#38582 [BC-High] The `BitcoinCoreClient::get_tx_info` does not support coinbase transactions, which may cause sBTC to be attacked by btc miners or sBTC donations to be lost

Submitted on Jan 7th 2025 at 09:31:52 UTC by @f4lc0n for Attackathon | Stacks

  • Report ID: #38582

  • Report Type: Blockchain/DLT

  • Report severity: High

  • Target: https://github.com/stacks-network/sbtc/tree/immunefi_attackaton_0.9/signer

  • Impacts:

    • Direct loss of funds

    • API crash preventing correct processing of deposits



The BitcoinCoreClient::get_tx_info function is used to get tx data from bitcoin RPC and parse it. It will parse the bitcoin RPC response data into a BitcoinTxInfo structure.

The BitcoinTxInfo structure requires that the bitcoin RPC response data must have a vin field. However, the coinbase tx in bitcoin does not contain vin. So when parsing the coinbase tx with the get_tx_info function, it fails to parse and returns an error.

This may have the following impact:

  • Malicious bitcoin miner sets 1 output transfer 1 sat to signers address in coinbase tx each time. Then, sBTC signer will try to parse the coinbase tx and fail, and then all txs in the block will be ignored, and the user's deposits also be ignored.

  • Honest bitcoin miners donating BTC to sBTC in coinbase tx will be ignored by sBTC signers.

Vulnerability Details

The signer/src/bitcoin/rpc.rs::BitcoinTxInfo structure is as follows.

    /// The inputs into the transaction.
    pub vin: Vec<BitcoinTxVin>,
    /// A description of the transactions outputs. This object is missing
    /// the `desc` field in the `scriptPubKey` object. That field is the
    /// "Inferred descriptor for the output".
    pub vout: Vec<BitcoinTxInfoVout>,

The vin field is not optional. Therefore, if the data of the bitcoin RPC response does not contain vin, the get_tx_info will fail to parse it.

The signer/src/block_observer.rs::process_bitcoin_block code is as follows.

    async fn process_bitcoin_block(&self, block_header: BitcoinBlockHeader) -> Result<(), Error> {
        let block = self
        let db_block = model::BitcoinBlock::from(&block);

        self.extract_sbtc_transactions(block_header.hash, &block.txdata)

        tracing::debug!("finished processing bitcoin block");

Note its calling order:

  1. call write_bitcoin_block

  2. call extract_sbtc_transactions

It first executes write_bitcoin_block, and then executes extract_sbtc_transactions. When extract_sbtc_transactions fails to parse coinbase tx, the block will no longer be processed.

Impact Details

  1. malicious bitcoin miners can use this bug to make sBTC signers ignore user deposits

  2. coinbase tx donations from honest bitcoin miners will be ignored



Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

  1. Base on: https://github.com/stacks-network/sbtc/releases/tag/0.0.9-rc4

  2. Run docker

    make devenv-up
    make devenv-down
  3. Get signers bitcoin address

    ./signers.sh info
  4. Enter the docker-bitcoin-miner-1 docker

    docker exec -it docker-bitcoin-miner-1 bash
  5. Run the following command inside the docker-bitcoin-miner-1 docker to mine a block to signers bitcoin address

    bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=main -rpcconnect=bitcoin generatetoaddress 1 "<signers bitcoin address>"
  6. Check the log of sbtc-signer-1 and you will find that sBTC signer has a parsing error

    2025-01-07T08:59:09.420166379Z  WARN block-observer:process_bitcoin_block{block_hash=309c10993443ff41a3becb8ba6f3bc8575ef42387754261bb545d95e305964e0}: signer::util: failover client call failed error=failed to retrieve the raw transaction for txid ef66dba196015cd9f4df07da8d45bc2654e8fb116c4e91e18dbb82ed3de56535 from bitcoin-core. JSON-RPC error: JSON decode error: missing field `prevout` at line 1 column 368 retry_num=0 max_retries=1

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