#39271 [SC-Insight] Check `numericAnswer` before external call to check answer is valid or not

Submitted on Jan 26th 2025 at 19:17:39 UTC by @iehnnkta for Audit Comp | Butter

  • Report ID: #39271

  • Report Type: Smart Contract

  • Report severity: Insight

  • Target: https://github.com/immunefi-team/audit-comp-butter-cfm-v1

  • Impacts:

    • Unbounded gas consumption


Vulnerability Detail

In the function FlatCFM::resolve, updates the payouts array, which further ne reported into the conditional token contract.

    function resolve() external {
        bytes32 answer = oracleAdapter.getAnswer(questionId);
        uint256[] memory payouts = new uint256[](outcomeCount + 1);
        uint256 numericAnswer = uint256(answer);

        //@audit - gas: numericAnswer is already typecasted answer. So check numericAnswer first to 0, such that there is no external call required if numericAnswer is 0 as oracle updater going to return false for answer if its uint is zero.
        if (oracleAdapter.isInvalid(answer) || numericAnswer == 0) {
            // 'Invalid' receives full payout
            payouts[outcomeCount] = 1;
        } else {
            // Each bit (i-th) in numericAnswer indicates if outcome i is 1 or 0
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < outcomeCount; i++) {
                payouts[i] = (numericAnswer >> i) & 1;
        conditionalTokens.reportPayouts(questionId, payouts);

Here as numericAnswer is already typecasted answer which is in bytes32. So instead of checking answer is invalid or not, it is highly recommended to check numericAnswer is zero or not. Because if numericAnswer is zero, function oracleAdapter::isInvalid function returns false, and then numericAnswer returns true. Which is waste of heavy amount of gas, the function making external call.

Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.25;

contract A {

    B oracleAdapter;

    constructor (address _b) {
        oracleAdapter = B(_b);

    function gasCheck() external view {
        bytes32 answer = bytes32(uint256(0));
        uint outcomeCount = 2; // let outcomeCount = 2 (yes or no)
        uint256[] memory payouts = new uint256[](outcomeCount + 1);
        uint256 numericAnswer = uint256(answer);

        if (numericAnswer == 0 || oracleAdapter.isInvalid(answer)) {
        // if (numericAnswer == 0 || oracleAdapter.isInvalid(answer)) {
            payouts[outcomeCount] = 1;
        } else {
            for (uint256 i = 0; i < outcomeCount; i++) {
                payouts[i] = (numericAnswer >> i) & 1;

contract B {
    function isInvalid(bytes32 answer) public pure returns (bool) {
        return (uint256(answer) ==

Now as you can see, same function I have recreated in the remix, to check the gas consumption of each case, i.e., numericAnswer is being cheked first and last. In attached images also,

  1. we can see that when numericAnswer checked first before checking answer is invalid outcome or nor results in -- 653 gas.

  2. Similarly when numericAnswer checked after answer is invalid or not resluts in -- 6526 gas

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