Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)
The token allowance signature is required when users want to stake to TimeBasedCollateralPool. However when user initiates the stake tx, anyone can front-run the signature and call `modifyCollateralizableTokenAllowanceWithSignature` function in CollateralVault.sol to let user's nonce increase. And the user's stake tx will revert becauser of invalid signature.
Vulnerability Details
``` function modifyCollateralizableTokenAllowanceWithSignature( address _accountAddress, address _collateralizableContractAddress, address _tokenAddress, int256 _allowanceAdjustment, bytes calldata _signature // @audit-issue signature can be front-run ) external { if (_allowanceAdjustment > 0 && !collateralizableContracts[_collateralizableContractAddress]) { revert ContractNotApprovedByProtocol(_collateralizableContractAddress); }
``` The parameter of `modifyCollateralizableTokenAllowanceWithSignature` function is inputted directly. Anyone which knows signature information can call this function to consume signature. The contracts are depolyed to mainnet. If user initiates a stake tx publicly, the tx message is open to anyone. Attacker can front-run stake tx to let user's stake tx revert.
Impact Details
User's token allowance signature is useless if anyone front-runs the signature message.
import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol"; import {CollateralVault} from "../contracts/CollateralVault.sol"; import {TimeBasedCollateralPool} from "../contracts/TimeBasedCollateralPool.sol"; import {ICollateral} from "../contracts/interfaces/ICollateral.sol";
import {mockERC20} from "./mocks/mockERC20.sol";
contract SignatureFrontrun is Test { error InvalidSignature(address account);