wormhole Network
-- Hub Chain --
--> Wormhole Relayer --> Wormhole Adapter --> BridgeRouter --> createLoan on Hub

There will be a delay before the transaction reaches the Hub Chain and is executed on the BridgeRouter contract. If someone else creates a loan with the same loanId as Alice's, her transaction will revert and be stored in the failedMessages list.

Although there is a retryMessage function as a fallback, Alice's transaction will always revert because the loanId is already taken by someone else. Alice would have no choice but to reverseMessage in the case that she initiated the transaction using createLoanAndDeposit, in order to get her token back.

This opens an attack vector for adversaries to DoS other users, preventing them from performing createLoan and createLoanAndDeposit and using the protocol's lending/borrowing features.

Attack Scenario

  1. Alice initiates a transaction on Spoke Chain to perform createLoanAndDeposit on Hub Chain

  2. Eve notices Alice's transaction and proceed to perform createLoanAndDeposit with Alice's intended loanId on SpokeToken endpoint on Hub Chain (No delay)

  3. When Alice's transaction arrives on Hub Chain, it will revert.

File: /contracts/hub/LoanManager.sol
function createUserLoan(
    bytes32 loanId,
    bytes32 accountId,
    uint16 loanTypeId,
    bytes32 loanName
) external override onlyRole(HUB_ROLE) nonReentrant {
    // check loan types exists, is not deprecated and no existing user loan for same loan id
    if (!isLoanTypeCreated(loanTypeId)) revert LoanTypeUnknown(loanTypeId);
    if (isLoanTypeDeprecated(loanTypeId)) revert LoanTypeDeprecated(loanTypeId);
    if (isUserLoanActive(loanId)) revert UserLoanAlreadyCreated(loanId); @<-- The loan creation will revert if the loanId is already taken

    // create loan
    UserLoan storage userLoan = _userLoans[loanId];
    userLoan.isActive = true;
    ... snipped

File: /contracts/hub/LoanManagerState.sol
function isUserLoanActive(bytes32 loanId) public view returns (bool) {
    return _userLoans[loanId].isActive;


  • Griefing, preventing users to execute createLoan and createLoanAndDeposit function. In the case of createLoanAndDeposit, users are forced to reverse message back, thus, costing them the cross-chain messaging fee.

Recommend Mitigation

  • Consider incorporating user's specific unique identifier in loanId. I'd suggest incorporating msg.sender in loanId, this leaves ample room for loan number (12 bytes).

Proof of concept


A test file in the secret gist demonstrates the following:

  • createLoanAndDeposit will fail if loanId is already taken by attacker.

  • retryMessage on that transaction will also always revert.


  1. Run forge init --no-commit --no-git --vscode.

  2. Create a new test file, FolksGrief.t.sol in test directory.

  3. Put the test from secret gist in the file:

  4. Run forge t --match-contract FolksGrief -vvvv

  5. Observe in two events MessageFailed and MessageRetryFailed emitted in call traces and the reason starts with 0xdcbc8448 which corresponds with UserLoanAlreadyCreated error.

Last updated

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