#38012 [SC-Insight] Unused Function in CLAdapter Contract

Submitted on Dec 21st 2024 at 17:11:08 UTC by @IlIlHunterlIlI for Audit Comp | Lombard

  • Report ID: #38012

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Insight

  • Target: https://github.com/lombard-finance/evm-smart-contracts/blob/main/contracts/bridge/adapters/CLAdapter.sol

  • Impacts:

    • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



The initWithdrawalNoSignatures function in CLAdapter.sol has the onlyTokenPool modifier but is never called from the TokenPool contract or any other location in the codebase. This creates dead code that increases contract size and gas costs unnecessarily while potentially creating confusion about the security model around signature-less withdrawals.

Vulnerability Details

The function is defined in CLAdapter.sol:

function initWithdrawalNoSignatures(
    uint64 remoteSelector,
    bytes calldata onChainData
) external onlyTokenPool returns (uint64) {
    _receive(getChain[remoteSelector], onChainData);
    return bridge.withdraw(onChainData);

Key observations:

  1. The function has onlyTokenPool modifier meaning only the TokenPool contract can call it

  2. Examining TokenPool.sol shows no calls to this function

  3. The function allows withdrawals without signature verification unlike initiateWithdrawal

Impact Details

While this is not an exploitable vulnerability since the function is protected by onlyTokenPool, it has several negative impacts:

  1. Increased deployment costs due to unnecessary bytecode

  2. Potential future security risks if the function is accidentally used instead of the signature-verified version


  • CLAdapter.sol: Line 192-198

  • TokenPool.sol implementation

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.24;

import {Test} from "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {CLAdapter} from "../contracts/bridge/adapters/CLAdapter.sol";
import {LombardTokenPool} from "../contracts/bridge/adapters/TokenPool.sol";
import {IBridge} from "../contracts/bridge/IBridge.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

contract CLAdapterTest is Test {
    CLAdapter public adapter;
    LombardTokenPool public tokenPool;
    address public constant MOCK_ROUTER = address(0x1);
    address public constant MOCK_BRIDGE = address(0x2);
    address public constant MOCK_LBTC = address(0x3);
    address public constant MOCK_RMN = address(0x4);
    uint128 public constant EXECUTION_GAS_LIMIT = 200000;

    function setUp() public {
        // Deploy mock contracts

        // Deploy CLAdapter
        adapter = new CLAdapter(
            new address[](0),

        // Get TokenPool reference
        tokenPool = adapter.tokenPool();

    function testNoCallsToInitWithdrawalNoSignatures() public {
        // Get TokenPool bytecode
        bytes memory bytecode = address(tokenPool).code;
        // Search for initWithdrawalNoSignatures selector in bytecode
        bytes4 selector = adapter.initWithdrawalNoSignatures.selector;
        bool selectorFound = false;
        for(uint i = 0; i < bytecode.length - 4; i++) {
            bytes4 candidate;
            assembly {
                candidate := mload(add(add(bytecode, 0x20), i))
            if(candidate == selector) {
                selectorFound = true;
        assertFalse(selectorFound, "initWithdrawalNoSignatures selector found in TokenPool bytecode");

    function testDirectCallReverts() public {
        adapter.initWithdrawalNoSignatures(1, "0x");

my foundry.toml

src = 'contracts'
out = 'out'
libs = ['node_modules', 'lib']
test = 'test'
remappings = [

and this is how i got the environment to be in foundry

npm install --save-dev @nomicfoundation/hardhat-foundry
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-foundry";
npx hardhat init-foundry

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