31494 - [SC - High] Alchemix The first epochs ALCX emissions of vo...
Submitted on May 20th 2024 at 13:23:00 UTC by @Norah for Boost | Alchemix
Report ID: #31494
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: High
Target: https://github.com/alchemix-finance/alchemix-v2-dao/blob/main/src/Voter.sol
Permanent freezing of unclaimed yield
During each epoch, the minter contract distributes emissions to various components of the Alchemix system, one of them being the voter contract.
Anyone can call the
function on the voter contract. If the minter period/epoch is over, the rewards are distributed to the various gauges, andminter.updatePeriod()
is called, which triggers the minter contract to distribute the emissions for the previous epoch.
Vulnerability Details
The problem arises if the
function is called first and thenminter.updatePeriod()
. I - In this scenario, during the first epoch, since there are no emissions at this point, no rewards will be distributed. - Afterward,minter.updatePeriod()
will be triggered, sending the rewards to the voter contract.However, the rewards distribution routine has already been called, so no reward will be transferred to the contract or updated in the claimable[_gauge] mapping for the gauges to claim later on.
Essentially, there is emissions are now stuck in the
contract forever.
Ideally, minter.updatePeriod() should be called first, to allow the minter contract to send the rewards, and then the _distribute() routine should be called to distribute and update the rewards in claimable or send them directly to the gauge
For more detail check POC.
Impact Details
As a result, the rewards for the first epoch will be forever stuck in the voter contract, and gauges will be unable to claim these rewards.
This will result in the permanent freezing of yield (emissions) for the gauges.
Add any relevant links to documentation or code
Update the code of the
routine so thatIMinter(minter).updatePeriod()
is called before_distribute().
Also, remove the timestamp check from
and place it indistribute()
Proof of Concept
I have created a test showcasing how the rewards sent during the first epoch are stuck in the voter contract for 3 epochs.
For better understanding, re-run the test after implementing the recommended changes.
Note that there will still be a lag between gauge_balance and claimable_amount (i.e., gauge_balance will be updated in the next epoch each time), but that is due to a different bug.
Add the test below to the voting.t.sol file of the test suite and run it with the following command:
forge test --fork-url https://eth-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/{Alchemy-api-key} --match-test "testFirstEpochRewardsStuck" -vvv