Boost _ Folks Finance 33643 - [Smart Contract - Low] PriceFeed from PythNode will always revert for some pools

Submitted on Thu Jul 25 2024 12:16:44 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @arno for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #33643

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • Temporary freezing of funds of at least 24h



The PythNode library's process function causes transactions to revert when processing price feeds for certain tokens with pythData.expo > -18. This is due to the incorrect handling of the price precision factor, leading to potential disruptions in operations such as deposits, borrowings, and liquidations within the protocol.

Vulnerability Details


The OracleManager contract is used to manage price feeds from different oracles. The setNodeId function in the OracleManager contract is used to bind a pool to a node, facilitating price feeds.

setNodeId Function:

function setNodeId(uint8 poolId, bytes32 nodeId, uint8 decimals) external onlyRole(MANAGER_ROLE) {
    // check does not revert
    poolIdToNode[poolId] = DataTypes.OracleNode({ nodeId: nodeId, decimals: decimals });
    emit NodeIdSetForPool(nodeId, poolId);

Nodes are registered using the registerNode function. These nodes facilitate price feeds by first registering nodes using the registerNode function from NodeManager contract.

registerNode Function:

function registerNode(
    NodeDefinition.NodeType nodeType,
    bytes calldata parameters,
    bytes32[] calldata parents
) external override returns (bytes32 nodeId) {
    NodeDefinition.Data memory nodeDefinition = NodeDefinition.Data({
        nodeType: nodeType,
        parameters: parameters,
        parents: parents
    return _registerNode(nodeDefinition);

The nodeType can be CHAINLINK, PYTH, or EXTERNAL.

When functions like deposit, borrow, or liquidate are called in the protocol, they use the processPriceFeed function from the OracleManager contract.

processPriceFeed Function:

function _processPriceFeed(uint8 poolId) internal view returns (DataTypes.PriceFeed memory priceFeed) {
    DataTypes.OracleNode memory node = poolIdToNode[poolId];
    if (node.nodeId == bytes32(0)) revert NoNodeIdForPool(poolId);
    priceFeed.price = _nodeManager.process(node.nodeId).price;
    priceFeed.decimals = node.decimals;

To fetch prices of the assets, when nodeType is PYTH, the following library's process function is used.

process Function in PythNode Library:

function process(bytes memory parameters) internal view returns (NodeOutput.Data memory nodeOutput) {
    (address pythAddress, bytes32 priceFeedId, bool useEma) = abi.decode(parameters, (address, bytes32, bool));

    /// @dev using unsafe methods to avoid reverting, so this accepts old data
    IPyth pyth = IPyth(pythAddress);
    PythStructs.Price memory pythData = useEma
        ? pyth.getEmaPriceUnsafe(priceFeedId)
        : pyth.getPriceUnsafe(priceFeedId);

    /// @dev adjust the price to 18 d.p., exponent is an int32 so it could be negative or positive
    int256 factor = PRECISION + pythData.expo;
    uint256 price = factor > 0
        ? pythData.price.toUint256() * (10 ** factor.toUint256())
        : pythData.price.toUint256() / (10 ** factor.toUint256());

    return NodeOutput.Data(price, pythData.publishTime, NodeDefinition.NodeType.PYTH, 0, 0);


The bug arises in the process function of the PythNode library when it attempts to standardize the price to 18 decimal places. The issue lies in how the precision factor is calculated and subsequently converted to uint256. If pythData.expo is greater than -18, the precision factor (PRECISION + pythData.expo) becomes negative, causing the conversion to uint256 to revert because toUint256() reverts when the input is less than 0 to avoid overflow. This causes a denial of service (DOS) in two ways:

  1. When a new pool is initiated for a token with an exponent > -18, deposits will be halted for this pool if the Pyth node is used.

  2. If a node is updated for a particular pool using the setNodeId function from the OracleManager contract and the token has an exponent > -18, all transactions that include price feeds will fail, including deposits for repayment or collateral deposits to avoid liquidation.

Impact Details

  1. Transaction Failures: Any transaction that relies on the process function for price feeds, such as deposits, borrowings, and liquidations, will revert if the price feed’s exponent is greater than -18. This can halt essential protocol operations and cause significant disruptions.

  2. Financial Loss: If critical operations fail due to this bug, users may experience financial losses, especially during volatile market conditions where timely transactions are crucial.


Proof of concept

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;

library MockPythNode {
    int256 public constant PRECISION = 18;

    struct Price {
        int64 price;
        int32 expo;

    function calculatePrice(Price memory pythData) internal pure returns (uint256 price) {
        int256 factor = PRECISION + pythData.expo;
        price = factor > 0
            ? pythData.price.toUint256() * (10 ** factor.toUint256())
            : pythData.price.toUint256() / (10 ** factor.toUint256());
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.23;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import "../src/MockPythNode.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol";

contract MockPythNodeTest is Test {
    using SafeCast for int64;
    using SafeCast for int256;

    function testPriceCalculationPositiveFactor() public {
        MockPythNode.Price memory pythData = MockPythNode.Price({
            price: 100 * 10**8, // Price with 8 decimal places
            expo: -8 // Expo to bring the price to 18 decimal places

        uint256 price = MockPythNode.calculatePrice(pythData);
        uint256 expectedPrice = 100 * 10**18; // Expected price in 18 decimal places

        assertEq(price, expectedPrice, "Price should be 100 * 10^18");

    function testPriceCalculationNegativeFactor() public {
        MockPythNode.Price memory pythData = MockPythNode.Price({
            price: 100 * 10**18, // Price with 18 decimal places
            expo: -20

        uint256 price = MockPythNode.calculatePrice(pythData);

Last updated

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