31487 - [SC - Low] Wrong condition check on RevenueHandlerconstruc...

Submitted on May 20th 2024 at 10:34:10 UTC by @cryptonoob2k for Boost | Alchemix

Report ID: #31487

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low

Target: https://github.com/alchemix-finance/alchemix-v2-dao/blob/main/src/RevenueHandler.sol


  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



The RevenueHandler constructor performs a wrong condition check allowing to break BPS maximum value (10_000) implemented invariant and bypass maximum BPS value leading to set tresuary pct to arbitrary value so failing to fulfill expected restrictions set for example in RevenueHandler::setTreasuryPct

Vulnerability Details

The vulnerability exists in RevenueHandler::constructor because wrongly checks the contract treasuryPct variable instead of constructor parameter value:

constructor(address _veALCX, address _treasury, uint256 _treasuryPct) Ownable() {
    veALCX = _veALCX;
    require(_treasury != address(0), "treasury cannot be 0x0");
    treasury = _treasury; 
    require(treasuryPct <= BPS, "treasury pct too large"); //<@ Wrong check
    treasuryPct = _treasuryPct;

So parameter _treasuryPct coult be an arbitrary value , instead of maximum 10_000 value that is performed for eg in RevenueHandler::setTreasuryPct, and will be assigned as treasury pct.

Impact Details

The impact of this vulnerability includes:

  1. Bypass of maximum pct of treasury and breaking contract enviroment asumptions

Risk Breakdown

The vulnerability is fairly easy to exploit leading to breaking BPS invariant, but can only occour during constructor. Also, the setted value can be modified using RevenueHandler::setTreasuryPct method. Overall Risk Severity: Low Likelihood: Medium Impact: Low



Proof of Concept

To show the vulnerability Add this test on src/test/RevenueHandler.t.sol

    function testTreasuryPctLimitBypass() external {
        RevenueHandler revenueHandler2;
        revenueHandler2 = new RevenueHandler(address(veALCX),admin,12345678987654321);
        console.log("revenueHandler2.treasuryPct ",revenueHandler2.treasuryPct());

Run test with

reset ; forge compile  ; forge test --deny-warnings --fork-url https://rpc.ankr.com/eth --fork-block-number 17133822 --mt testTreasuryPctLimitBypass -vv

Observe revenueHandler2.treasuryPct is more than the intended max allowed (10_000) and bypass restriction checks implemented in RevenueHandler::setTreasuryPct

Last updated

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