Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value
Newly created gauge may missed out on its rewards when the first distribute took place, due to the incorrect use of memory variables.
Vulnerability Details
In Voter._distribute(), claimable[_gauge] is assigned to a memory variable _claimable, then claimable[_gauge] is reset to zero.
function _distribute(address _gauge) internal {
// Distribute once after epoch has ended
block.timestamp >= IMinter(minter).activePeriod() + IMinter(minter).DURATION(),
"can only distribute after period end"
uint256 _claimable = claimable[_gauge];
// Reset claimable amount
claimable[_gauge] = 0;
if (_claimable > 0) {
After that claimable[_gauge] is updated in _updateFor(_gauge).
function _updateFor(address _gauge) internal {
require(isGauge[_gauge], "invalid gauge");
address _pool = poolForGauge[_gauge];
uint256 _supplied = weights[_pool];
if (_supplied > 0) {
uint256 _supplyIndex = supplyIndex[_gauge];
uint256 _index = index; // get global index0 for accumulated distro
supplyIndex[_gauge] = _index; // update _gauge current position to global position
uint256 _delta = _index - _supplyIndex; // see if there is any difference that need to be accrued
if (_delta > 0) {
uint256 _share = (uint256(_supplied) * _delta) / 1e18; // add accrued difference for each supplied token
@> claimable[_gauge] += _share;
} else {
supplyIndex[_gauge] = index;
At last, if _claimable is greater than zero, reward will be send to gauge.
There is a problem with that _claimable is a memory variable, when claimable[_gauge] be updated, _claimable is not along with it, so there is a scenario that gauge won't receive it's reward on it's first distribute:
1, createGauge() called, gauge A created.
2, some one vote for it.
3, minter called notifyRewardAmount().
4, some one call distribute(), it's the first distribute of gauge A, when contracts runs to distribute(guage A), claimable[_gauge] is greater than zero but _claimable is equal to zero, so gauge A missed out on it's reward this time.
Impact Details
Contracts may not work as intended, in the worst-case scenario, if the distribute() function is called only once, newly created guage could lose its rewards.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
import "./BaseTest.sol";
import "forge-std/console.sol";
contract VotingTest2 is BaseTest {
function setUp() public {
function testNewlyCreatedGauge() public {
address[] memory pools = new address[](1);
pools[0] = sushiPoolAddress;
uint256[] memory weights = new uint256[](1);
weights[0] = 5000;
// Gauge A created.
console.log("Gauge A created.");
address gauge = voter.createGauge(sushiPoolAddress, IVoter.GaugeType.Passthrough);
uint256 tokenId = createVeAlcx(admin, TOKEN_1, MAXTIME, false);
// Some one vote for the pool related to gauge A.
console.log("Some one vote for the pool related to gauge A.");, pools, weights, 0);
assertEq(alcx.balanceOf(gauge), 0);
// Give minter some ethers.
deal(address(alcx), address(minter), TOKEN_100K);
require(alcx.approve(address(voter), TOKEN_100K), 'approve failed');
// Minter call notifyRewardAmount().
console.log("Minter call notifyRewardAmount().");
// First distribute of gauge A, no rewards received.
// sushiPoolAddress is the reward receiver of gauge A, so we just need to monitor it's alcx balance.
console.log("First distribute of gauge A, no rewards received.");
uint256 balanceBefore = alcx.balanceOf(sushiPoolAddress);
hevm.warp(minter.activePeriod() + minter.DURATION());
uint256 balanceAfter = alcx.balanceOf(sushiPoolAddress);
assertEq(balanceBefore, balanceAfter);
// Only by distribute again, gauge A can receive its rewards.
console.log("Only by distribute again, gauge A can receive its rewards.");
balanceBefore = alcx.balanceOf(sushiPoolAddress);
hevm.warp(minter.activePeriod() + minter.DURATION() + minter.DURATION());
balanceAfter = alcx.balanceOf(sushiPoolAddress);
assertGt(balanceAfter, balanceBefore);