Reports by Severity
#36554 [SC-Critical] Time Based Collateral Pool Users can release more than their due share of the pool, drawing from the due share of other users
#36475 [SC-Medium] Token allowance signature can be front-run
#36532 [SC-Medium] Frontrun to invalidate collateralizable approval signature
#36552 [SC-Medium] DoS for the user's calling `stake` and `stakeReleasableTokensFrom` function
#36567 [SC-Medium] Anyone can cancel anyone's LOC
#36268 [SC-Medium] stake with signature can be front-run lead to user's stake failed
#36303 [SC-Medium] Attackers can cause griefing attack to cause stake transactions of TimeBasedCollateralPool of users to always revert by front-running the user transaction to make the provided si...
#36501 [SC-Medium] Signature Front-Running Vulnerability in CollateralVault
#36309 [SC-Low] TimeBasedCollateralPool: After _resetPool gets called (internally) a depositor can break most functionalities of the smart contract
#36450 [SC-Low] Contract TimeBasedCollateralPool will be unable to process new user transactions and user funds are temporary frozen if a user unstake transaction of TimeBasedCollateralPool execute...
#36340 [SC-Insight] TimeBasedCollateralPool::_resetAccountTokenStateIfApplicable does not adjust tokenEpochExitBalances after redeeming the account's unstake Units
#36346 [SC-Insight] Typehash Discrepancy in CollateralizableTokenAllowanceAdjustment
#36306 [SC-Insight] Incorrect nonce value emitted in `TimeBasedCollateralPool::_resetPool` event
#36540 [SC-Insight] Users Can Withdraw Funds at Incorrect Fee Rate
#36092 [SC-Insight] Collateralizable Contracts May Retain Status Unconditionally
#36136 [SC-Insight] Fee calculation error in withdraw function of collateralVault contract
#36267 [SC-Insight] Tokens can be stuck forever in UniswapLiquidator because function retrieveTokens always reverts for USDT and all tokens that have transfer function that do not return boolean
Reports by Type
Smart Contract
#36309 [SC-Low] TimeBasedCollateralPool: After _resetPool gets called (internally) a depositor can break most functionalities of the smart contract
#36340 [SC-Insight] TimeBasedCollateralPool::_resetAccountTokenStateIfApplicable does not adjust tokenEpochExitBalances after redeeming the account's unstake Units
#36346 [SC-Insight] Typehash Discrepancy in CollateralizableTokenAllowanceAdjustment
#36450 [SC-Low] Contract TimeBasedCollateralPool will be unable to process new user transactions and user funds are temporary frozen if a user unstake transaction of TimeBasedCollateralPool execute...
#36475 [SC-Medium] Token allowance signature can be front-run
#36306 [SC-Insight] Incorrect nonce value emitted in `TimeBasedCollateralPool::_resetPool` event
#36532 [SC-Medium] Frontrun to invalidate collateralizable approval signature
#36552 [SC-Medium] DoS for the user's calling `stake` and `stakeReleasableTokensFrom` function
#36554 [SC-Critical] Time Based Collateral Pool Users can release more than their due share of the pool, drawing from the due share of other users
#36567 [SC-Medium] Anyone can cancel anyone's LOC
#36540 [SC-Insight] Users Can Withdraw Funds at Incorrect Fee Rate
#36092 [SC-Insight] Collateralizable Contracts May Retain Status Unconditionally
#36136 [SC-Insight] Fee calculation error in withdraw function of collateralVault contract
#36267 [SC-Insight] Tokens can be stuck forever in UniswapLiquidator because function retrieveTokens always reverts for USDT and all tokens that have transfer function that do not return boolean
#36268 [SC-Medium] stake with signature can be front-run lead to user's stake failed
#36303 [SC-Medium] Attackers can cause griefing attack to cause stake transactions of TimeBasedCollateralPool of users to always revert by front-running the user transaction to make the provided si...
#36501 [SC-Medium] Signature Front-Running Vulnerability in CollateralVault
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