RevenueHandler._melt is used to swap normal token to alAsset(for example: WETH->alETH), but the slippage protection is inaccurate. So the function is subject to sandwich attack.
Vulnerability Details
Function RevenueHandler._melt is used to swap normal token to alAsset(for example: WETH -> alETH), and the function uses IERC20(revenueToken).balanceOf(address(this)); as slippage protection.
The issue is that the price between normal token and alAsset isn't 1:1, based on althe and weth, the ratio between WETH and alETH is about 30:27. So it means that the protocol will use 3000$ WETH to swap for 2700$ alETH. Acutally, this is the same issue as
275 function _melt(address revenueToken) internal returns (uint256) {
276 RevenueTokenConfig storage tokenConfig = revenueTokenConfigs[revenueToken];
277 address poolAdapter = tokenConfig.poolAdapter;
278 uint256 revenueTokenBalance = IERC20(revenueToken).balanceOf(address(this));
279 if (revenueTokenBalance == 0) {
280 return 0;
281 }
282 IERC20(revenueToken).safeTransfer(poolAdapter, revenueTokenBalance);
283 /*
284 minimumAmountOut == inputAmount
285 Here we are making the assumption that the price of the alAsset will always be at or below the price of the revenue token.
286 This is currently a safe assumption since this imbalance has always held true for alUSD and alETH since their inceptions.
287 */
288 return
289 IPoolAdapter(poolAdapter).melt(
290 revenueToken,
291 tokenConfig.debtToken,
292 revenueTokenBalance,
293 revenueTokenBalance <<<--- Here IERC20(revenueToken).balanceOf(address(this)) is used as slippage protection.
294 );
295 }
Impact Details
RevenueHandler._melt is used to swap normal token to alAsset(for example: WETH->alETH), but the slippage protection is inaccurate. So the function is subject to sandwich attack.
Because there is no WETH/ALETH Curve pool onchain, I will use ETH/ALETH pool as example.
Add the following code in src/test/RevenueHandler.t.sol and run
FOUNDRY_PROFILE=default forge test --fork-url --fork-block-number 17133822 --mc RevenueHandlerTest --mt testSlippageIssue -vv
[⠊] Compiling...
No files changed, compilation skipped
Ran 1 test for src/test/RevenueHandler.t.sol:RevenueHandlerTest
[PASS] testSlippageIssue() (gas: 137715)
poolAdapter : 0xC4C319E2D4d66CcA4464C0c2B32c9Bd23ebe784e
aleth : 0x0100546F2cD4C9D97f798fFC9755E47865FF7Ee6
val : 1012512998195120273
Suite result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 4.42ms (231.43µs CPU time)
Ran 1 test suite in 1.34s (4.42ms CPU time): 1 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (1 total tests)
As we can see above, by using 1e18 weth, we can exchage 1012512998195120273 aleth. But if we set minimumAmountOut == inputAmount. Sandwich attack might happen