#37852 [SC-High] The accumulation of rewards is being decreased from the active stake which could leave out users unable to redeem xAlgo
Submitted on Dec 17th 2024 at 13:12:10 UTC by @dustykid for Audit Comp | Folks: Liquid Staking
Report ID: #37852
Report Type: Smart Contract
Report severity: High
Target: https://github.com/Folks-Finance/algo-liquid-staking-contracts/blob/8bd890fde7981335e9b042a99db432e327681e1a/contracts/xalgo/consensus_v2.py
Permanent freezing of funds
Permanent freezing of unclaimed yield
The reward mechanism of the Folks finance protocol is of "share" type in which the liquid assets value is being increased from the accumulation of underlying asset in the vault/protocol. The way that users claim their portion of the rewards is by burning their xAlgo and receiving Algo in larger amount than their original deposit. The delta is their portion of the rewards. The problem is that total_active_stake_key
is increasing only in size only for the initially deposited amount during minting while during burning is being decreased for the initially deposited amount + portion of rewards. This is leading to two problems with the contract implementation:
Rewards "eat up" the initial deposited amount of the users which could leave some of them unable to redeem the initially deposited Algo amount.
This also means that the rewards will be claimed. on 'first come - first serve' basis and could leave out some users without their portion fo the rewards due to
not accounting for the rewards.
Vulnerability Details
When users mint xAlgo either via delayed_mint
or immediate_mint
the total_active_stake_key
is being increased for the Algo amount that they are depositing:
Since the value of xAlgo increases with the accumulation of the rewards within the protocol whenever users would like to burn their xAlgo to receive Algo, The amount that they will receive is being calculated based on total_active_stake_key
+ total_rewards_key
while the total_rewards_key
is being calculated from the difference between the total_active_stake_key
and the Algo balance of the proposers.
Users can redeem more Algo than they have initially deposited due to rewards accumulation. The problem arises during the burning of xAlgo where the total_active_stake_key
is being decreased for the initially deposited amount + users portion of the rewards.
Impact Details
The mechanics described above will result in unjustly decreasing virtual balance of users because of the accumulation of rewards which could lead to some users being unable to redeem a portion or the entirety of their Algo deposit due to total_active_stake_key
accounting for rewards claimed by other users while the total_active_stake_key
is never being increased for the reward amount.
Link to Proof of Concept
Proof of Concept
Proof of Concept
Please get the code from the provided gist.
Paste it in a file with extension .test.ts
in the repo /test
directory. It can be run with the instructions for running tests from the protocol repo README.md
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