#36108 [SC-Insight] `recipient` with a NULL address will lead to permanent loss of minted coins

Submitted on Oct 19th 2024 at 21:39:39 UTC by @savi0ur for IOP | Swaylend

  • Report ID: #36108

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Insight

  • Target: https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/9132747331188b86dd8cbf9a1ca37b811d08dddb/contracts/src-20/src/main.sw

  • Impacts:


Bug Description

https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/9132747331188b86dd8cbf9a1ca37b811d08dddb/contracts/src-20/src/main.sw#L119-L147 ```sway #[storage(read, write)] fn mint(recipient: Identity, sub_id: Option<SubId>, amount: u64) { require( sub_id .is_some() && sub_id .unwrap() == DEFAULT_SUB_ID, "incorrect-sub-id", ); require( storage .owner .read() == State::Initialized(msg_sender().unwrap()), AccessError::NotOwner, ); require( storage .total_supply .read() + amount <= MAX_SUPPLY, "max-supply-reached", );

let new_supply &#x3D; storage.total_supply.read() + amount;

mint_to(recipient, DEFAULT_SUB_ID, amount); //@audit-issue

TotalSupplyEvent::new(AssetId::default(), new_supply, msg_sender().unwrap())

} ```

`mint` function is used to mint SRC20 token to the provided `recipient` identity. This `recipient` identity could be an `Address` or `ContractId`. However there is no validation performed on `recipient` to make sure its not a NULL address. Due to this, token minted to NULL address will get lost permanently as mentioned in the comment in `std` sway library of `mint_to` function.


> If the `to` Identity is a contract, this will transfer coins to the contract even with no way to retrieve them (i.e: no withdrawal functionality on the receiving contract), possibly leading to the PERMANENT LOSS OF COINS if not used with care.

So it should have an check to avoid the possibility of minting tokens to NULL address.


`recipient` with a NULL address will lead to permanent loss of minted coins.


We recommend to have an check at the start of the function to make sure `recipient` is not NULL address, just like how `ThunderNFT` did,

https://github.com/ThunderFuel/smart-contracts/blob/260c9859e2cd28c188e8f6283469bcf57c9347de/contracts-v1/pool/src/main.sw#L237C1-L242C7 ```sway fn _transfer(from: Identity, to: Identity, asset: AssetId, amount: u64) { require( to != ZERO_IDENTITY_ADDRESS && to != ZERO_IDENTITY_CONTRACT, PoolErrors::IdentityMustBeNonZero ); ``` https://github.com/ThunderFuel/smart-contracts/blob/260c9859e2cd28c188e8f6283469bcf57c9347de/contracts-v1/libraries/src/constants.sw#L9-L14 ```sway pub const ZERO_B256 = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000; pub const ZERO_ADDRESS = Address::from(ZERO_B256); pub const ZERO_ASSET_ID = AssetId::from(ZERO_B256); pub const ZERO_CONTRACT_ID = ContractId::from(ZERO_B256); pub const ZERO_IDENTITY_ADDRESS = Identity::Address(ZERO_ADDRESS); pub const ZERO_IDENTITY_CONTRACT = Identity::ContractId(ZERO_CONTRACT_ID); ```


  • https://github.com/Swaylend/swaylend-monorepo/blob/9132747331188b86dd8cbf9a1ca37b811d08dddb/contracts/src-20/src/main.sw#L119-L147

Proof Of Concept

Steps to Run:

  • Open terminal and run `cd swaylend-monorepo`

  • Paste following rust code in `contracts/market/tests/local_tests/scenarios/owner.rs`

  • Run test using `cargo test --package market --test integration_tests -- local_tests::scenarios::owner::owner_mint_to_null_test --exact --show-output`

```rust #[tokio::test] async fn owner_mint_to_null_test() { let TestData { usdc_contract, .. } = setup(None).await;

let null_address &#x3D; Address::zeroed();
let null_identity_address &#x3D; Identity::Address(null_address);
// let null_identity_contract_id &#x3D; Identity::ContractId(ContractId::zeroed());
let amount_to_mint &#x3D; 100_000_000u64;
let default_sub_id &#x3D; Bits256::zeroed();

let res &#x3D; usdc_contract
    .mint(null_identity_address, Some(default_sub_id), amount_to_mint)
println!(&quot;Result: {:#?}&quot;, res);

} ```

Console Output:

```shell running 1 test test local_tests::scenarios::owner::owner_mint_to_null_test ... ok


---- local_tests::scenarios::owner::owner_mint_to_null_test stdout ---- Price for ETH = 3500 Price for USDC = 1 Price for BTC = 70000 Price for UNI = 5 Result: Ok( CallResponse { value: (), receipts: [ Call { id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, to: 0x3df03c285737d01c8f9101ea59fa929f6e8f3d8cc5abe9a5b2ebeb4f8787a61d, amount: 0, asset_id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 7590, param1: 10480, param2: 10492, pc: 11848, is: 11848, }, Mint { sub_id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, contract_id: 0x3df03c285737d01c8f9101ea59fa929f6e8f3d8cc5abe9a5b2ebeb4f8787a61d, val: 100000000, pc: 14956, is: 11848, }, TransferOut { id: 0x3df03c285737d01c8f9101ea59fa929f6e8f3d8cc5abe9a5b2ebeb4f8787a61d, to: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, amount: 100000000, asset_id: 0x27730a16b66a3565909ebe411c1c6501e605b709fd8c06970bf3fb1e138ec6b6, pc: 16736, is: 11848, }, ReturnData { id: 0x3df03c285737d01c8f9101ea59fa929f6e8f3d8cc5abe9a5b2ebeb4f8787a61d, ptr: 0, len: 0, digest: 0xe3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855, pc: 16744, is: 11848, data: Some(), }, Return { id: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, val: 1, pc: 10388, is: 10368, }, ScriptResult { result: Success, gas_used: 7509, }, ], gas_used: 7509, log_decoder: LogDecoder { log_formatters: { LogId( 0x3df03c285737d01c8f9101ea59fa929f6e8f3d8cc5abe9a5b2ebeb4f8787a61d, "10098701174489624218", ): LogFormatter { type_id: TypeId { t: ( 8840596190301856573, 10685351592856360230, ), }, }, }, decoder_config: DecoderConfig { max_depth: 45, max_tokens: 10000, }, }, tx_id: Some( 0x6a9d716a80ade6b92b94b05adb0108e5584c8b4f75e2f1ea5d6ff0b1b206dd43, ), }, )

successes: local_tests::scenarios::owner::owner_mint_to_null_test ```

As we can see in `TransferOut` block, its transferring minted assets to NULL address. Which shows, the code needs to handle null address check, else it will lead to permanent loss of minted assets.

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

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