IOP _ ThunderNFT 34848 - [Smart Contract - Low] Incorrect verification of deposit asset leads to cre

Submitted on Thu Aug 29 2024 09:23:45 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @jecikpo for IOP | ThunderNFT

Report ID: #34848

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value

  • Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)



When a buyer places a Buy order the exchange verifies if enough payment asset was placed within the Pool contract by the buyer. The verification only takes into account price submitted in the order, but not the amount hence if amount is greater than 1 there would be not enough assets to cover the order.

Vulnerability Details

When a user places a Buy order in ThunderExchange by calling place_order() or wants to update an existing order by calling update_order() the Pool balance is checked for the necessary amount of payment_asset deposited prior to placing/updating of the said order:

let pool_balance = _get_pool_balance(order.maker, order.payment_asset);
require(order.price <= pool_balance, ThunderExchangeErrors::AmountHigherThanPoolBalance);

We can see here that only order.price is validated, however user can also submit the order.amount value which could be greater than 1. In this case the required balance will not be enough and hence the order placed could not be filled by potential sellers as there would be not enough assets within the Pool.

Impact Details

The impact of this issue is low, as no assets are being lost or stolen, however the thunder design would like at least ensure that initially when the order is placed there is enough assets in the Pool to fill it. This validation is not working properly when amount is higher than 1 (and it could be more than 1 as per the design ERC1155 tokens should also be supported) and so the contract fails to deliver promised results.

This situation could lead to having registered orders which are in-executable and hence are putting risk on potential sellers where their transactions would get reverted and loss of gas ensues.

NOTE: The bug reported in #34736 should also be fixed for this fix to make sense.

Solution Proposal

Change the validation statement to also include the order.amount:

let pool_balance = _get_pool_balance(order.maker, order.payment_asset);
require(order.price * order.amount <= pool_balance, ThunderExchangeErrors::AmountHigherThanPoolBalance);


Problematic line in place_order():

Problematic line in update_order():

Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

PoC available in the following gist:

Last updated

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