The TWAP price calculation wrongly assumes that roundId is incremental which from chainlink docs is not ( ) .This assumption leads to the twap Price being wrong when a new aggregator is updated in chainlink which will in turn update the PhaseID
Vulnerability Details
The getTwapPrice function the chainlink node is used to get the Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP) given a particular twapTimeInterval .
functiongetTwapPrice(AggregatorV3Interface chainlink,uint80 latestRoundId,uint256 latestPrice,uint256 twapTimeInterval ) internalviewreturns (uint256 price) {uint256 priceSum = latestPrice;uint256 priceCount =1;uint256 startTime = block.timestamp - twapTimeInterval;/// @dev Iterate over the previous rounds until reaching a round that was updated before the start timewhile (latestRoundId >0) {try chainlink.getRoundData(--latestRoundId) returns (uint80,int256 answer,uint256,uint256 updatedAt,uint80 ) {if (updatedAt < startTime) {break; } priceSum += answer.toUint256(); priceCount++; } catch {break; } }return priceSum / priceCount; }
The problem is that getRoundData(--latestRoundId) decreases the latestRoundId , when the phaseId is which currently 6 is incremented to 7 . Then the first roundID of phaseid 7 will be the latestRoundID = (7 <<64 | 1).(from chainlink doc : ) This latestRoundID will greatly differ from phase 6 latestRoundID . Calling the getTwapPrice with the phaseID 7 latestRoundID , in the loop when --latestRoundID occurs chain link will return instead of reverting will return 0 as price and 0 as updated at . updatedAt which is zero will be less than startTime . this will break the loop and return the latestPrice as the TWAP price .
The poc shows transition from phaseId of 5 to 6 of ETH/USD of mainnet. and its effects
Impact Details
The flaw in the price if big enough can be exploited for functionalities that needs oracle to function
This POC shows an example with transition from phaseID 5 to 6 of ETH/USD Oracle of mainnet
import"../libForge/forge-std/src/Test.sol";import"../contracts/bridge/libraries/Messages.sol";import"@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";import"@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/math/SafeCast.sol";contracttestTwapisTest{usingSafeCastforint256;functionsetUp() publicvirtual { vm.createSelectFork(vm.envString("RPC_URL")); }/// @notice Calculates the Time-Weighted Average Price (TWAP) for a Chainlink feed from all the prices between the latest round and the latest round before the time interval./// @param chainlink The Chainlink aggregator contract./// @param latestRoundId The latest round ID./// @param latestPrice The latest price./// @param twapTimeInterval The TWAP time interval./// @return price The TWAP price.functiongetTwapPrice(AggregatorV3Interface chainlink,uint80 latestRoundId,uint256 latestPrice,uint256 twapTimeInterval,uint256 blockTimeStampOFtestTwap ) internalviewreturns (uint256 price) {uint256 priceSum = latestPrice;uint256 priceCount =1;uint256 startTime = blockTimeStampOFtestTwap - twapTimeInterval;/// @dev Iterate over the previous rounds until reaching a round that was updated before the start timewhile (latestRoundId >0) {try chainlink.getRoundData(--latestRoundId) returns (uint80,int256 answer,uint256,uint256 updatedAt,uint80 ) {if (updatedAt < startTime) {break; } priceSum += answer.toUint256(); priceCount++; } catch {break; } }return priceSum / priceCount; }/// the TWAP price calculation wrongly assumes that roundId is incremental which will lead to big wrong price diversion when the phaseID increments meaning a new aggregator/// was addedfunctiontestTwapPrice() public {//ETH/USD Chainlink Aggregator Mainnet AggregatorV3Interface chainlinkAggregator =AggregatorV3Interface(0x5f4eC3Df9cbd43714FE2740f5E3616155c5b8419); (uint80 roundId,int256 answer,,uint256 updatedAt, ) = chainlinkAggregator.latestRoundData();//chainlink has a PhaseID that is use to calculate the roundId and from the docs //phaseId = roundId >> 64; (uint80 roundId0,int256 answer0,,uint256 updatedAt0, )= chainlinkAggregator.getRoundData(uint80((5<<64|45034))); console.log("last roundId of phaseid 5:",roundId0);// note roundId0 ++ will also return 0,0,0 as datauint256 phaseID = roundId >>64; console.log("phaseID: ", phaseID);uint256 aggregatorRoundId = (roundId &0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF); console.log("aggregatorRoundId: ", aggregatorRoundId);uint256 firstRoundID_phase6 = (roundId - aggregatorRoundId) +1; console.log("firstRoundID_phase6:", firstRoundID_phase6);//suppose the twaptimeInterval is 2hours = 7200;//and the chainlinkAggregator just switch from phaseID 5 to 6 .//with latest roundId = firstRoundID_phase6 (uint80 roundId1,int256 answer1,,uint256 updatedAt1, ) = chainlinkAggregator.getRoundData(uint80(firstRoundID_phase6 )); console.log("answer1:",answer1.toUint256());uint256 priceTwap =getTwapPrice(chainlinkAggregator,roundId1,answer1.toUint256(),7200,updatedAt1 +20minutes); console.log("priceTwap:",priceTwap); }}