29744 - [SC - Insight] Projects can pay rewards at up to below market...

Submitted on Apr 1st 2024 at 20:45:03 UTC by @marchev for Boost | Immunefi Arbitration

Report ID: #29744

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Insight

Target: https://github.com/immunefi-team/vaults/blob/main/src/RewardTimelock.sol


  • Theft of unclaimed royalties



Due to a hardcoded setting in the protocol (PRICE_DEVIATION_TOLERANCE_BPS) allowing for a 1% price deviation of whitehat awards when paid in non-native tokens and the potential 2% deviation for Chainlink's price feeds for some tokens (e.g. ARB, ENS, FXS, etc.), there's a risk that whitehat hackers could be underpaid by up to 2.97%. This issue arises when the actual market price of an asset falls slightly, such as by 1.99%, which doesn't trigger an oracle update. This results in a temporarily inflated asset price reported by the Chainlink price oracle. This combined with the ability to pay a reward with a deviation of 1% could be exploited by projects to underpay whitehats.

Vulnerability Details

The vulnerability centers around the RewardTimelock smart contract, which handles reward payouts to whitehats during arbitration. Projects specify the dollar value of the award, and after a cooldown period, they can pay in tokens. The smart contract checks if the token amount matches the dollar value, allowing a 1% deviation. However, some tokens have a 2% price deviation in their Chainlink price feeds. If the token's market price drops just below 2%, a project can pay the whitehat less than the full market value, exploiting the gap up to 2.97%:

100 - ((100 - 1.99%) * 99%) = 2.97%

Furthermore, projects have the capability to exploit the vulnerability even when the price drops more than 2% below the oracle price. They can do this by frontrunning the transaction meant to update the Oracle price feed. This maneuver provides a significant safety margin.


  1. A project owes a whitehat $100,000, paid in ARB tokens.

  2. After the cooldown, the ARB/USD price by the oracle is $1.60, but the market price is $1.5688.

  3. The project pays 61,785 ARB instead of the 63,742.99 ARB due at market rates.

While the price oracle price deviation cannot be avoided, adjusting the hardcoded PRICE_DEVIATION_TOLERANCE_BPS to be more flexible and specific to token's price feed could mitigate this issue to a certain extent. This is especially important for feeds that update less frequently as indicated by a 2% deviation and a 86400s heartbeat. It should be noted that all Chainlink price feeds on mainnet with a deviation of 2% have a hearbeat of 86400s which implies they are meant to update less frequently which reduces the need for a favorable price deviation tolerance as high as 1%.

Impact Details

The hardcoded deviation combined with Chainlink's deviation can lead to significant losses for whitehats. This risk is medium, as it depends on specific price feed deviations (2%) and market conditions. The severity is also considered medium due to the financial impact on whitehats. A more adaptable configuration for the reward value deviation could mitigate the issue.

Proof of Concept

To illustrate the vulnerability, I provide a coded PoC which demonstrates its impact. Add the following test case to RewardTimelock.t.sol:

    function test_project_can_pay_reward_at_up_to_2_97_percent_below_market_value() public {
        // Token in which the award is paid
        ERC20PresetMinterPauser token = new ERC20PresetMinterPauser("Arbitrum", "ARB");
        token.mint(address(vault), 1_000_000e18);

        uint256 ARB_USD_PRICE_SCALE = 1e8;

        uint256 arbUsdOraclePrice = 1.60e8;   // ARB/USD oracle price = 1.60000000
        uint256 arbUsdMarketPrice = 1.5688e8; // ARB/USD market price = 1.56880000 (1.95% below oracle price)
                                              // NOTE: Deviation for ARB/USD chainlink oracle = [-2%; 2%].
                                              // Thus, -1.95% below oracle price does not trigger an oracle  update.

        uint256 dollarAmount = 100_000;
        uint256 tokenAmountPerOraclePrice = (dollarAmount * 1e18 * ARB_USD_PRICE_SCALE) / arbUsdOraclePrice;
        uint256 tokenAmountPerOraclePriceMinus1Percent = (tokenAmountPerOraclePrice * 99_00) / 100_00;
        uint256 tokenAmountPerMarketPrice = (dollarAmount * 1e18 * ARB_USD_PRICE_SCALE) / arbUsdMarketPrice;

        // set right permissions on moduleGuard
        moduleGuard.setTargetAllowed(address(vaultDelegate), true);
        moduleGuard.setAllowedFunction(address(vaultDelegate), vaultDelegate.sendReward.selector, true);
        moduleGuard.setDelegateCallAllowedOnTarget(address(vaultDelegate), true);

        uint256 nonce = rewardTimelock.vaultTxNonce(address(vault));
        bytes32 txHash = rewardTimelock.getQueueTransactionHash(address(this), dollarAmount, address(vault), nonce);

        // Mock vaultIsInArbitration
            abi.encodeCall(arbitration.vaultIsInArbitration, (address(vault))),

            abi.encodeCall(rewardTimelock.queueRewardTransaction, (address(this), dollarAmount)),
        assertEq(rewardTimelock.vaultTxNonce(address(vault)), nonce + 1);

        vm.warp(block.timestamp + rewardTimelock.txCooldown());

        Rewards.ERC20Reward[] memory erc20Rewards = new Rewards.ERC20Reward[](1);
        erc20Rewards[0] = Rewards.ERC20Reward({ token: address(token), amount: tokenAmountPerOraclePriceMinus1Percent });

        // Mock priceConsumer
            abi.encodeCall(priceConsumer.tryGetSaneUsdPrice18Decimals, (address(token))),
            abi.encode(uint256(arbUsdOraclePrice) * 1e10)

            abi.encodeCall(rewardTimelock.executeRewardTransaction, (txHash, 0, erc20Rewards, 0, 50_000)),
        assertEq(token.balanceOf(address(this)), tokenAmountPerOraclePriceMinus1Percent);

        uint256 whitehatLossAbsolute = tokenAmountPerMarketPrice - tokenAmountPerOraclePriceMinus1Percent;
        uint256 whitehatLossPercentage = whitehatLossAbsolute * 100_00 / tokenAmountPerMarketPrice;

        console.log("ARB/USD oracle price = %s (8 decimals)", arbUsdOraclePrice);
        console.log("ARB/USD market price = %s (8 decimals)", arbUsdMarketPrice);
        console.log("Dollar amount: $%s", dollarAmount);
        console.log("Expected ARB amount (per market price): %s", tokenAmountPerMarketPrice);
        console.log("Actual ARB amount (per oracle price minus 1 percent): %s", tokenAmountPerOraclePriceMinus1Percent);
        console.log("Loss for whitehat (absolute): %s", whitehatLossAbsolute);
        console.log("Loss for whitehat (%): %s", getPercentageString(whitehatLossPercentage), "%");

Run the PoC via the following command:

forge test --mt "test_project_can_pay_reward_at_up_to_2_99_percent_below_market_value" -vvvvv

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