Boost _ Folks Finance 33870 - [Smart Contract - Low] convToRepayBorrowAmount calculation is incorrect causing liquidators to repay extra instead of receiving a bonus
Submitted on Wed Jul 31 2024 14:50:42 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @nnez for Boost | Folks Finance
Folks Finance uses a liquidation bonus to incentivize liquidators to quickly liquidate underwater positions, protecting the protocol from bad debt.
Liquidators are rewarded by seizing violators' collateral at a discounted price relative to the debt they repay.
For example, with a 5% liquidation bonus, liquidators repaying $100 would seize $105 worth of the violator's collateral.
The total amount of collateral seized with liquidation bonus is calculated in LiquidationLogic.sol#calcLiquidationAmounts.
The seized collateral amount is calculated using convToSeizedCollateralAmount. If this amount exceeds the violator's collateral position, the total collateral is assigned as the seized amount, and the repay amount is then recalculated using convToRepayBorrowAmount.
However, the calculation in convToRepayBorrowAmount is incorrect. The transformed equation is:
This will always result in a higher repay amount for the given collateral amount.
For instance, with a 5% liquidation bonus, liquidators seizing $100 worth of the violator's collateral would have to repay $105.
As a result, instead of liquidators seizing collateral at a discount, they end up paying an extra percentage for the same collateral amount.
Discourage liquidators to liquidate underwater position in some cases, which eventually will lead to bad debt.
Rationale for Severity
If liquidation becomes ineffective or unprofitable, it could discourage liquidators from participating, eventually leading to bad debt for the protocol, as no one would be willing to take a loss. However, in this particular case, it would only happen in specific situations.
Damage: HighLikilihood: Medium
Hence, High severity.
or it could be Medium if we think differently about the Likelihood.
Proof of concept
The test does the following:
Mock the price of USDC at 1$ and AVAX at 10$
ALICE deposits 100 USDC and borrow 7 AVAX
Mock the price of AVAX at 100$
ALICE is underwater, C=100$ D=700$
BOB deposits 1_000 USDC in preparation of liquidating ALICE
BOB liquidates ALICE, trying to seize all collateral by repaying 1 AVAX (=100$)
BOB should only have to repay less than 1 AVAX to seize 100 USDC
BOB seizes 100 USDC but takes 1.07 AVAX (=107$) due to the wrong calculation