Attackathon _ Fuel Network 32938 - [Smart Contract - Insight] Insufficient declaration shadowing che
Submitted on Mon Jul 08 2024 04:30:50 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @anatomist for Attackathon | Fuel Network
Report ID: #32938
Report type: Smart Contract
Report severity: Insight
Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield
Incorrect sway compilation leading to incorrect bytecode
Declaration shadowing are not checked properly, which allows shadowing of constants, configurables and more. This may cause unexpected execution results.
Vulnerability Details
Sway doesn't allow shadowing of constants. This is a reasonable decision because shadowing of constant makes it difficult to reason about the program behavior and expose developers to potential coding mistakes.
However, the current checks are not enough to fully prevent shadowing of constants. Because shadowing of ConstantDecl
is only checked for VariableDecl
and other ConstantDecl
, other types can shadow the const without getting caught by the compiler.
For example, a ConfigurableDecl
can shadow a ConstantDecl
. Other types of shadowing, such as between functions and constants are also possible, but are less likely to lead to exploitable contracts, because those types cannot be used interchangeably, and will cause other errors in compilation later.
Impact Details
Silent shadowing of constant is dangerous because it is an easy mistake to make. And if the developer assumes the value of a symbol must be the constant, then the shadowing can result in unexpected contract execution results, which can cause loss of funds. On top of this, shadowing in the root scope is even more tricky. This is because there is no "order" between declarations in the root ast node, so even if the developer is aware of the shadowing, they can incorrectly assume it only happens after second declaration and assume symbol value incorrectly. An example for this is shown in the PoC section.
Our honest suggestion is to only allow shadowing between Variables because that is the only sensible shadowing users ever need. Even shadowing of Configurables can turn into footguns for developers.
We are not sure what severity is appropriate for this bug because it requires developer mistakes to happen. But because we think it is pretty easy to make this kinds of mistakes, and the compiler shouldn't allow shadowing of constants no matter what, we choose the critical severity for this bug.
Proof of concept
Proof of Concept
Tests are run on sway commit acded67b3ec77ce1753356ad46f7ae17290f2ee0
Compiler should refuse to compile because the const A
is shadowed. We can also see that for both show_value
and test
, the configurable value A
is used because there are no ordering for declarations in the root ast node. So even if developers are aware that the const A
is shadowed at some point, they can still incorrectly think that the shadowing only happens after configurable
declaration happens, and show_value
should use the constant declaration.
When running this test, the log(A)
in test
will print incorrect value. This is because the patch_test_bytecode
function in forc test
skips the configurable initialization for tests. This is a bug in itself, but has no direct impact on contract compilation, so we only mention it here and won't submit another report for it.
We omit writing a dapp to show loss of funds caused by this bug, because the fuel team said we only need to show the incorrect compilation with our PoC in the changelog walkthrough earlier.
Last updated
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