Boost _ Shardeum_ Ancillaries 34508 - [Websites and Applications - Critical] Malicious archiver can overwtite account data on any active archiver
Submitted on Wed Aug 14 2024 05:58:21 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @periniondon630 for Boost | Shardeum: Ancillaries
Report ID: #34508
Report type: Websites and Applications
Report severity: Critical
Taking state-modifying authenticated actions (with or without blockchain state interaction) on behalf of other users without any interaction by that user, such as: Changing registration information, Commenting, Voting, Making trades, Withdrawals, etc.
A malicious archiver can connect to the network, become a valid active archiver, and overwrite any user account data across all active archivers, including global accounts.
Vulnerability Details
It is possible to create a malicious archiver based on the archiver-server repository and connect it to the network. There are no restrictions on who can create and connect an archiver to the network. When a malicious archiver is connected, it can initiate a gossip request with a fake receipt ID to the victim archiver. Exploit code:
The victim archiver will send a request back to the malicious archiver for details about the receipt. Here is the code that sends the request back to the malicious archiver
If the receipt is valid, the victim archiver will store the receipt in a database by calling the storeReceiptData function. A malicious archiver can craft a receipt payload in a way that will overwrite existing account data. Patch file for the malicious archiver:
Impact Details
Any user or global account data can be overwritten on all active archivers.
The network global account is used by validators to load initial configuration, which can be controlled by an attacker.
The global modification flag in account data allows the attacker to skip most validations and overwrite global network account data.
Proof of concept
Proof of Concept
Start the local Shardeum network.
Compile the malicious archiver (you need to include the local archiver-server in the shardeum-core package.json).
Start the malicious archiver and provide ARCHIVER_INFO=ip:port:public_key, so the malicious archiver can connect to the main archiver.
Update the URL to the main archiver, the public key, and the private key inside exploit.js, then run npm i. package.json:
Run the exploit. It will send a gossip request to the main archiver. Please provide a unique ID as a command line parameter each time you run the exploit. For example:
The main archiver will send a request to the malicious archiver.
The malicious archiver will respond with crafted account data that will replace the global network account, which will be used as a configuration source for all new validators started in the network.
On the victim archiver, go to the archiver database in server/instances/archiver-db-4000:
Check that the global network account was changed:
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