#37276 [SC-Medium] Redstone's price feed is used incorrectly.

Submitted on Dec 1st 2024 at 11:03:07 UTC by @jasonxiale for IOP | Fluid Protocol

  • Report ID: #37276

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Medium

  • Target: https://github.com/Hydrogen-Labs/fluid-protocol/tree/main/contracts/oracle-contract/src/main.sw

  • Impacts:

    • Direct theft of any user funds, whether at-rest or in-motion, other than unclaimed yield



In current implementation for oracle-contract.get_price, while function is_pyth_price_stale_or_outside_confidence return true in main.sw#L88, Redstone price feed will be used.

However there is a flaw when using Redstone price feed that might lead stale price being used.

Vulnerability Details

According to oracle-contract.get_price, when redstone is used, redstone.read_timestamp will be used as the price 's publish timestamp.

And redstone.read_timestamp will be checked against with current_time in main.sw#L107

The issue is that redstone.read_timestamp uses Unix timestamp, but Fule's timestamp function returns TAI64 format timestamp

 63 /// Get the TAI64 timestamp of a block at a given `block_height`.
 64 ///
 65 /// # Additional Information
 66 ///
 67 /// The TAI64 timestamp begins at 2^62 seconds before 1970, and ends at 2^62 seconds after 1970,
 68 /// with a TAI second defined as the duration of 9192631770 periods of the radiation corresponding
 69 /// to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium atom.
 70 ///
 71 /// # Arguments
 72 ///
 73 /// * `block_height`: [u32] - The height of the block to get the timestamp of.
 74 ///
 75 /// # Returns
 76 ///
 77 /// * [u64] - The TAI64 timestamp of the block at `block_height`.
 78 ///
 79 /// # Examples
 80 ///
 81 /// ```sway
 82 /// use std::block::timestamp_of_block;
 83 ///
 84 /// fn foo() {
 85 ///     let timestamp_of_block_100 = timestamp_of_block(100u32);
 86 ///     log(timestamp_of_block_100);
 87 /// }
 88 /// ```
 89 pub fn timestamp_of_block(block_height: u32) -> u64 {
 90     asm(timestamp, height: block_height) {
 91         time timestamp height;
 92         timestamp: u64
 93     }
 94 }

From above code, we can see that timestamp() returns [The TAI64 timestamp of the current block.] (https://github.com/FuelLabs/sway/blob/6d9065b8d762a39eb475562426a2d4ed17d92d00/sway-lib-std/src/block.sw#L47)

  1. According to redstone_adapter.read_timestamp, the function uses storage.timestamp as return value.

  2. And storage.timestamp is written by redstone_adapter.sw#L139 in redstone_adapter.overwrite_prices function.

  3. redstone_adapter.overwrite_prices is called by redstone_adapter.write_prices in redstone_adapter.sw#L96

  4. Now we'll check how timestamp is returned in redstone_adapter.sw#L95

  5. In redstone_adapter.process_payload, a config var is created with config.block_timestamp set to get_unix_timestamp() get_unix_timestamp() is defined as:

pub fn get_unix_timestamp() -> u64 {
    timestamp() - TAI64_UNIX_ADJUSTMENT

From here, we know that config.block_timestamp is UNIX time.

  1. Back to redstone_adapter.process_payload, in redstone_adapter.sw#L150, process_input is called, and process_input is defined in processor.process_input.

 28 pub fn process_input(bytes: Bytes, config: Config) -> (Vec<u256>, u64) {
 29     config.check_parameters();
 31     let payload = Payload::from_bytes(bytes);
 32     let timestamp = config.validate_timestamps(payload); <<<--- Here we only care timestamp
 34     let matrix = get_payload_result_matrix(payload, config);
 35     let results = get_feed_values(matrix, config);
 37     config.validate_signer_count(results);
 38     (results.aggregated(), timestamp)
 39 }
  1. In processor.sw#L32, timestamp is returned by config.validate_timestamps function.

  2. config.validate_timestamps is defined in config_validation.sw#L27-L43

 27     fn validate_timestamps(self, payload: Payload) -> u64 {
 28         let first_timestamp = payload.data_packages.get(0).unwrap().timestamp;
 29         validate_timestamp(first_timestamp, self.block_timestamp * 1000);
 42         first_timestamp
 43     }
  1. In config_validation.sw#L28-L29, the payload's timestamp and self.block_timestamp(which is UNIX timestamp) are passed to validate_timestamp function.

  2. According to validate_timestamp's implemention, we can get see that payload's timestamp in step9 should be UNIX timestamp format.

  7 pub fn validate_timestamp(timestamp: u64, block_timestamp: u64) {
  8     if (block_timestamp > timestamp) {
  9         require(
 10             block_timestamp - timestamp <= MAX_DATA_TIMESTAMP_DELAY_SECONDS * 1000,
 11             RedStoneError::TimestampOutOfRange((false, block_timestamp, timestamp)),
 12         );
 13     }
 15     if (timestamp > block_timestamp) {
 16         require(
 17             timestamp - block_timestamp <= MAX_DATA_TIMESTAMP_AHEAD_SECONDS * 1000,
 18             RedStoneError::TimestampOutOfRange((true, block_timestamp, timestamp)),
 19         );
 20     }
 21 }

Impact Details

As I described above, when is_pyth_price_stale_or_outside_confidence returns true, Redstone can't work as expected.


Add any relevant links to documentation or code

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

The following POC is used to demonstrate that when is_pyth_price_stale_or_outside_confidence returns true, Redstone's oracle will be used.

Please put the following patch in contracts/oracle-contract/tests/authorization.rs and run

cargo test test_get_price_pyth_from_redstone -- --nocapture
running 1 test
xxx_xxx redstone RedstoneCore { contract_id: Bech32ContractId { hrp: "fuel", hash: 6d4aa3cbdfd84bc2702b388838ecd680a0a63a7ae7701c28e5ac0e72ca33b36f }, account: WalletUnlocked { wallet: Wallet { address: Bech32Address { hrp: "fuel", hash: bdaad6a89e073e177895b3e5a9ccd15806749eda134a6438dae32fc5b6601f3f } }, private_key: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003 }, log_decoder: LogDecoder { log_formatters: {}, decoder_config: DecoderConfig { max_depth: 45, max_tokens: 10000 } }, encoder_config: EncoderConfig { max_depth: 45, max_tokens: 10000 } }
thread 'test_get_price_pyth_from_redstone' panicked at /opt/work/fluid-protocol/test-utils/src/interfaces/oracle.rs:54:14:
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Transaction(Reverted { reason: "ContractNotFound", revert_id: 0, receipts: [Call { id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, to: 265bda0cb99a723686a3db36b184e8b7282a6cc838420fec68fb74e082127ed5, amount: 0, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 10968, param1: 10480, param2: 10497, pc: 12408, is: 12408 }, Call { id: 265bda0cb99a723686a3db36b184e8b7282a6cc838420fec68fb74e082127ed5, to: 140a4d3150c6488998e120dbe24bafe9175a11be7a8e9c222ef93f0e59b0b7ad, amount: 0, asset_id: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, gas: 6998, param1: 67107264, param2: 67106240, pc: 62657, is: 62657 }, ReturnData { id: 140a4d3150c6488998e120dbe24bafe9175a11be7a8e9c222ef93f0e59b0b7ad, ptr: 67103680, len: 28, digest: e5be52b1788a3651027e1eacefe4fe7047f12dcb153688b2ed85aa5e292f6ec6, pc: 64693, is: 62657, data: Some(00000000000000000000000900...) }, Panic { id: 265bda0cb99a723686a3db36b184e8b7282a6cc838420fec68fb74e082127ed5, reason: PanicInstruction { reason: ContractNotFound, instruction: CALL { target_struct: 0x10, fwd_coins: 0x0, asset_id_addr: 0x11, fwd_gas: 0x12 } (bytes: 2d 40 04 52) }, pc: 46752, is: 12408, contract_id: None }, ScriptResult { result: Panic, gas_used: 10654 }] })
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
test test_get_price_pyth_from_redstone ... FAILED



test result: FAILED. 0 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 2 filtered out; finished in 1.88s

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--test authorization`

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