IOP _ ThunderNFT 34791 - [Smart Contract - Low] Incompatibility with SRC might lead to inability of

Submitted on Mon Aug 26 2024 16:33:48 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @jecikpo for IOP | ThunderNFT

Report ID: #34791

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



The RoyaltyManager is checking for collection ownership when a user wants to register royalty info for one. The collection's owner is checked against the calling Identity. The interface of checking the ownership is not compatible with SRC5 Sway standard and hence is prone to issues which could result in inability to register royalty information.

Vulnerability Details

Currently the Ownable interface is implemented in the following way:

abi Ownable {
    fn owner() -> Option<Identity>;

    fn admin() -> Option<Identity>;

however as per the SRC5 standard the owner() method must return State enum object of the following definition:

pub enum State {
    Uninitialized: (),
    Initialized: Identity,
    Revoked: (),

which makes it incompatible.

Impact Details

Currently the verification works, because of how calldata is structured on the contract to contract calls. The calldata verification is loose right now when it comes to types. This however might change with future versions of Fuel and if so it will cause an issue as sellers would not be able to register their royalty information and hence would not be paid royalties.

Proposed Solution

Change the ownable_interface.sw implementation to make it SRC5 compatible:


use std::identity::Identity;

pub enum State {
    Uninitialized: (),
    Initialized: Identity,
    Revoked: (),

abi Ownable {
    fn owner() -> State;

    fn admin() -> Option<Identity>;

    fn is_admin(identity: Identity) -> bool;

the admin function could be left as is, however as per the current admin standard library implementation it is better to add the is_admin() which looks more compatible with the said library:


Ownable interface:

Proof of concept

Proof of Concept


Last updated

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