#36029 [BC-Insight] Node.js crash on counterMap overflow

Submitted on Oct 16th 2024 at 10:24:53 UTC by @dldLambda for Audit Comp | Shardeum: Core II

  • Report ID: #36029

  • Report Type: Blockchain/DLT

  • Report severity: Insight

  • Target: https://github.com/shardeum/shardus-core/tree/dev

  • Impacts:

    • Network not being able to confirm new transactions (total network shutdown)

    • Shutdown of greater than or equal to 30% of network processing nodes without brute force actions, but does not shut down the network



Sending a large number of requests will cause the "counterMap" overflow and Node.js crash.

Vulnerability Details

In "sendRequests" function, the "countEvent" function is called with the second parameter, which can controlled from the request.

If the "counterMap" does not yet have such a key, then a new key-value pair is created and added to "counterMap". «counterMap» is a global Map that is filled but not cleared.

It’s overflow will lead to Node.js crash.

https://github.com/shardeum/shardus-core/blob/dev/src/p2p/ServiceQueue.ts#L387 — link to "sendRequests" function.

Next, a gossip request is formed and the second parameter is a string "gossip send - ${add.hash}" , that includes the hash of the original request parameter (https://github.com/shardeum/shardus-core/blob/dev/src/p2p/ServiceQueue.ts#L397).

And this is how counterMap is created and "countEvent" is declared (https://github.com/shardeum/shardus-core/blob/dev/src/utils/nestedCounters.ts#L96):

``` class NestedCounters { constructor() { this.eventCounters = new Map() // <--- this.rareEventCounters = new Map() this.crypto = null this.infLoopDebug = false } //some lines... countEvent(category1: string, category2: string, count = 1): void { let counterMap: CounterMap = this.eventCounters // <---

let nextNode: CounterNode &#x3D; null
if (counterMap.has(category1) &#x3D;&#x3D;&#x3D; false) {
  nextNode &#x3D; { count: 0, subCounters: new Map() }
  counterMap.set(category1, nextNode)
} else {
  nextNode &#x3D; counterMap.get(category1)
nextNode.count +&#x3D; count
counterMap &#x3D; nextNode.subCounters

//unrolled loop to avoid memory alloc
category1 &#x3D; category2
if (counterMap.has(category1) &#x3D;&#x3D;&#x3D; false) {
  nextNode &#x3D; { count: 0, subCounters: new Map() }
  counterMap.set(category1, nextNode)
} else {
  nextNode &#x3D; counterMap.get(category1)
nextNode.count +&#x3D; count
counterMap &#x3D; nextNode.subCounters

} //some lines... } ``` It is noticeable that if, when checking the uniqueness of the received second parameter, this key is not found, then a new key-value pair is added, but counterMap is not cleared, which can lead to overflow.

Impact Details

An attacker will be able to send a huge number of requests, overflow the counterMap and therefore Node.js will fail.

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

  1. Let’s check that we can get there using a request. In your local copy of Shardeum, open the file ./src/index.ts and add the following function at line #1139 ( https://gist.github.com/dldLambda/335024ad4787abcced5f5550aed0da31 — in gistfile1.txt)

Is ./src/index.ts you need to add "import * as Comms from '@shardus/core/dist/p2p/Comms' " and "import { nodeListFromStates } from './Join' ".

Then rebuild the project using "npm run prepare".

Now, you can send a request with the parameters you selected and make sure that your data is received:

``` fetch(``, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({"cycle":13,"hash":"1","priority":0,"sign":{"owner":"2","sig":"3"},"subQueueKey":"4","txData":{"nodeId":"5","publicKey":"6","sign":{"owner":"7","sig":"8"},"startTime":1729004605},"type":"nodeInitReward" })}).then(response => { if (!response.ok) { throw new Error('Network response was not ok'); } return response.json(); }).then(data => { console.log('Success:', data); }).catch(error => { console.error('Error:', error); })

``` The data in the request can be quite arbitrary. Then in the ./Shardeum do the following command "grep -r "hoho55" . "

You will see in the out.log after the line "hoho55" the body of your request.

  1. Example

First, set a memory limit using the command "ulimit -Sv 1000000". Next, run the following script with "npx tsc "insert filename" " (run "npm install -g npx" if you need).

https://gist.github.com/dldLambda/e60f585401f01e77b8d7338bb0431edd — link to example script.

Firstly, you will see that the size of the counterMap grows indefinitely, and secondly, the Node.js soon fail. Thus, an attacker can disable nodes.

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