#35794 [SC-Insight] `Market.absorb` can be called when `Market.supply_collateral` is paused

Submitted on Oct 8th 2024 at 14:25:27 UTC by @jasonxiale for IOP | Swaylend

  • Report ID: #35794

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Insight

  • Target: https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/develop/contracts/market/src/main.sw

  • Impacts:

    • Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield



In current implementation, `storage.pause_config.supply_paused` is used to enable/disable `Market.supply_collateral` and `Market.supply_base` function, and `storage.pause_config.absorb_paused` is used to enable/disable `Market.absorb` function.

And function `Market.absorb` only checks if `storage.pause_config.absorb_paused` in main.sw#L598.

The issue is that in a case that `Market.supply_collateral` is paused, but `Market.absorb` is not paused, if the collateral token's price goes down, the borrower can't call `Market.supply_collateral` to add collateral token, nor call `Market.supply_base` to repay his debt.

At the same time, other users can call `Market.absorb` to absorb his collateral assets, which causes the borrower loses assets

Vulnerability Details

As the following code shows: Market.supply_collateral uses `storage.pause_config.supply_paused` to enable/disable the function in main.sw#L262 ```Rust 258 // ## 3.1 Supply Collateral 259 #[payable, storage(write)] 260 fn supply_collateral() { 261 // Only allow supplying collateral if paused flag is not set 262 require(!storage.pause_config.supply_paused.read(), Error::Paused); <<<--- pause_config.supply_paused is used ... 297 } ```

Market.supply_base also uses `storage.pause_config.supply_paused.read` to enable/disable the function in main.sw#L400 ```Rust 398 fn supply_base() { 399 // Only allow supplying if paused flag is not set 400 require(!storage.pause_config.supply_paused.read(), Error::Paused); <<<--- pause_config.supply_paused is used


445 } ```

But Market.absort only checks `storage.pause_config.absorb_paused` in main.sw#L598 ```Rust 594 fn absorb(accounts: Vec<Identity>, price_data_update: PriceDataUpdate) { 595 reentrancy_guard(); 596 597 // Check that the pause flag is not set 598 require(!storage.pause_config.absorb_paused.read(), Error::Paused); <<<--- only pause_config.absorb_paused is checked ... 612 } ```

Impact Details

Borrower might lose assets becase he can't recovery from his bad debt


Add any relevant links to documentation or code

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

Please put the following code in `swaylend-monorepo/contracts/market/tests/local_tests/scenarios/liquidation.rs` and run ```bash cargo test --release local_tests::scenarios::liquidation::absorb_and_liquidate_after_pause_supply -- --nocapture

... running 1 test Price for USDC = 1 Price for ETH = 3500 Price for UNI = 5 Price for BTC = 70000 💸 Alice + 3000 USDC supply_collateral is paused by the admin ETH price drops: $3500 -> $1750 Bob fails to repay his debt test local_tests::scenarios::liquidation::absorb_and_liquidate_after_pause_supply ... ok ```

As the result shows, the borrower(Bob) can't call `Market.supply_base` to repay his debt, but Chad can call `Market.absorb` to liquidate Bob's debt

```Rust #[tokio::test] async fn absorb_and_liquidate_after_pause_supply() { let TestData { admin, wallets, alice, alice_account, bob, bob_account, chad, market, assets, usdc, eth, oracle, price_feed_ids, publish_time, prices, usdc_contract, .. } = setup().await;

let price_data_update &#x3D; PriceDataUpdate {
    update_fee: 0,
    publish_times: vec![publish_time; assets.len()],
    update_data: oracle.create_update_data(&amp;prices).await.unwrap(),

let alice_supply_amount &#x3D; parse_units(3000 * AMOUNT_COEFFICIENT, usdc.decimals);
let alice_mint_amount &#x3D; parse_units(4000 * AMOUNT_COEFFICIENT, usdc.decimals);
let alice_supply_log_amount &#x3D; format!(&quot;{} USDC&quot;, alice_supply_amount as f64 / SCALE_6);

println!(&quot;💸 Alice + {alice_supply_log_amount}&quot;);
    .mint(alice_account, alice_mint_amount)
let balance &#x3D; alice.get_asset_balance(&amp;usdc.asset_id).await.unwrap();
assert!(balance &#x3D;&#x3D; alice_mint_amount);

let alice_supply_res &#x3D; market
    .supply_base(usdc.asset_id, alice_supply_amount)


let bob_supply_amount &#x3D; parse_units(1 * AMOUNT_COEFFICIENT, eth.decimals);
let bob_supply_res &#x3D; market
    .supply_collateral(eth.asset_id, bob_supply_amount)

let bob_user_collateral &#x3D; market
    .get_user_collateral(bob_account, eth.asset_id)
assert!(bob_user_collateral &#x3D;&#x3D; bob_supply_amount);


let max_borrow_amount &#x3D; market
    .available_to_borrow(&amp;[&amp;oracle.instance], bob_account)
let log_amount &#x3D; format!(&quot;{} USDC&quot;, max_borrow_amount as f64 / SCALE_6);

let bob_borrow_res &#x3D; market

let balance &#x3D; bob.get_asset_balance(&amp;usdc.asset_id).await.unwrap();
assert!(balance &#x3D;&#x3D; max_borrow_amount as u64);

println!(&quot;supply_collateral is paused by the admin&quot;);
let pause_config &#x3D; PauseConfiguration {
    supply_paused: true,
    withdraw_paused: true,
    absorb_paused: false,
    buy_paused: false,


let res &#x3D; oracle.price(eth.price_feed_id).await.unwrap().value;
let new_price &#x3D; (res.price as f64 * 0.5) as u64;
let prices &#x3D; Vec::from([(


let price_data_update &#x3D; PriceDataUpdate {
    update_fee: 0,
    price_feed_ids: vec![eth.price_feed_id],
    publish_times: vec![tai64::Tai64::from_unix(Utc::now().timestamp().try_into().unwrap()).0],
    update_data: oracle.create_update_data(&amp;prices).await.unwrap(),

    &quot;ETH price drops: ${}  -&gt; ${}&quot;,
    res.price as f64 / 10_u64.pow(eth.price_feed_decimals) as f64,
    new_price as f64 / 10_u64.pow(eth.price_feed_decimals) as f64
let res &#x3D; oracle.price(eth.price_feed_id).await.unwrap().value;
assert!(new_price &#x3D;&#x3D; res.price);

println!(&quot;Bob fails to repay his debt&quot;);
let bob_balance &#x3D; bob.get_asset_balance(&amp;usdc.asset_id).await.unwrap();
let bob_supply_res &#x3D; market
    .supply_base(usdc.asset_id, bob_balance)

//println!(&quot;{:?}&quot;, bob_supply_res);

        .is_liquidatable(&amp;[&amp;oracle.instance], bob_account)

let chad_absorb_bob_res &#x3D; market
    .absorb(&amp;[&amp;oracle.instance], vec![bob_account], &amp;price_data_update)

let (_, borrow) &#x3D; market.get_user_supply_borrow(bob_account).await.unwrap();
assert!(borrow &#x3D;&#x3D; 0);

let amount &#x3D; market
    .get_user_collateral(bob_account, eth.asset_id)
assert!(amount &#x3D;&#x3D; 0);

} ```

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