#37624 [SC-Critical] lock issue bricks the redeem functionality

#37624 [SC-Critical] Lock Issue Bricks The Redeem Functionality

Submitted on Dec 11th 2024 at 01:20:08 UTC by @Blockian for IOP | Fluid Protocol

  • Report ID: #37624

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Critical

  • Target: https://github.com/Hydrogen-Labs/fluid-protocol/tree/main/contracts/trove-manager-contract/src/main.sw

  • Impacts:

    • Permanent freezing of funds

    • Protocol insolvency


Fluid Bug Report

Lock Issue Bricks The Redeem Functionality


There is a critical issue in the redeem_collateral, where the lock_internal_redeem_collateral_from_trove flag is permanently set to true. This effectively disables the redeem_collateral functionality, preventing users from redeeming USDF and severely impacting protocol operations.

Root Cause

The bug resides in the redeem_collateral_from_trove logic within the trove_manager. When a redemption operation is cancelled, the system fails to release the lock on internal_redeem_collateral_from_trove. This oversight prevents future invocations of the function, leaving the relevant troves perpetually locked.

Relevant Code

The issue arises in the following snippet of the trove_manager implementation:

#[storage(read, write)]
fn internal_redeem_collateral_from_trove(
    borrower: Identity,
    max_usdf_amount: u64,
    price: u64,
    partial_redemption_hint: u64,
    upper_partial_hint: Identity,
    lower_partial_hint: Identity,
) -> SingleRedemptionValues {
    // Prevent reentrancy
            .read() == false,
        "TroveManager: Internal redeem collateral from trove is locked",
        // ... not relevant parts
        if (new_debt < MIN_NET_DEBT) {
            // Issue: Lock is not released on cancellation
            single_redemption_values.cancelled_partial = true;
            return single_redemption_values;

The missing lock release upon redemption cancellation results in a permanent lock on the function.


The perpetual lock prevents any subsequent calls to internal_redeem_collateral_from_trove, rendering the redeem_collateral function entirely inoperable. This effectively disables a core feature of the protocol, creating a severe usability issue for end-users.

Exploit Vector

An attacker can systematically exploit this vulnerability to disable the redemption functionality for all troves using the following steps:

  1. Create a trove with an Initial Collateral Ratio (ICR) of 135% and a debt of $500.

  2. Attempt to redeem a small amount (e.g., $100), triggering a redemption cancellation due to the resulting debt falling below the minimum net debt threshold.

  3. Close the trove and withdraw the collateral.

This sequence can be repeated across all troves in a single transaction, effectively locking out the redeem_collateral functionality for the entire system. The attack carries no risk to the attacker, as it does not expose them to liquidation or full redemption vulnerabilities since the position is closed in the same transaction.

Proposed Solutions

There are two possible solutions:

  1. Release the Lock on Cancellation Ensure that the lock_internal_redeem_collateral_from_trove is reset to false when a redemption operation is cancelled.

  2. Eliminate the Lock Mechanism Evaluate the necessity of the lock mechanism in the current system design. If it is deemed redundant, remove it entirely. Additionally, The Fuel framework offers a better alternative to address reentrancy concerns without relying on storage based locks.

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Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

Run forc test after applying the following steps:

  1. Add the following method to the trove_manager_interface:

    fn get_lock_internal_redeem_collateral_from_trove() -> bool;
  1. Apply the git patch below:

diff --git a/contracts/trove-manager-contract/src/main.sw b/contracts/trove-manager-contract/src/main.sw
index 7e02245..cc408b0 100644
--- a/contracts/trove-manager-contract/src/main.sw
+++ b/contracts/trove-manager-contract/src/main.sw
@@ -140,6 +140,10 @@ impl TroveManager for Contract {
     fn get_trove_rewards_snapshot(id: Identity) -> RewardSnapshot {
         return storage.reward_snapshots.get(id).read();
+    #[storage(read)]
+    fn get_lock_internal_redeem_collateral_from_trove() -> bool {
+        return storage.lock_internal_redeem_collateral_from_trove.read();
+    }
     #[storage(read, write)]
     fn redeem_collateral_from_trove(
         borrower: Identity,
@@ -149,7 +153,7 @@ impl TroveManager for Contract {
         upper_partial_hint: Identity,
         lower_partial_hint: Identity,
     ) -> SingleRedemptionValues {
-        require_caller_is_protocol_manager_contract();
+        // require_caller_is_protocol_manager_contract();
@@ -183,7 +187,7 @@ impl TroveManager for Contract {
     #[storage(read, write)]
     fn set_trove_status(id: Identity, status: Status) {
-        require_caller_is_borrow_operations_contract();
+        // require_caller_is_borrow_operations_contract();
         match storage.troves.get(id).try_read() {
             Some(trove) => {
                 let mut new_trove = trove;
@@ -199,17 +203,17 @@ impl TroveManager for Contract {
     #[storage(read, write)]
     fn increase_trove_coll(id: Identity, coll: u64) -> u64 {
-        require_caller_is_borrow_operations_contract();
+        // require_caller_is_borrow_operations_contract();
         internal_increase_trove_coll(id, coll)
     #[storage(read, write)]