#37607 [SC-Low] bricking redeem function

#37607 [SC-Low] Bricking Redeem Function

Submitted on Dec 10th 2024 at 12:11:56 UTC by @Blockian for IOP | Fluid Protocol

  • Report ID: #37607

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Low

  • Target: https://github.com/Hydrogen-Labs/fluid-protocol/tree/main/contracts/protocol-manager-contract/src/main.sw

  • Impacts:

    • Protocol insolvency

    • Permanent freezing of funds


Fluid Bug Report

Bricking Redeem Functionality


A critical issue in the redeem_collateral function causes it to always revert, effectively preventing the redemption of USDF. This renders the redeem_collateral functionality inoperable under certain conditions.

Root Cause Analysis

The problem originates from the get_all_assets_info function. Specifically, when it attempts to populate the current borrower for a specific asset, it calls trove_manager.get_current_icr for the candidate current_borrower. If this call is made for a non-existent identity (e.g., null_identity_address), the function reverts.

This behavior occurs because trove_manager.get_current_icr tries to read from an uninitialized storage address, resulting in a revert in Sway. The chain of function calls leading to this issue is as follows:

  • trove_manager.get_current_icrinternal_get_current_icrinternal_get_entire_debt_and_collinternal_get_pending_asset_reward.

The problematic code snippet:

fn internal_get_pending_asset_reward(address: Identity) -> u64 {
    let snapshot_asset = storage.reward_snapshots.get(address).read().asset; // Reverts here
    // ...
    if (reward_per_unit_staked == 0
        || storage.troves.get(address).read().status != Status::Active) // Also a potential revert
        // ...

Why Does This Occur?

The get_all_assets_info function calls trove_manager.get_current_icr with the candidate current_borrower has an ICR lower than the MCR. In this case, the function fetches the previous borrower using sorted_troves.get_prev. If the previous borrower is null, it results in a revert.

Relevant code snippet:

fn get_all_assets_info() -> AssetInfo {
    // ...
    while (current_borrower != null_identity_address() && current_cr < MCR) {
        current_borrower = sorted_troves.get_prev(current_borrower, asset); // Returns null
        current_cr = trove_manager.get_current_icr(current_borrower, price); // Reverts here
    // ...

How Can This Occur?

This issue arises when all borrowers in a specific trove have an ICR below the MCR. This scenario can occur due to:

  • Sudden token price drops (e.g., rug pulls, de-pegging, or hacks).

  • Other events leading to a significant decrease in collateral value.

While the likelihood of this issue may seem low, the protocol's support for a wide variety of tokens—along with future additions—amplifies the probability of encountering such a situation over time.


The inability to call redeem_collateral disrupts the protocol's core functionality. A potential workaround could involve liquidating the entire trove. However, the protocol enforces a constraint (require_more_than_one_trove_in_system) that prevents liquidating all troves. As a result, the affected trove cannot be liquidated, leaving the redeem_collateral function effectively bricked.

Proposed Solution

Modify the behavior of trove_manager.get_current_icr to return u64::max when called for a non-existent trove. This change ensures the function handles edge cases gracefully, avoiding reverts in scenarios where borrowers or troves are invalid.

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

Run the following commands after applying the git diff:

forc test test_works_for_existing_trove --logs -> runs the control test

forc test test_reverts_for_non_existing_trove --logs -> run the test that fails

  1. Apply the git patch below:

diff --git a/contracts/trove-manager-contract/src/main.sw b/contracts/trove-manager-contract/src/main.sw
index 7e02245..dd93eaa 100644
--- a/contracts/trove-manager-contract/src/main.sw
+++ b/contracts/trove-manager-contract/src/main.sw
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ impl TroveManager for Contract {
     #[storage(read, write)]
     fn set_trove_status(id: Identity, status: Status) {
-        require_caller_is_borrow_operations_contract();
+        // require_caller_is_borrow_operations_contract();
         match storage.troves.get(id).try_read() {
             Some(trove) => {
                 let mut new_trove = trove;
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ impl TroveManager for Contract {
     #[storage(read, write)]
     fn update_stake_and_total_stakes(id: Identity) -> u64 {
-        require_caller_is_borrow_operations_contract();
+        // require_caller_is_borrow_operations_contract();
     #[storage(read, write)]
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ impl TroveManager for Contract {
     #[storage(read, write)]
     fn update_trove_reward_snapshots(id: Identity) {
-        require_caller_is_borrow_operations_contract();
+        // require_caller_is_borrow_operations_contract();
@@ -979,3 +979,24 @@ fn internal_update_system_snapshots_exclude_coll_remainder(coll_remainder: u64)
         .write(active_pool_coll - coll_remainder + liquidated_coll);
+fn test_reverts_for_non_existing_trove() {
+    let price = 3_000_000_000_000;
+    let caller = abi(TroveManager, CONTRACT_ID);
+    let icr = caller.get_current_icr(null_identity_address(), price);
+fn test_works_for_existing_trove() {
+    let price = 3_000_000_000_000;
+    let caller = abi(TroveManager, CONTRACT_ID);
+    caller.set_trove_status(null_identity_address(), Status::Active);
+    caller.update_trove_reward_snapshots(null_identity_address());
+    let _ = caller.update_stake_and_total_stakes(null_identity_address());
+    let icr = caller.get_current_icr(null_identity_address(), price);
\ No newline at end of file

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