Boost _ Folks Finance 34161 - [Smart Contract - Medium] Denial of Service via Front-Running in Loan Creation Mechanism

Submitted on Tue Aug 06 2024 03:54:20 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @OxG0P1 for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #34161

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Medium



  • Griefing (e.g. no profit motive for an attacker, but damage to the users or the protocol)



An attacker can front-run the loan creation of other users by inputting the same loanId, causing a Denial of Service (DoS) for the affected users.

Vulnerability Details

A user can create a loan by specifying a loanId of their choice.

function createLoanAndDeposit(
    Messages.MessageParams memory params,
    bytes32 accountId,
    bytes32 loanId,
    uint256 amount,
    uint16 loanTypeId,
    bytes32 loanName
) external payable nonReentrant {
        abi.encodePacked(loanId, poolId, amount, loanTypeId, loanName)

In LoanManager.sol, the function first checks whether there is an active loan associated with the specified loanId. If no active loan exists, the loan will be created with the provided loanId. However, if an active loan with the same loanId already exists, the transaction will revert.

if (isUserLoanActive(loanId)) revert UserLoanAlreadyCreated(loanId);
function isUserLoanActive(bytes32 loanId) public view returns (bool) {
    return _userLoans[loanId].isActive;

This can be problematic because an attacker can front-run the loan creation transaction from the Hub chain, leading to a DoS for the victim.

Impact Details

An attacker can cause a DoS for all loan creation transactions of other users. Since loan management is conducted on the Hub chain, a user who wishes to create a loan from another spoke chain must relay the message through a bridge. An attacker can front-run this transaction, causing the victim's transaction to revert. This results in a loss for the victim, as they still incur the bridge fee required for relaying the message.


Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

Consider the following scenario with two users, Alice (the victim) and Bob (the attacker):

  1. Alice's Loan Creation Intent:

    • Alice intends to create a loan with the loanId of 0x123456.

    createLoanAndDeposit(params, accountIdAlice, 0x123456, amount, loanTypeId, loanName);
  2. Bob Monitors and Front-Runs:

    • Bob, monitoring the mempool, detects Alice's intent to create a loan with loanId 0x123456.

    • Bob immediately sends a transaction with the same loanId:

    createLoanAndDeposit(params, accountIdBob, 0x123456, amount, loanTypeId, loanName);
  3. Transaction Processing:

    • Bob's transaction is processed first due to higher gas fees, creating a loan with loanId 0x123456.

    // In LoanManager.sol
    if (isUserLoanActive(loanId)) revert UserLoanAlreadyCreated(loanId);
    • The isUserLoanActive function checks if a loan with loanId 0x123456 is active. Since Bob's loan is now active, the function returns true.

  4. Alice's Transaction Fails:

    • When Alice's transaction is processed, the isUserLoanActive function again checks the loanId 0x123456. It finds an active loan created by Bob, causing Alice's transaction to revert with UserLoanAlreadyCreated(loanId).

  5. Result:

    • Alice's transaction fails, and she loses the gas fee for the transaction. If Alice's transaction was relayed from another chain via a bridge, she also loses the bridge fee paid for relaying the message.

Last updated

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