28862 - [SC - Insight] Static MIN_CHANGE threshold and lack of relativ...
Submitted on Feb 29th 2024 at 04:53:58 UTC by @cheatcode for Boost | eBTC
Report ID: #28862
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Insight
Target: https://github.com/ebtc-protocol/ebtc/blob/release-0.7/packages/contracts/contracts/BorrowerOperations.sol
Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)
Vulnerability Details
The _requireZeroOrMinAdjustment function enforces debt/collateral changes to either be 0 or >= MIN_CHANGE, currently set to 1000 wei.
Over time as EBTC loses value relative to ETH, this 1000 wei minimum could become negligible compared to typical CDP sizes. This could allow borrowers to leave tiny "dust" amounts of debt/collateral in their CDPs.
Tracking and closing out these tiny debt amounts has several disadvantages:
It wastes gas to perform operations on insignificant debt values
It creates unnecessary storage updates when dust debt is adjusted
It clutters the accounting of CDPs and the overall system
It can make liquidations more difficult when negligible amounts are left in CDPs
Proof of concept
Reference: https://forum.badger.finance/t/ebtc-builder-update-january/6145/1
Additionally, there is 1000 wei units minimum change of debt and a 1000 wei minimum change to collateral on user operations.
Allowing tiny debt amounts could open the door for griefing attacks:
An attacker repeatedly borrows "dust" amounts from CDPs, forcing the system to track and close out useless micro-debts. This wastes gas.
Small amounts are left in CDPs about to be liquidated, requiring a more complex liquidation process to handle the dust.
Attackers could open CDPs with the minimum debt, wasting storage tracking barely used CDPs.
By leaving MIN_CHANGE
static, any amount >= 1000 wei is permitted, even if negligible in dollar terms. There is also no check preventing tiny adjustments relative to total CDP amounts.
Last updated
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