Boost _ Folks Finance 33454 - [Smart Contract - Low] unsafe casting will lead to break of PythNode Oracle

Submitted on Sat Jul 20 2024 20:46:30 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @Tripathi for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #33454

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • Protocol insolvency

  • Temporary freezing of funds of at least 24h



PythNode tries to cast a negative number to uint256 . Which is not possible

Vulnerability Details

    function process(bytes memory parameters) internal view returns (NodeOutput.Data memory nodeOutput) {
        (address pythAddress, bytes32 priceFeedId, bool useEma) = abi.decode(parameters, (address, bytes32, bool));

        /// @dev using unsafe methods to avoid reverting, so this accepts old data
        IPyth pyth = IPyth(pythAddress);
        PythStructs.Price memory pythData = useEma
            ? pyth.getEmaPriceUnsafe(priceFeedId)
            : pyth.getPriceUnsafe(priceFeedId);

        /// @dev adjust the price to 18 d.p., exponent is a int32 so it could be negative or positive
        int256 factor = PRECISION + pythData.expo;
        uint256 price = factor > 0
            ? pythData.price.toUint256() * (10 ** factor.toUint256())
            : pythData.price.toUint256() / (10 ** factor.toUint256());

        return NodeOutput.Data(price, pythData.publishTime, NodeDefinition.NodeType.PYTH, 0, 0);

factor is calculated as PRECISION + pythData.expo. Since pythData.expo can be both positive and negative. WHenever factor = PRECISION + pythData.expo < 0 in second line it calls factor.toUint256() {using SafeCast for int256} which will revert with SafeCastOverflowedIntToUint() error

Impact Details

Price mechanism breaks if factor<0. which renders most of protocol function useless


Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.19;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/Math.sol";

contract ImpementedPythNode {
    using Math for uint256;
    using SafeCast for int64;
    using SafeCast for int256;
   int256 public constant PRECISION = 18;

// This is the way Folks Finance consume the price
   function process(int32 expo) external pure returns( uint256){
    int256 factor = PRECISION + expo;

     return factor.toUint256();

copy and paste above code in remix . deploy and call process() function with a expo param which makes factor = PRECISION + expo<0

eg process(-19) or process(-20) etc

Last updated

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