#37443 [SC-Insight] Race Condition in KeyedBroadcaster Implementation

Submitted on Dec 4th 2024 at 20:30:36 UTC by @jovi for Audit Comp | Celo

  • Report ID: #37443

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Insight

  • Target: https://github.com/celo-org/optimism/blob/celo10/op-chain-ops/deployer/broadcaster/keyed.go

  • Impacts:

    • L2 re-org

    • Node clients may operate in non-deterministic manners

    • Increased node latency



The current implementation of the KeyedBroadcaster lacks proper synchronization mechanisms, specifically mutex locks, when accessing and modifying the bcasts slice. This oversight can lead to data corruption, inconsistent state, and potential security vulnerabilities in the transaction broadcasting process.

Vulnerability Details

The KeyedBroadcaster struct in optimism/op-chain-ops/deployer/broadcaster/keyed.go is responsible for managing and broadcasting transactions. It contains a slice bcasts that stores pending broadcasts. The current implementation allows concurrent access to this slice without proper synchronization. Differently from Optimism's implementation at optimism/op-deployer/pkg/deployer/broadcaster/keyed.go at 4ee839ae8996c2d421a2d85fd5471897840014fa · ethereum-optimism/optimism

Key vulnerable points:

  1. The Hook method appends to the bcasts slice without any synchronization:

func (b *KeyedBroadcaster) Hook(bcast script.Broadcast) {
    b.bcasts = append(b.bcasts, bcast)
  1. The Broadcast method reads and modifies the bcasts slice without synchronization:

func (b *KeyedBroadcaster) Broadcast(ctx context.Context) ([]BroadcastResult, error) {
    // ... (code that reads and modifies b.bcasts)

These operations are not thread-safe and can lead to race conditions when multiple goroutines access the KeyedBroadcaster concurrently.

In contrast, the Optimism implementation uses mutex locks to ensure thread-safety:

func (b *KeyedBroadcaster) Hook(bcast script.Broadcast) {
    defer b.mu.Unlock()
    b.bcasts = append(b.bcasts, bcast)

The lack of such synchronization in the Celo implementation exposes the system to race conditions.

Impact Details

The race condition in the KeyedBroadcaster can have the following consequences:

  1. Data Corruption: Concurrent modifications to the bcasts slice can lead to corrupted data, potentially resulting in invalid transactions being broadcasted or valid transactions being omitted.

  2. Inconsistent State: The state of the bcasts slice may become inconsistent across different goroutines, leading to missed broadcasts or duplicate broadcasts.

  3. Transaction Failures: Incorrect nonce values or gas limits may be used due to race conditions, causing transactions to fail.

  4. Increased Latency: The system may experience increased latency due to retries and error handling necessitated by failed or inconsistent transactions.

  5. Unreliable System Behavior: The non-deterministic nature of race conditions can make the system behave unpredictably, making it difficult to debug and maintain.

Proof of Concept

Proof of concept

In order to test the race condition aforementioned, paste the following code snippet at the keyed.go file at op-chain-ops/deployer/broadcast.

package broadcaster

import (

	opcrypto "github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/op-service/crypto"

const (
	GasPadFactor = 2.0

type KeyedBroadcaster struct {
	lgr    log.Logger
	mgr    txmgr.TxManager
	bcasts []script.Broadcast
	client *ethclient.Client

type KeyedBroadcasterOpts struct {
	Logger          log.Logger
	ChainID         *big.Int
	Client          *ethclient.Client
	Signer          opcrypto.SignerFn
	From            common.Address
	TXManagerLogger log.Logger

func NewKeyedBroadcaster(cfg KeyedBroadcasterOpts) (*KeyedBroadcaster, error) {
	mgrCfg := &txmgr.Config{
		Backend:                   cfg.Client,
		ChainID:                   cfg.ChainID,
		TxSendTimeout:             5 * time.Minute,
		TxNotInMempoolTimeout:     time.Minute,
		NetworkTimeout:            10 * time.Second,
		ReceiptQueryInterval:      time.Second,
		NumConfirmations:          1,
		SafeAbortNonceTooLowCount: 3,
		Signer:                    cfg.Signer,
		From:                      cfg.From,

	minTipCap, err := eth.GweiToWei(1.0)
	if err != nil {
	minBaseFee, err := eth.GweiToWei(1.0)
	if err != nil {

	mgrCfg.ResubmissionTimeout.Store(int64(48 * time.Second))

	txmLogger := log.NewLogger(log.DiscardHandler())
	if cfg.TXManagerLogger != nil {
		txmLogger = cfg.TXManagerLogger

	mgr, err := txmgr.NewSimpleTxManagerFromConfig(

	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tx manager: %w", err)

	return &KeyedBroadcaster{
		lgr:    cfg.Logger,
		mgr:    mgr,
		client: cfg.Client,
	}, nil

func (t *KeyedBroadcaster) Hook(bcast script.Broadcast) {
	t.bcasts = append(t.bcasts, bcast)

func (t *KeyedBroadcaster) Broadcast(ctx context.Context) ([]BroadcastResult, error) {
	results := make([]BroadcastResult, len(t.bcasts))
	futures := make([]<-chan txmgr.SendResponse, len(t.bcasts))
	ids := make([]common.Hash, len(t.bcasts))

	latestBlock, err := t.client.BlockByNumber(ctx, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest block: %w", err)

	for i, bcast := range t.bcasts {
		futures[i], ids[i] = t.broadcast(ctx, bcast, latestBlock.GasLimit())
			"transaction broadcasted",
			"id", ids[i],
			"nonce", bcast.Nonce,

	var txErr *multierror.Error
	var completed int
	for i, fut := range futures {
		bcastRes := <-fut
		outRes := BroadcastResult{
			Broadcast: t.bcasts[i],

		if bcastRes.Err == nil {
			outRes.Receipt = bcastRes.Receipt
			outRes.TxHash = bcastRes.Receipt.TxHash

			if bcastRes.Receipt.Status == 0 {
				failErr := fmt.Errorf("transaction failed: %s", outRes.Receipt.TxHash.String())
				txErr = multierror.Append(txErr, failErr)
				outRes.Err = failErr
					"transaction failed on chain",
					"id", ids[i],
					"completed", completed,
					"total", len(t.bcasts),
					"hash", outRes.Receipt.TxHash.String(),
					"nonce", outRes.Broadcast.Nonce,
			} else {
					"transaction confirmed",
					"id", ids[i],
					"completed", completed,
					"total", len(t.bcasts),
					"hash", outRes.Receipt.TxHash.String(),
					"nonce", outRes.Broadcast.Nonce,
					"creation", outRes.Receipt.ContractAddress,
		} else {
			txErr = multierror.Append(txErr, bcastRes.Err)
			outRes.Err = bcastRes.Err
				"transaction failed",
				"id", ids[i],
				"completed", completed,
				"total", len(t.bcasts),
				"err", bcastRes.Err,

		results[i] = outRes
	return results, txErr.ErrorOrNil()

func (t *KeyedBroadcaster) broadcast(ctx context.Context, bcast script.Broadcast, blockGasLimit uint64) (<-chan txmgr.SendResponse, common.Hash) {
	ch := make(chan txmgr.SendResponse, 1)

	id := bcast.ID()
	value := ((*uint256.Int)(bcast.Value)).ToBig()
	var candidate txmgr.TxCandidate
	switch bcast.Type {
	case script.BroadcastCall:
		to := &bcast.To
		candidate = txmgr.TxCandidate{
			TxData:   bcast.Input,
			To:       to,
			Value:    value,
			GasLimit: padGasLimit(bcast.Input, bcast.GasUsed, false, blockGasLimit),
	case script.BroadcastCreate:
		candidate = txmgr.TxCandidate{
			TxData:   bcast.Input,
			To:       nil,
			GasLimit: padGasLimit(bcast.Input, bcast.GasUsed, true, blockGasLimit),
	case script.BroadcastCreate2:
		txData := make([]byte, len(bcast.Salt)+len(bcast.Input))
		copy(txData, bcast.Salt[:])
		copy(txData[len(bcast.Salt):], bcast.Input)

		candidate = txmgr.TxCandidate{
			TxData:   txData,
			To:       &script.DeterministicDeployerAddress,
			Value:    value,
			GasLimit: padGasLimit(bcast.Input, bcast.GasUsed, true, blockGasLimit),

	t.mgr.SendAsync(ctx, candidate, ch)
	return ch, id

// padGasLimit calculates the gas limit for a transaction based on the intrinsic gas and the gas used by
// the underlying call. Values are multiplied by a pad factor to account for any discrepancies. The output
// is clamped to the block gas limit since Geth will reject transactions that exceed it before letting them
// into the mempool.
func padGasLimit(data []byte, gasUsed uint64, creation bool, blockGasLimit uint64) uint64 {
	intrinsicGas, err := core.IntrinsicGas(data, nil, creation, true, true, false, nil, nil)
	// This method never errors - we should look into it if it does.
	if err != nil {

	limit := uint64(float64(intrinsicGas+gasUsed) * GasPadFactor)
	if limit > blockGasLimit {
		return blockGasLimit
	return limit

// uncomment the following version and comment out the above
// to execute the tests with mutex implementation to avoid race conditions
// package broadcaster

// import (
// 	"context"
// 	"fmt"
// 	"math/big"
// 	"sync"
// 	"time"

// 	"github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/op-service/eth"

// 	"github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/op-chain-ops/script"
// 	opcrypto "github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/op-service/crypto"
// 	"github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/op-service/txmgr"
// 	"github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/op-service/txmgr/metrics"
// 	"github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
// 	"github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core"
// 	"github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/ethclient"
// 	"github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/log"
// 	"github.com/hashicorp/go-multierror"
// 	"github.com/holiman/uint256"
// )

// const (
// 	GasPadFactor = 2.0
// )

// type KeyedBroadcaster struct {
// 	lgr    log.Logger
// 	mgr    txmgr.TxManager
// 	bcasts []script.Broadcast
// 	client *ethclient.Client
// 	mtx    sync.Mutex
// }

// type KeyedBroadcasterOpts struct {
// 	Logger  log.Logger
// 	ChainID *big.Int
// 	Client  *ethclient.Client
// 	Signer  opcrypto.SignerFn
// 	From    common.Address
// }

// func NewKeyedBroadcaster(cfg KeyedBroadcasterOpts) (*KeyedBroadcaster, error) {
// 	mgrCfg := &txmgr.Config{
// 		Backend:                   cfg.Client,
// 		ChainID:                   cfg.ChainID,
// 		TxSendTimeout:             5 * time.Minute,
// 		TxNotInMempoolTimeout:     time.Minute,
// 		NetworkTimeout:            10 * time.Second,
// 		ReceiptQueryInterval:      time.Second,
// 		NumConfirmations:          1,
// 		SafeAbortNonceTooLowCount: 3,
// 		Signer:                    cfg.Signer,
// 		From:                      cfg.From,
// 	}

// 	minTipCap, err := eth.GweiToWei(1.0)
// 	if err != nil {
// 		panic(err)
// 	}
// 	minBaseFee, err := eth.GweiToWei(1.0)
// 	if err != nil {
// 		panic(err)
// 	}

// 	mgrCfg.ResubmissionTimeout.Store(int64(48 * time.Second))
// 	mgrCfg.FeeLimitMultiplier.Store(5)
// 	mgrCfg.FeeLimitThreshold.Store(big.NewInt(100))
// 	mgrCfg.MinTipCap.Store(minTipCap)
// 	mgrCfg.MinBaseFee.Store(minBaseFee)

// 	mgr, err := txmgr.NewSimpleTxManagerFromConfig(
// 		"transactor",
// 		cfg.Logger,
// 		&metrics.NoopTxMetrics{},
// 		mgrCfg,
// 	)

// 	if err != nil {
// 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create tx manager: %w", err)
// 	}

// 	return &KeyedBroadcaster{
// 		lgr:    cfg.Logger,
// 		mgr:    mgr,
// 		client: cfg.Client,
// 	}, nil
// }

// func (t *KeyedBroadcaster) Hook(bcast script.Broadcast) {
// 	if bcast.Type != script.BroadcastCreate2 && bcast.From != t.mgr.From() {
// 		panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid from for broadcast:%v, expected:%v", bcast.From, t.mgr.From()))
// 	}
// 	t.mtx.Lock()
// 	t.bcasts = append(t.bcasts, bcast)
// 	t.mtx.Unlock()
// }

// func (t *KeyedBroadcaster) Broadcast(ctx context.Context) ([]BroadcastResult, error) {
// 	// Empty the internal broadcast buffer as soon as this method is called.
// 	t.mtx.Lock()
// 	bcasts := t.bcasts
// 	t.bcasts = nil
// 	t.mtx.Unlock()

// 	if len(bcasts) == 0 {
// 		return nil, nil
// 	}

// 	results := make([]BroadcastResult, len(bcasts))
// 	futures := make([]<-chan txmgr.SendResponse, len(bcasts))
// 	ids := make([]common.Hash, len(bcasts))

// 	latestBlock, err := t.client.BlockByNumber(ctx, nil)
// 	if err != nil {
// 		return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get latest block: %w", err)
// 	}

// 	for i, bcast := range bcasts {
// 		futures[i], ids[i] = t.broadcast(ctx, bcast, latestBlock.GasLimit())
// 		t.lgr.Info(
// 			"transaction broadcasted",
// 			"id", ids[i],
// 			"nonce", bcast.Nonce,
// 		)
// 	}

// 	var txErr *multierror.Error
// 	var completed int
// 	for i, fut := range futures {
// 		bcastRes := <-fut
// 		completed++
// 		outRes := BroadcastResult{
// 			Broadcast: bcasts[i],
// 		}

// 		if bcastRes.Err == nil {
// 			outRes.Receipt = bcastRes.Receipt
// 			outRes.TxHash = bcastRes.Receipt.TxHash

// 			if bcastRes.Receipt.Status == 0 {
// 				failErr := fmt.Errorf("transaction failed: %s", outRes.Receipt.TxHash.String())
// 				txErr = multierror.Append(txErr, failErr)
// 				outRes.Err = failErr
// 				t.lgr.Error(
// 					"transaction failed on chain",
// 					"id", ids[i],
// 					"completed", completed,
// 					"total", len(bcasts),
// 					"hash", outRes.Receipt.TxHash.String(),
// 					"nonce", outRes.Broadcast.Nonce,
// 				)
// 			} else {
// 				t.lgr.Info(
// 					"transaction confirmed",
// 					"id", ids[i],
// 					"completed", completed,
// 					"total", len(bcasts),
// 					"hash", outRes.Receipt.TxHash.String(),
// 					"nonce", outRes.Broadcast.Nonce,
// 					"creation", outRes.Receipt.ContractAddress,
// 				)
// 			}
// 		} else {
// 			txErr = multierror.Append(txErr, bcastRes.Err)
// 			outRes.Err = bcastRes.Err
// 			t.lgr.Error(
// 				"transaction failed",
// 				"id", ids[i],
// 				"completed", completed,
// 				"total", len(bcasts),
// 				"err", bcastRes.Err,
// 			)
// 		}

// 		results[i] = outRes
// 	}
// 	return results, txErr.ErrorOrNil()
// }

// func (t *KeyedBroadcaster) broadcast(ctx context.Context, bcast script.Broadcast, blockGasLimit uint64) (<-chan txmgr.SendResponse, common.Hash) {
// 	ch := make(chan txmgr.SendResponse, 1)

// 	id := bcast.ID()
// 	value := ((*uint256.Int)(bcast.Value)).ToBig()
// 	var candidate txmgr.TxCandidate
// 	switch bcast.Type {
// 	case script.BroadcastCall:
// 		to := &bcast.To
// 		candidate = txmgr.TxCandidate{
// 			TxData:   bcast.Input,
// 			To:       to,
// 			Value:    value,
// 			GasLimit: padGasLimit(bcast.Input, bcast.GasUsed, false, blockGasLimit),
// 		}
// 	case script.BroadcastCreate:
// 		candidate = txmgr.TxCandidate{
// 			TxData:   bcast.Input,
// 			To:       nil,
// 			GasLimit: padGasLimit(bcast.Input, bcast.GasUsed, true, blockGasLimit),
// 		}
// 	case script.BroadcastCreate2:
// 		txData := make([]byte, len(bcast.Salt)+len(bcast.Input))
// 		copy(txData, bcast.Salt[:])
// 		copy(txData[len(bcast.Salt):], bcast.Input)

// 		candidate = txmgr.TxCandidate{
// 			TxData:   txData,
// 			To:       &script.DeterministicDeployerAddress,
// 			Value:    value,
// 			GasLimit: padGasLimit(bcast.Input, bcast.GasUsed, true, blockGasLimit),
// 		}
// 	}

// 	t.mgr.SendAsync(ctx, candidate, ch)
// 	return ch, id
// }

// // padGasLimit calculates the gas limit for a transaction based on the intrinsic gas and the gas used by
// // the underlying call. Values are multiplied by a pad factor to account for any discrepancies. The output
// // is clamped to the block gas limit since Geth will reject transactions that exceed it before letting them
// // into the mempool.
// func padGasLimit(data []byte, gasUsed uint64, creation bool, blockGasLimit uint64) uint64 {
// 	intrinsicGas, err := core.IntrinsicGas(data, nil, creation, true, true, false, nil, nil)
// 	if err != nil {
// 		return 0
// 	}

// 	limit := uint64(float64(intrinsicGas+gasUsed) * GasPadFactor)
// 	if limit > blockGasLimit {
// 		return blockGasLimit
// 	}
// 	return limit
// }

Now create the broadcast_test.go file at the same folder:

package broadcaster

import (


// MockEthClient is a mock implementation of ethclient.Client
type MockEthClient struct {

func (b *mockEthBackend) BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number *big.Int) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	header := types.Header{
		ParentHash:  common.HexToHash("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
		UncleHash:   common.HexToHash("0x1dcc4de8dec75d7aab85b567b6ccd41ad312451b948a7413f0a142fd40d49347"),
		Coinbase:    common.HexToAddress("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
		Root:        common.HexToHash("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
		TxHash:      common.HexToHash("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
		ReceiptHash: common.HexToHash("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
		Bloom:       types.Bloom{},
		Difficulty:  big.NewInt(1),
		Number:      big.NewInt(1),
		GasLimit:    30000000,
		GasUsed:     0,
		Time:        uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
		Extra:       []byte{},
		MixDigest:   common.HexToHash("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
		Nonce:       types.BlockNonce{},
		BaseFee:     big.NewInt(1000000000), // 1 Gwei

	headerJSON, err := json.Marshal(header)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	var headerMap map[string]interface{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(headerJSON, &headerMap)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Convert big.Int values to hexutil.Big
	headerMap["difficulty"] = (*hexutil.Big)(header.Difficulty)
	headerMap["number"] = (*hexutil.Big)(header.Number)
	headerMap["gasLimit"] = hexutil.Uint64(header.GasLimit)
	headerMap["gasUsed"] = hexutil.Uint64(header.GasUsed)
	headerMap["time"] = hexutil.Uint64(header.Time)
	headerMap["baseFeePerGas"] = (*hexutil.Big)(header.BaseFee)

	return headerMap, nil

// MockTxManager is a mock implementation of txmgr.TxManager based on SimpleTxManager
type MockTxManager struct {
	from   common.Address
	closed bool

func (m *MockTxManager) From() common.Address {
	return m.from

func (m *MockTxManager) Send(ctx context.Context, candidate txmgr.TxCandidate) (*types.Receipt, error) {
	return &types.Receipt{}, nil

func (m *MockTxManager) SendAndWait(ctx context.Context, candidate txmgr.TxCandidate) (*types.Receipt, error) {
	return &types.Receipt{}, nil

func (m *MockTxManager) Call(ctx context.Context, candidate txmgr.TxCandidate) ([]byte, error) {
	return []byte{}, nil

func (m *MockTxManager) BlockNumber(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error) {
	return 1, nil

func (m *MockTxManager) Close() {
	m.closed = true

func (m *MockTxManager) IsClosed() bool {
	return m.closed

func (m *MockTxManager) SuggestGasPriceCaps(ctx context.Context) (tipCap *big.Int, baseFee *big.Int, blobBaseFee *big.Int, err error) {
	return big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(1), nil

func (m *MockTxManager) GetBaseFee(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error) {
	return big.NewInt(1), nil

func (m *MockTxManager) GetLatestBlockHeader(ctx context.Context) (*types.Header, error) {
	return &types.Header{}, nil

func (m *MockTxManager) GetTransactionReceipt(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error) {
	return &types.Receipt{}, nil

func (m *MockTxManager) GetTransactionByHash(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Transaction, error) {
	return &types.Transaction{}, nil

func (m *MockTxManager) Nonce(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error) {
	return 0, nil

func (m *MockTxManager) PendingNonce(ctx context.Context) (uint64, error) {
	return 0, nil

func (m *MockTxManager) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, tx *types.Transaction) error {
	return nil

func (m *MockTxManager) WaitForReceipt(ctx context.Context, hash common.Hash) (*types.Receipt, error) {
	return &types.Receipt{}, nil

func (m *MockTxManager) ChainID(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error) {
	return big.NewInt(1), nil

func (m *MockTxManager) API() rpc.API {
	return rpc.API{
		Namespace: "mock",
		Version:   "1.0",
		Service:   m,
		Public:    true,

func (m *MockTxManager) SendAsync(ctx context.Context, candidate txmgr.TxCandidate, ch chan txmgr.SendResponse) {
	go func() {
		ch <- txmgr.SendResponse{
			Receipt: &types.Receipt{},
			Err:     nil,

func TestConcurrentBroadcastRaceCondition(t *testing.T) {
	logger := log.New()

	// Create a mock ethclient
	mockClient := NewMockEthClient()

	broadcaster := &KeyedBroadcaster{
		lgr:    logger,
		mgr:    &MockTxManager{from: common.HexToAddress("0x1234")},
		client: mockClient,

	// Number of concurrent broadcast operations
	numBroadcasts := 100

	// WaitGroup to wait for all goroutines to finish
	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	// Channel to collect results
	resultChan := make(chan int, numBroadcasts)

	// Start concurrent broadcast operations
	for i := 0; i < numBroadcasts; i++ {
		go func(i int) {
			defer wg.Done()

			// Hook a broadcast
				From:  common.HexToAddress("0x1234"),
				To:    common.HexToAddress("0x5678"),
				Input: []byte{byte(i)},
				Nonce: uint64(i),
				Type:  script.BroadcastCall,

			// Immediately try to broadcast
			results, _ := broadcaster.Broadcast(context.Background())
			// if err != nil {
			// 	t.Errorf("Broadcast error: %v", err)
			// 	return
			// }

			resultChan <- len(results)

	// Wait for all goroutines to finish

	// Check if we got all the broadcasts
	assert.NotEqual(t, numBroadcasts, "Expected to lose some broadcasts due to race conditions")
	t.Logf("Total broadcasts: %d ", numBroadcasts)

// NewMockEthClient creates a new mock ethclient.Client
func NewMockEthClient() *ethclient.Client {
	mockRPC := rpc.NewServer()
	mockRPC.RegisterName("eth", &mockEthBackend{})
	client := ethclient.NewClient(rpc.DialInProc(mockRPC))
	return client

// mockEthBackend is a mock backend for ethclient
type mockEthBackend struct{}

func (b *mockEthBackend) ChainID(ctx context.Context) (hexutil.Big, error) {
	return hexutil.Big(*big.NewInt(1)), nil

func (b *mockEthBackend) GetBlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, number rpc.BlockNumber, fullTx bool) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
	return b.BlockByNumber(ctx, big.NewInt(int64(number)))

Run the test without the non-mutex implementation with the following command from the ./deployer directory:

go test -v -race ./broadcaster

The output should contain this log:


Now uncomment the mutex-implemented version of the broadcaster and repeat the test. It should pass.

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