#36554 [SC-Critical] Time Based Collateral Pool Users can release more than their due share of the pool, drawing from the due share of other users
Submitted on Nov 5th 2024 at 20:54:50 UTC by @niroh for Audit Comp | Anvil
Report ID: #36554
Report Type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Critical
Target: https://etherscan.io/address/0xd042C267758eDDf34B481E1F539d637e41db3e5a
Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield
When TBCP users have a vested pending unstake at epoc X and epoc X unstakes had already been handled on the contract level, these users can release their stake from the epoc unstake ExitBalance, based on their pending units share of the total units.
If, however, the pool was resetted before that epoc unstake was processed by the pool, the unstake is purged, and the users get their due share based on their totalUnits and out of the reset ExitBalance . This is explained as case a. in the following comment from the code (TimeBasedCollateralPool.sol line 949):
```solidity // 2. Process and purge all account pending unstake state. There are two possibilities: // a. A pending unstake is vested or unvested but no vested contract unstake was processed prior to pool // reset. That contract state was purged in _resetPool(...), the account pool units still exist in the // vault, and we can release them via the standard "everything has been unstaked" logic below. // b. A pending unstake, was vested and the contract unstake was already processed at the time of pool reset. // In this case, the exchange rate was captured in tokenEpochExitBalances, and it's unsafe to process // this unstake any different than the standard release process. ```
Vulnerability Details
A bug in the TBCP reset logic enables users who unstake based on a low/dilluted unit value just before a pool reset, to release their share based on the post-reset new unit value (which is likely to be much higher). This enables them to release more than their due share, on the expense of users who entered the pool after the reset. The result is that those users who entered the pool after the reset will not be able to withdraw their due share because of the balance shortfall caused by this exploit. The following scenario details how this can happen:
At the start of epoc X, a large claim is made that significantly dilutes the pool unit value.
Bob has 1000 units in the pool and he unstakes all his units, expecting a pool reset. (which is likely to happen based on this comment: https://github.com/AcronymFoundation/anvil-contracts/blob/1bbe04bb6f1aa1beea0ebf55e1bad67da3aa0f87/contracts/TimeBasedCollateralPool.sol#L1115). The user's firstPendingUnstakeEpoch is set to X+1 with and firstPendingUnstakeUnits set to 1000.
The pool is reset, after which new accounts start depositing into the pool. Since the pool was reset, the unit value restarts at 1:1 with the pool token.
While still in epoc X, some of the new (post-reset) stakers unstake part of their stakes. their pending-unstake units are recorded under epoc X+1 (both on the users and the contract accounting). Since this happens after the reset, the contract level firstPendingUnstakeEpoch and firstPendingUnstakeUnits have already been reset and start from scratch. However, Bob still has his firstPendingUnstakeEpoch and firstPendingUnstakeUnits set as before (epoc X+1, 1000 units), because they haven't performed any action since the reset.
Bob waits until epoc X+2 (when pending unstakes recorded on epoc X+1 can be released), and only at the start of epoc X+2 he calls releaseEligibleTokens to release his 1000 units.
Because a reset has happened since Bob's last interaction, the _resetAccountTokenStateIfApplicable function handles his release.
The code below, taken from _resetAccountTokenStateIfApplicable, is the cause of the problem: (TimeBasedCollateralPool.sol Line 956) ```solidity uint256 epoch = accountStateStorage.firstPendingUnstakeEpoch; if (epoch > 0) { uint256 currentEpoch = getCurrentEpoch(); if (epoch < currentEpoch) { // NB: This is case b. from above -- do not process contract-level unstakes that have not already been processed. (unstakeUnitsToRelease, _tokensToRelease) = getAccountExitUnitsAndTokens( _tokenAddress, epoch, accountStateStorage.firstPendingUnstakeUnits, false ); ``` This code wrongfully assumes that if the resetted user has pending unstakes from an epoc E that is currently vested, then epoc E was either handled on the contract level before the reset (case b), or purged (zeroed) on the contract level and has no ExitBalance. It doesn't take into acount the case where after the reset/purge new funds are deposited and unstaked so that the contract creates a non-empty ExitBalance for epoc E with different units/tokens. In our scenario Bob unstaked before the reset (with a dilluted unit value) but is now able to release their units from the post-reset unstake ExitBalance where their 1000 units grant them much more tokens than their due share. In reality Bob's release action should have been handled as case a (where his total units are taken from the reset ExitBalance).
As a result of this error, the user gets significantly more tokens than they deserve. Since all releases are paid from the TBCP available vault balance (which always equals the sum of correct user release amounts), the exccess amount will be taken out of the hands of the real epoc X+1 unstakers, who will revert when they try to release their funds when the TBCP balance reaches zero.
This is brought as a high level explenation of the issue. The attached POC shows a more specific, numeric example.
Impact Details
Since the perpetrator can withdraw their vault available balance immediately after the release, this vulnerability enables a non-reversible exfiltration of funds that belong to TBCP users, and can not be undone by a pool upgrade. Hence the chosen inpact is critical.
Keep a timestamp with every ExitBalance (e.g. add a field to the ExitBalance struct), representing the block.timestamp at which this exit balance was processed by the contract (zero if not processed yet).
Also keep a timestamp for every resetNonce (e.g. a mapping of nonce to timestamp) representing the time the Reset corresponding to that nonce was processed.
In _resetAccountTokenStateIfApplicable line 959 check if the reset for which the user is currently being resetted happened before or after the user's pending epoc was processed (check for both first and second). If the reset happened before the epoc was processed, go to case a. (process everything from the reset balance).
Proof of Concept
Proof of Concept
run instructions
This test was written in foundry. To run:
Install foundry and create a foundry project with `forge init`
cd to the project folder and install openzeppelin with `forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts` and `forge install OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradeable`
Copy all files from the audit repo `contracts` folder to the foundry project `src` folder
Copy the following folders from the audit repo `node-modules` folder to the foundry `lib` folder: @pythnetwork, @uniswap
Add the following mappings to foundry.toml: remappings = ["@openzeppelin/contracts=lib/openzeppelin-contracts/contracts","@openzeppelin/contracts-upgradable=lib/openzeppelin-contracts-upgradable/contracts","@forge-std=lib/forge-std/src",]
Create a test file under the foundry `test` folder and copy the code below to it (replace YOUR_MAINNET_FORK_URL with your alchemy/other service url).
run `forge test -vvv --match-test testPostResetDrain`
test file code
```solidity pragma solidity >=0.8.0;
import {Test} from "@forge-std/Test.sol"; import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol"; import {UpgradeableBeacon} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/proxy/beacon/UpgradeableBeacon.sol"; import {console2} from "@forge-std/console2.sol"; import "./../src/CollateralVault.sol"; import "./../src/TimeBasedCollateralPool.sol"; import "./../src/VisibleBeaconProxy.sol"; import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Strings.sol";
contract TestPostResetDrainUnstake is Test {
} ```
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