Boost _ Folks Finance 33953 - [Smart Contract - Low] Calling process function will not revert even if two oracle nodes of the same type are used

Submitted on Fri Aug 02 2024 16:08:08 GMT-0400 (Atlantic Standard Time) by @bbl4de for Boost | Folks Finance

Report ID: #33953

Report type: Smart Contract

Report severity: Low



  • Contract fails to deliver promised returns, but doesn't lose value



The PriceDeviationSameOracleCircuitBreakerNode library is responsible to determine the price deviation of the prices provided by the two main oracle nodes AND ensure these oracles are not of the same type. Unfortunately, specifying three parent nodes for proper price deviation handling, the process() function from mentioned library fails to check the type of used oracles is not the same - failing to deliver promised results.

Vulnerability Details

When we ensure that we're safe from price deviation - by having the third price source in parentNodeOutputs ( at index 2 ):

if (percentageDifference > deviationTolerance) {
            if (parentNodeOutputs.length == 2) revert DeviationToleranceExceeded(percentageDifference);
            return parentNodeOutputs[2];

We simultaneously make the following check to NEVER evaluate to true, because parentNodeOutputs.length != 2 :

if (parentNodeOutputs.length == 2 && parentNodeOutputs[0].nodeType == parentNodeOutputs[1].nodeType) {
            revert SameOracle(parentNodeOutputs[0].nodeType);

Essentially skipping the same oracle type check.

Impact Details

It causes the oracle adapter to work in an unintended way, making it possible for the returned price to be from one of two oracles of the same type. This means that it fails to deliver promised results as it could mean two oracle nodes of the same type are used, increasing the risk of price manipulation and breaking price feed safety assurances of the protocol.


Proof of concept

Proof of Concept

To prove the node will not revert with SameOracle error when it should, make the following change to PriceDeviationSameOracleCircuitBreakerNode.test.ts:

  1. In the describe method "Contract methods" and it method "Should process correctly" test case, change the parentNodeIds to this, where two of the first nodes have the same type:

        parentNodeIds = [external22NodeId, external22NodeId, constant69NodeId];

link to this test:

  1. To run this test case individually add .only method to the it statement:

it.only("Should process correctly", async function () {
  1. Run the test with:

npm test

As we can see, when the price deviation is within bounds, the node does not revert even if the first two nodes are of the same type. To verify that it works also for two different nodes of the same type, change parentNodeIds to:

        parentNodeIds = [constant42NodeId, constant69NodeId, external22NodeId];

and check the last expect statement:

-        expect(nodeOutput.price).to.equal(externalNodePrice);
+        expect(nodeOutput.price).to.equal(constant42NodePrice);

and run the test again - it will also pass without reverting.

Last updated

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